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Current status: area planted with sugar beet in the period 2007-2015, ranging from 18 000 ha in 2011 (when, because of unfavorable conditions for the period under review recorded minimum) to 31 000 ha in 2014, year in which obtained the highest average production per hectare 43.7 t/ha, which may be explained by better use of technology and more efficient use of land suitable for this crop. Romania financial support for sugar beet tends to keep them in culture in order to achieve the quota allocated to Romania. Through this support farmers incentive for maintaining and expanding cultivated areas, given that 2017 will be eliminated quotas on sugar. Currently, the consumption need of Romania is about 500,000 tons of sugar / year (1). Reducing the production of sugar beet due to favorable raw sugar import could not be offset by increased subsidies per hectare beet cultivation. Foreign trade in sugar is characterized by negative trade balance, since Romania is a net importer of raw sugar and white sugar. An agricultural policy measure were intended to expand areas under sugar beet, but has not succeeded relaunching this culture. Romania imports still mostly of the need for sugar. Coupled support for growing sugar beet growers are given rice farmers active, showing evidence proving commercialization of a minimum yield of 26,400 kg / ha (art. 50 of Decree 619/2015). Area planted with sugar beet in 2015 was 29,300 hectares.

Table no. 5:Influence of the coupled support on sugar beet culture profitability


Sugar beet 40 t/ha Sugar beet 70 t/ha

A. PRODUCTION VALUE lei 6600.0 11550.0

A1. Of which the main production lei 6600.0 11550.0

B (+) SUBSIDIES lei 4270.6 4270.6

C (=)THE CRUDE PRODUCT lei 10870.6 15820.6

D (-) TOTAL COSTS lei 6407.8 7483.4

D1. Of which for the main production lei 6407.8 7483.4

I. VARIABILE COSTS lei 6100.0 6738.8

II. FIXED COSTS lei 307.8 744.6

E. (=)TAXABLE INCOME lei 192.2 4066.6

(-) Taxes lei 30.8 650.7

F. (=) NET INCOME lei 161.5 3415.9

F.1 (=) NET INCOME + total subsidy lei 4432.0 7686.5

F.2 (=)NET INCOME + notified subsidy lei 3698.5 6952.9

F.3 (=)NET INCOME + awarded subsidy lei 2861.5 6115.9

F.4 (=)NET INCOME + direct payments lei 895.0 4149.5

G. RATE OF TAXABLE INCOME (%) % 3.0 54.3

H. RATE OF NET INCOME (%) % 2.5 45.6

H.1 RATE OF NET INCOME + total subsidy (%) % 69.2 102.7

H.2 RATE OF NET INCOME + notified subsidy (%) % 57.7 92.9

H.3 RATE OF NET INCOME + awarded subsidy (%) % 44.7 81.7

H.4 RATE OF NET INCOME + direct payments (%) % 14.0 55.4

COST OF PRODUCTION lei/to 160.2 106,9

PREDICTABLE PRICE OF INTERNAL MARKET lei/to 165.0 165.0 Source: Own calculations

Culture sugar beet production at two levels, 40 t/ha and 70 t/ha rate has a net income of between 2.5% and 45.6% (table no. 6). Explaining the action and to accurately assess the physical volume of production of hemp (40 t/ha and 70 t/ha) on gross income can be considered as economically positive.

Where are taken into account and support schemes, the rate of return cultural changes, as follows:

- Rate of net income + total subsidy: it is estimated a rate of return of between 69.2% and 102.7% share of total support (4,270.5 lei/ha / 949,0161euro/ha) Net income (between 4,432.0 lei/ha and 7,686.5 lei/ha) was 96.4% for the production of 40 t/ha and 55.6% for the production of 70 t/ha%; Option 1: + Direct payments coupled support (163,0161 euro + 786 euro = 941,0161 euro/ha);

