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Next Steps and Future Work

Conclusion and Future Work

7.2 Next Steps and Future Work

Although this thesis reports on a completed system and a completed evaluation, the findings have inspired a host of new ideas for follow-up research. The new ideas and planned future research steps can be divided into three groups: im-provement of the recall value, boosting the precision value, and further potential applications of theDARE framework.

7.2.1 Improvement of Recall Data Property

As discussed above, the data property is a very relevant factor for DARE system performance. The management succession domain has a relatively low recall suffering from poor redundancy: nearly all events are just mentioned once, since the data is from a single newspaper, namely, the New York Times.

In Xu and Uszkoreit (2007) and Uszkoreit (2007), several strategies have been proposed to circumvent the bad data property problem.

A general and direct approach is to utilize the web to increase redundancy, as also independently proposed by Blohm and Cimiano (2007).

Another strategy is to enlarge the domain or utilize some prominent sibling domains as carrier domains. This requires the modelling of relevant ontological relationships between different domains. For example, the Pulitzer Prize award domain belongs to the Prize award domain, having the Nobel Prize award as its prominent sibling domain. The experiments reported in Section 6.7 show that the Nobel Prize patterns are general enough to help discover Pulitzer Prizes and prizes for musicians.

A further option is to make use of the compositional property of the DARE rule representation. The target relation can be broken down into a group of

7.2 Next Steps and Future Work 142 projections. The DARE system can learn projection rules that are available in other domains with suitable and better data properties. An additional rule generation component can be developed to construct relation rules on top of the projection rules. Rule Generalization

Table 6.13 (p. 124) reported that 83% of the learned pattern rules are useless.

Most of them are too specific to apply to new texts. This means that there is a great potential for improving the rule induction and generalization method.

We plan to apply generalization methods at various levels, such as lexical as well as syntactic. Discourse Analysis

A great research challenge is the integration of discourse analysis into the DARE framework. In the current system setup, only relation instances at the sentence level have been considered. A potential solution is to learn dis-course level DARE rules from general discourse analysis results.

7.2.2 Boosting Precision

The analysis in Section 6.6 has identified four error sources for bad instances:

wrong content, modality denying and weakening of truth value, wrong NLP analysis and bad rules.

A scientifically exciting topic is the learning of negative rules from negative examples. We assume that there will be two groups of negative rules: domain independent and domain specific. Negative rules describing the modality scopes can be domain independent and reusable for all relation extraction tasks. The domain specific rules will include rules detecting wrong relations, for example, the rules headed by the verb “nominate” in the Nobel Prize award domain.

This experiment can reduce errors caused by wrong modalities and bad rules.

In our experiment, most errors stemmed from an incorrect NLP analysis. In ini-tial experiments we have already started to extend our NLP analysis with some

Conclusion and Future Work 143 high-precision deep NLP systems. We plan to extract patterns from RMRS with extended ERG (Copestake and Flickinger (2000), Copestake (2003), Zhang and Kordoni (2006) and Zhang et al. (2007)). Our first experiment yields relatively promising results, namely, 80% coverage for the Nobel Prize domain sentences and 61% for the management succession sentences1. It is important for us to study the overlap between the coverage of ERG and that of other relatively deep dependency parsers, and to assess the degree of the quality improvement provided by ERG. The robust dependency parsers can serve as baseline systems for dealing with sentences not covered by ERG. Furthermore, we will investigate

the complexity of semantic relations in comparison to the depth of the general semantic representations,

the influence of the local and non-local linguistic relations on the pattern rules and their projections,

the discovery and development of mapping strategies between linguistic and semantic, in the sense of ontological, relations, with special focus on cases of ambiguity and underspecification.

7.2.3 Potential Applications

The experiments with two different domains have helped us gain valuable in-sights into the potential and the limitations of theDARE framework. In future research, we plan to apply DARE to more domains and even more complex tasks such as opinion mining or sentiment analysis. Therefore, the integration of discourse analysis and modality aspects will be necessary steps to prepare for these future applications.

We believe that the potential of our bootstrapping method for further appli-cation domains is large. We will conduct additional case studies and careful analysis of their respective performance, in order to arrive at convincing cri-teria that enable us to predict which combination of methods would be most useful for which tasks.

1The experiment is conducted by Yi Zhang, a colleague in the Computational Linguistics department at Saarland University

7.2 Next Steps and Future Work 144


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