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Im Dokument Knowledge Graphs (Seite 31-37)

We have given a comprehensive introduction to knowledge graphs. Defining a knowledge graph as a graph of data intended to accumulate and convey knowledge of the real world, whose nodes represent entities of interest and whose edges represent potentially different relations between these entities, we have discussed models by which data can be structured, queried, and validated as graphs; we also discussed techniques for leveraging deductive and inductive knowledge over graphs.

Knowledge graphs serve as a common substrate of knowledge within an organisation or com-munity, enabling the representation, accumulation, curation, and dissemination of knowledge over time [95]. In this role, knowledge graphs have been applied for diverse use-cases, ranging from commercial applications—involving semantic search, user recommendations, conversational agents, targeted advertising, transport automation, and so on—to open knowledge graphs made available for the public good [57]. General trends include: (1) the use of knowledge graphs to inte-grate and leverage data from diverse sources at large scale; and (2) the combination of deductive (rules, ontologies, etc.) and inductive techniques (machine learning, analytics, etc.) to represent and accumulate knowledge.

Future directions.Research on knowledge graphs can become a confluence of techniques from different areas with the common objective of maximising the knowledge—and thus value—that can be distilled from diverse sources at large scale using a graph-based data abstraction [56].

Particularly interesting topics for knowledge graphs arise from the intersections of areas. In the intersection of data graphs and deductive knowledge, we emphasise emerging topics such as formal semantics for property graphs, with languages that can take into account the meaning of la-bels and property–value pairs on nodes and edges [74]; andreasoning and querying over contextual data, to derive conclusions and results valid in a particular setting [58,120,156]. In the intersec-tion of data graphs and inductive knowledge, we highlight topics such assimilarity-based query relaxation, allowing to find approximate answers to exact queries based on numerical representa-tions (e.g., embeddings) [139];shape induction, to extract and formalise inherent patterns in the

knowledge graph as constraints [82]; andcontextual knowledge graph embeddingsthat provide nu-meric representations of nodes and edges that vary with time, place, and so on [67,154]. Finally, in the intersection of deductive and inductive knowledge, we mention the topics ofentailment-aware knowledge graph embeddings[28,43], which incorporate rules and/or ontologies when computing plausibility;expressive graph neural networksproven capable of complex classification analogous to expressive ontology languages [11]; as well as further advances onrule and axiom mining, al-lowing to extract symbolic, deductive representations from the knowledge graphs [20,37].

Aside from specific topics, more general challenges for knowledge graphs includescalability, particularly for deductive and inductive reasoning;quality, not only in terms of data, but also the models induced from knowledge graphs;diversity, such as managing contextual or multi-modal data;dynamicity, considering temporal or streaming data; and finally,usability, which is key to in-creasing adoption. Though techniques are continuously being proposed to address precisely these challenges, they are unlikely to ever be completely “solved”; rather, they serve as dimensions along which knowledge graphs, and their techniques, tools, and so on, will continue to mature.

Extended version and online material:We refer to the extended version [57] for discussion of further topics relating to knowledge graphs and formal definitions. We provide concrete examples relating to the article in the following repository:https://github.com/knowledge-graphs-tutorial/



We thank the organisers and attendees of the Dagstuhl Seminar on “Knowledge Graphs” and those who provided feedback on this article.


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Received April 2020; revised December 2020; accepted January 2021

Im Dokument Knowledge Graphs (Seite 31-37)