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This paper dealt with the emergence of COVID-19 and investigated how the development of the disease in Germany can be ex-post simulated by applying a combination of the basic and an extended SIRDH model. We summarized the development of the COVID-19 crisis and presented key characteristics of SARS-CoV-2. In a very stylized but helpful setting, we distinguished three different phases. The first phase refers to the pre-lockdown stage characterized by exponential growth. The second phase corresponds to the time between March and May 2020 in which the German government controlled the infection process by implementing various non-pharmaceutical interventions leading to a nationwide lockdown.

Finally, the third post-lockdown stage describes the gradual relaxation of restrictions which led to a revival of the virus in late Summer/Autumn 2020. This time structure laid the foundation for our design of the epidemiological model.

Based on Fernández-Villaverde & Jones (2020), we first simulated the SIRDH model using time-invariant transition rates. The results serve as a “what if” analysis and show that without any behavioral or governmental interventions, a spread of COVID-19 would potentially lead to

0 50.000 100.000 150.000 200.000 250.000 300.000 350.000

Model Data

23 several millions of infections, at the same time accompanied by hundreds of thousands of deaths.

The findings are in line with the results of Flaxman et al. (2020) who estimate that over 500,000 Germans could have died by May 2020, if the spread of the virus would not have been suppressed by social distancing policies. These results are backed up by Ferguson et al. (2020) who calculate similar death numbers for the UK and the US and state that intensive care unit capacities would not have been enough, if the virus would have spread rapidly through the population. Such estimations are only hypothetical, and our results need to be interpreted with caution. However, they serve as a benchmark to show the potential unfolding dynamics of COVID-19.

To include a decreasing case fatality rate, observed during the post-lockdown period, and to account for the fact that the German government imposed several social distancing policies to fight the spread of the virus, the SIRDH model was modified with respect to time-dependent infection and mortality rates. The use of a first constant, then decreasing, and finally increasing infection rate allowed us to model the pandemic in Germany regarding daily new and total infections and deaths quite accurate.

An interesting extension of our approach would be to include a cosine function in order to allow for oscillating infection rates. Such an approach is for example used to account for seasonality effects of other infectious diseases such as measles (Chen & Epureanu, 2017) or influenza (Dushoff et al., 2004) and is also applied to model the current COVID-19 pandemic (Neher et al., 2020). Furthermore, we assumed that individuals acquire permanent immunity after an infection. While we showed that this rationale can unproblematically be used to reconstruct the development of the first and second corona waves in 2020, it remains to be seen whether this assumption is also valid in the long run. The study by To et al. (2020) has confirmed that it is possible to be infected again after being exposed to the virus. If this turns out to be a regular pattern, it will be necessary to further extend our SIRDH version to a SIRDHS version, in which infected individuals lose their immunity after a certain period of time and move back to the susceptible state S (see, e.g. Hethcote (2008)).

These alternatives may become increasingly important when no effective vaccine will be developed and distributed in the near future. However, during the final editing of this paper, it has become known that effective vaccination is very likely to be available in the first half of 2021. Let us hope the best.



Calibrated Values for the Variables and Parameters


Total Population N 83.783.942 Worldometer (2020)

Initial Conditions for the Variables

Susceptible S(0) 83.783.941 = N-I(0)-R(0)-H(0)-D(0)

Infected I(0) 1 JHU CSSE (2020)

Removed R(0) 0

Healthy H(0) 0

Dead D(0) 0

Fixed Parameter Values

Duration of Infectivity 10 days

He et al. (2020, p. 672),

Lockdown Parameter 𝑘𝑘1 0.15

Lockdown Date 𝑙𝑙 54 21.03.2020


Infection Rate 𝛽𝛽2 0.14

Lifting Parameter 𝑘𝑘2 0.014

Lifting Date 𝑚𝑚 105 11.05.2020

Mortality Parameter 𝑘𝑘3 0.03



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