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Im Dokument USER~S MANUAL (Seite 108-111)

will display the current assignment. On the other hand, the command may also be of the form


Lx= Ty[P or Uj [LD-MDj

which would assign logical drive x to become Type y. x and y can be numbers from 0 through 9, and T can be N for None, F for Floppy, H for Hard, 0 for Other, or R for RAM Disk. (There can only be one RAM disk.) Multiple assignments can be made on one line.

There are two options which can be specified, as shown in brackets above. First, any assignment can be followed by the letter P to write-protect that drive, or U to un-protect the drive. Second, the syntax LD


MD would cause DRIVE to set the MAXDRV variable equal to the last drive number currently in use, if it is not already so set.

For example, after the command


floppy drive 0 would become logical drive 0, hard drive 0 would become logical drive 1 (and write-protected), and logical drive 2 would be disabled. Furthermore, MAXDRV would be set to 1, assuming that there were no other active drives (set via earlier DRIVE statements or by default.)

One physical drive cannot be assigned two logical drive numbers; if you attempt to do so, DRIVE will print an error message and ignore the entire command.

Although DRIVE can be useful with floppy drives, its main use comes with hard (Winchester) disks, for it allows a hard disk to be used as logical drive 0; this is especially useful when SK*DOS is booted from a hard disk rather than a floppy. It is also essential in systems where a hard disk is partitioned into two or more 'partitions'; it then allows any combination of disk partitions to be assigned logical drive numbers, and also allows some of them to be write -protected. (If you have a hard disk, then see the HDFORMAT description for further information on hard disk partitions.)



EDLIN is a simple line editor for generating or modifying text fIles. It is not intended as a replacement for a full screen editor or word processing program; rather, it is designed to perform simple editing functions for users who do not have a more complex editor program.

In keeping with its simplicity, EDLIN has several limitations. It cannot handle a line longer than 79 characters, and it is limited to working with text fIles which fIt wholly into memory. This may be a problem if you only have a few K of free memory, but should not be a limitation in most 68K systems. It does not provide a full screen display, but limits you to working with one line at a time.

EDLIN is called with the command



where the < flie-spec > is the name of the me to be generated or modifIed. If not specified, the extension defaults to .TXT. If the fde already exists, it will be read into EDLIN's memory and can then be edited. When you exit, EDLIN will rename the old rde to an extension of .BAK (deleting an old .BAK tile if it exists), and rewrite the new me with the same name as the old.

EDLIN is a line editor. That is, it works on lines of text. Each line of the rde has a line number; these numbers are dynamic in the sense that they automatically change as new lines are added or deleted. Each time a line is printed out, its current number is printed with a colon at the left, as in


At any time, you work on a so-called cu"ent line, which is your base of operations. You can move up or down from that line, but many operations can only be performed on this one current line.

EDLIN has two operating modes: 'command' mode and 'insert line' mode. In command mode, its prompt is a # sign, often followed by the current line number; in insert mode, its prompt is an = sign.

The command mode supports one-character editing commands such as P for Print or I for Insert. Such commands can be preceded by a line number if you wish to change to a different current line. For example, the command lOP would tell EDLIN to go to line 10 and then print it. (Do not insert a space between a command letter and any of the arguments before or after it.)

The following EDLIN commands can be used:

C - Change a string on current line

The letter C is followed by a delimiter, the old string, the same delimiter, the new string, and the same delimiter. Any character can serve as the delimiter. For example, the command lOC/Hence/Thus/ would go to line 10 and then change Hence to Thus. The command may optionally be followed by an asterisk, as in lOC/Hence/Thus/*, which makes the command a global command, changing all occurrences of Hence to Thus from the current line down to the end of the me.

D - Delete the current line

This command deletes the current line, and renumbers all of the following lines.


F - Find a


below current line

The letter F is followed by a delimiter, the string to be found, and the same delimiter, as in F /this string/. The command may optionally be followed by an asterisk, as in F /this string/*, which makes the command a global command; it will then display every line from the current line down to the end of the me containing the specified string.

G - Go to a line

The G command is used to go to a new curtent line. It is followed by one of the following: line number, as in G20;

the letter T to go to the top of the me; or the letter B, as in GB, to go to the bottom.

I - Insert a new line after the current line

Use the I command to insert one or more new lines after the current line by typing in an I and a carriage return (or enter). The prompt will now switch to an


sign, and you can enter one or more new lines. To switch from enter mode back to command mode, type a # sign at the beginning of a new line.

P - Print

The P command prints one or more lines, beginning at the current line. It may be followed by one of several arguments, as in these examples:

P Prints the current line

P 5 Prints 5 lines beginning with the current line P# 5 Prints from the current line down to line number 5 P ! Prints from the current line to the bottom of the me Q -Quit without saving

The Q command exits back to SK*DOS without saving any text on the disk, and is used primarily if you wish to abandon all the work you have edited.

S - Save and then exit to SK*DOS

The S command saves the current text to the disk and then returns to SK*DOS. If, as explained above, EDLIN is modifying an existing rue, then·it renames the old rue to .BAK before saving the new text.

? - Print a help message

Prints a brief summary of EDLIN commands.




FIND may be used to fmd specific occurrences of a string within a text ftIe. The syntax is


<file-speC> <search string>

For example, the command

Im Dokument USER~S MANUAL (Seite 108-111)