- Rate of net income + notified subsidy: a rate of return is estimated between 57.7% and 92.9% share of support (3,537 lei/ha / 786 euro/ha) in net income (between 3,698.5 lei/ha and 6,952.9 lei/ ha) was 78.9% for the production of 40 t/ha and 46% for the production of 70 t/ha%; Option 2: The support (786 euro/ha);

- Rate of net income + awarded subsidy: it is estimated a rate of return of between 44.7% and 81.7% share of support notified (2,700 lei/ha / 600 euro/ha) in net income (between 2,861.5 lei/ha and 6,115.9 lei/ ha) was 60.9% for the production of 40 t/ha and 35.1% for the production of 70 t/ha%; Option 3: Support notified (600 euro/ha);

- Rate of net income + direct payment rate: it is estimated a rate of return between 14% and 55.4%, the share of direct payments (733,5725 lei/ha / 163,0161 euro/ha) in net income (between 895.0 lei/ha , and ROL 4149.5 / ha) was 16.6% for the production of 40 t/ha and 9.5% for the production of 70 t/ha%; Option 4: direct payments (163,0161 euro/ha = 79,7392 EUR / ha - SAPS + 5 euro/ha payment redistributive + 59.1277 euro/ha - payment greening + 19.1492 ANT);

- Taxable income rate: it is estimated taxable income rate between 3% (895.0 lei/ha) and 54.3% (4,149.5 lei/ha), sugar beet crop, the production level of 40 t/ha, It has a lower return.

Conclusion: the support coupled for hop culture worth 949,0161euro/ha, who is conditioned by a minimum yield level of 26,400 kg / ha, will help maintain and expand the area under sugar beet.


Agricultural policy measures applied in Romania aimed, on one hand, to maintaining production at the current level in order to ensure food security, and on the other hand, to

income support for farmers. Coupled support scheme, subject to obtaining certain production levels that will apply during the period 2015-2020 in the vegetable sector provides crop profitability analysis (as demonstrated) and will contribute to:

- Reducing imports of vegetable proteins and ensuring quality feed for the livestock sector (soybean);

- Re-launch domestic production of plant fibers (hemp);

- Increased raw material provenance insurance industry of local beer (hops);

- Maintaining and expanding cultivated areas (rice, sugar).


1. Elena Toma (2010), Agricultura României în procesul de integrare europeană. Evaluări și prognoze, Editura ARS Academica.

2. Ana Ursu, Elena Cofas (2016), “Research on forms of financial support for producers in Romanian agriculture. Case study: 2011-2015”

3. L. Zahiu, E. Toma, A. Dachin, C Alexandri (2010) “Agricultura in Economia Romaniei – între asteptari si realitati”, Editura Ceres, Bucuresti 2010.

4. C Alexandri, L. Luca (2009) “Finantarea agriculturii romanesti dupa aderare”, Editura ARS Academica.

5. APIA (2016) “Ghid pentru solicitanţii de plăţi directe şi ajutoare naţionale tranzitorii în sectorul vegetal Campania 2016 - Versiunea 1. 0

6. MADR (2015) - Ministerul Agriculturii şi Dezvoltării Rurale –“Ordinul nr. 619/2015 pentru aprobarea criteriilor de eligibilitate, condiţiilor specifice şi a modului de implementare a schemelor de plăţi prevăzute la art. 1 alin. (2) şi (3) din Ordonanţa de urgenţă a Guvernului nr. 3/2015 pentru aprobarea schemelor de plăţi care se aplică în agricultură în perioada 2015-2020 şi pentru modificarea art. 2 din Legea nr. 36/1991 privind societăţile agricole şi alte forme de asociere în agricultură, precum şi a

condiţiilor specifice de implementare pentru măsurile compensatorii de dezvoltare rurală aplicabile pe terenurile agricole, prevăzute în Programul Naţional de Dezvoltare Rurală 2014-2020”

7. http://agrointel.ro/28591/sprijin-cuplat-in-sectorul-vegetal-in-2015