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Keywords: human-centered design, footwear, small business, niche marketing, practice theory, extra value, personal approach.

In my Bachelor’s thesis „Design product marketing in the case of Stuudio Nahk“ I studied the development of a small footwear design business and the complexes of practices that stand out. Analysis was based on the case of Stuudio Nahk. Participatory reseach and interview methods were used.

In the first chapter I gave a theoretical overview of design, its related problems and design’s position in Estonia. In addition I addressed different concepts related to design and the marketing of design. It is possible to view design as a process and also as a result, but in both ways it is connected with everyday practices. When it comes to design only effective looks are not enough, functionality is as important. Therefore more and more attention is payed to creating extra value.

Design acts as communication itself, it is the message as well as the medium. But in order to reach suggested target market, companies have to find the most suitable channels for marketing their products. While user-oriented approach is important in design, it should be taken into account in marketing as well. Therefore concepts of niche marketing and relationship marketing are considered the most suitable for marketing design. Those concepts allow to create client-oriented culture, in which the client is offered the complete solution.

Internet is one of the most important channels today, so using it is inevitable. Though personal interaction is seen as a great advantage and extra-value, it is important to offer pleasant buying and communication experience via Internet as well.

In Estonia design field is closely connected with handcraft, because lots of Estonian designers make their products by hand. In general there are micro-enterprises with low production capabilities. In micro-enterprise marketing it might become a problem that clients equalize the designer and the product, so designer’s name and competence is what is really marketed. That might cause conflict between the creative and commercial (sales) sides.


As the study showed, practices concerning the business are largely influenced by the designer’s beliefs and attitudes. Besides the creativity, sales and educating the consumers is emphasised. Low production capacity and gaining the trust of the consumers present difficulties for the company in the beginning. The research also showed that a starting small company might keep low profile because it is afraid of over exposure. Also they might be uncertain in defining themselves. Some words and concepts are conciously avoided, but at the same time it is not easy to express the company’s value and character in words.

The involvment of specialists is clearly important, especially in the production of products with heath-related extra value. Consumers are involved through market research and given feedback. However, the smallness and flexibility of the company allow to approach customers individually.

Considering the analysed case, different practices are closely conncted and influence one-another. Because of finacial considerations only sample products are produced. Other products are made upon request. It also affects marketing – simple, high-quality and cost effective solutions are used and they invest in human capital. Production and design practices and marketing practices are also conncted. Usually is design itself used as communication and therefore the visual side of marketing materials is more important than the textual side.


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