• Keine Ergebnisse gefunden

Another potential of PIDs is to establish a central index enabling the search for research datasets.

This means that PIDs systems have the potential to create a ”Google” for research datasets. This aspect was indicated in Section 3.2.7. Within the data-management group of the GWDG, there are currently efforts to provision a graph database with information gathered from the databases of the provided Handle servers. This is realized by a special mirror Handle server, which retrieves Handle Records from different primary Handle servers. The difference between this special and a regular mirror Handle server is based on the attached database: As already mentioned, the Handle server natively only supports the attachment of a Berkeley DB or a SQL database. The special mirror Handle server was been extended to also support a graphs database enabling complex queries on Handle Records. Currently this only considers databases of Handle servers provided by GWDG.

Further research is required to establish a global search service on top of various Handle servers provided by various Handle-based PID system providers.

In the context of our performance analysis approach, we have only considered a multi-tier system wherein the individual tiers offer a single operation. Therefore, future work is necessary to inves-tigate systems, which offer a diverse set of operations. Our approach can also be considered as an methodology, which emphasizes on the analysis of the load distribution within a specific group of multi-tier systems. The applicability on a broader group of multi-tier systems requires a respec-tive analysis of the load distribution within such systems. After determining the asymptotic load distribution behavior, it is possible to derive estimation formulas, which can be used in practical situations to understand a system’s behavior and to apply according measures to optimize it. Fi-nally, this means, that our approach provides a fundamental base for further research of multi-tier systems, which is based on a system’s asymptotic load distribution behavior.

Furthermore, our bulk registration operation extension is only focused on the message transmis-sion aspect between a client/application and a Handle server. In the current implementation of our extended Handle server, the Handle Records transmitted with the new bulk operation are processed iteratively and committed in a single transaction within the Handle server. With the original single registration operation, each Handle Record is first processed separately and more importantly also committed individually causing a high overhead for increasing concurrency levels. We assume that further research can reveal an improved processing algorithm for our new bulk operation within the Handle server, which can lead to a further throughput increase. One idea would be that the received batch of Handle Records (via the new bulk interface), are processed in parallel but (again) committed in a single transaction. This is can be especially useful for the two transactional steps, in which first, the replication system is provisioned and second, the Handle Records are written to the attached database (cf. Figure 5.15). The result would be that in each of these two steps, the data insert time would be decreased, while the commit time would basically stay the same as for the initial version of our bulk operation. The ultimate result would be an additional increase of the throughput. In contrast to the original single registration operation, the parallel processing of the batch would not require a synchronization mechanism.

In addition, with the recent versions (>8.0) of the Handle server implementation, it is possible to compose a multi-primary setup consisting of a numberMM>1 of primary Handle servers. This opens a further possibility two improve the performance for Handle-PID record administration, especially in conjunction with our bulk operation. This can be realized with a special algorithm, which first, efficiently groups numerous Handle Records into multiple batches of a certain size and secondly, distributes these groups via the new bulk operation onto the multiple primary Han-dle servers. We expect a throughput speedup of factorMMwith this setup.

As already indicated in Section 6.4.4, further research is also required to deduce a more gen-eral transformation algorithm which maps gengen-eral Handle-PID identifier strings into DNS domain names.

Due to the huge number of globally distributed DNS proxy resolvers, it is often reasonable to consider the location of the proxy resolver as be to representative for the requesting application.

This can be used to enable an efficient selection among a set of geographically distributed redun-dant datasets. Since, the number of Handle Records which include multiple locators is increasing, our DNS-based Handle-PID resolution can therefore also be used to determine the ”best” copy of an individual dataset. This requires further elaboration in the software of the Handle servers:

A Handle server, receiving a resolution request for a certain Handle-PID at its DNS interface, can use the IP-addresses of the locators of the corresponding Handle Record together with the IP-address of the requestor (DNS proxy resolver) to initiate a special algorithm, which selects the

”best” locator. The simplest form of such a special algorithm can be based on a simple lookup for the originating countries or continents of the IP-addresses at a special IP-address database such as [117]. This would enable PIDs in conjunction with DNS proxy resolvers to provide an efficient data consumption in addition to persistent access and identification.

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