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Here, I will give a very brief tutorial on usingSigPyProcinteractively in the IPython5 shell. The examples below use SigPyProc0.1.2, Python 2.7.3 and IPython 0.12.1.



SigPyProc 135 A.2.1 Opening a filterbank file

Below, I give and example of how to load a filterbank file intoSigPyProc.

In [1]: from SigPyProc.Readers import load

In [2]: myFil = load("tutorial.fil")

Initially we must import a method or function which allows us to access a filterbank file. In this case I use the load function, which is a convenience function for loading all data types with standard file extensions (i.e. .dat, .tim, .fil, .fft, etc.). Next we create an object representing our filterbank file. In the above example, I have named this ‘myFil’. This object currently contains all observational metadata, stored in the form of attributes. For example:

In [4]: myFil.nsamples Out[4]: 187520

In [5]: myFil.nchans Out[5]: 64

We may also obtain a brief summary of the file by typing the name of the object:

In [22]: myFil Out[22]:

<class ‘SigPyProc.BaseData.BaseData’>

basename : tutorial

data_type : Filterbank file

fch1 (MHz) : 1510.0

filelen : 3000564

filename : tutorial.fil

foff (MHz) : -1.09

hdrlen : 244

machine_id : FAKE

nbits : 2

nbytes : 3000320

nchans : 64

nifs : 1

nsamples : 187520

source_name : P250_DM30

SigPyProc 136

telescope_id : Fake

tsamp (s) : 0.00032

tstart (MJD) : 50000.0

TheSigPyProc.BaseData.BaseDataclass (of which ‘myFil’ is an instance), contains several methods for the manipulation of the filterbank file. For example;

• dedisperse

De-disperse the observation to a given DM.

• downsample

Downsample the filterbank file in time and/or frequency.

• fold

Phase-fold the filterbank file at a given period, DM and acceleration.

• getChan

Select a single frequency channel from the filterbank file.

• readBlock

Return a section of the observation as a 2-D array.

Below, we will take a closer look at the output of the dedispersemethod.

A.2.2 De-dispersing a filterbank file

The first thing we will want to do before de-dispersing our file, is to set the number of threads available to OpenMP. To do this we use thesetNthreads method. Although this step is not required, it will significantly improve the speed of the de-dispersion.

In [5]: myFil.setNthreads(2)

All methods available to ‘myFil’ that use OpenMP, will now have access to two CPU threads. Having set the number of threads, we can now go ahead and de-disperse our file. Here the only argument the dedispersemethod requires, is the DM that we wish to de-disperse to.

In [6]: myTim = myFil.dedisperse(100)

Filterbank reading plan:

SigPyProc 137

---Called on file: tutorial.fil

Called by: dedisperse

Number of samps: 187520 Number of reads: 18 Nsamps per read: 10000 Nsamps of final read: 8510 Nsamps to skip back: 55

Execution time: 0.040064 seconds

Thededispersemethod returns an instance of theSigPyProc.BaseTimeSeries.BaseTimeSeries class, which I have named ‘myTim’. Just as with the ‘myFil’ object, we may obtain a

summary of ‘myTim’ by simply typing its name.

In [7]: myTim Out[7]:

<class ‘SigPyProc.BaseTimeSeries.BaseTimeSeries’>

basename : tutorial

data_type : Timeseries file

fch1 (MHz) : 1510.0

filelen : 3000564

filename : tutorial.fil

foff (MHz) : -1.09

hdrlen : 244

machine_id : FAKE

nbits : 32

nbytes : 3000320

nchans : 1

nifs : 1

nsamples : 187465

refdm (pccm^-3) : 100

source_name : P: 250.000000000000 ms, DM: 30.000 telescope_id : Fake

tsamp (s) : 0.00032

tstart (MJD) : 50000.0

We can access the raw data contained within ‘myTim’ in two ways. First, we can use the Ndarray attribute, to grant access to the data in the form of a standardNumpy array:

SigPyProc 138

In [8]: myTim.Ndarray

Out[8]: array([ 107., 109., 105., ..., 105., 109., 103.], dtype=float32)

In [9]: myTim.Ndarray[0]

Out[9]: 107.0

Second, we can access the data as aCtypesarray. which may be passed as aCfunction argument:

In [10]: myTim.Cbuffer

Out[10]: <SigPyProc.Utils.c_float_Array_187465 at 0x457a560>

In [11]: myTim.Cbuffer[0]

Out[11]: 107.0

The ‘myTim’ object contains several methods for manipulation of the time series, in-cluding;

• applyBoxcar

Smooth the time series with a boxcar filter.

• downsample

Downsample the time series.

• runningMean

Compute the running mean of the time series.

• runningMedian

Compute the running median of the time series (with a fast algorithm).

• rFFT

Take the 1-D, real-to-complex DFT of the time series (using FFTW, see Section

Below we will take a closer look at the output of therFFT method.

A.2.3 Performing a discrete Fourier transform Taking the DFT of ‘myTim’ is as simple as:

In [12]: mySpec = myTim.rFFT()

SigPyProc 139 Here, ‘mySpec’ is an instance of the SigPyProc.BaseSpectrum.BaseSpectrum class, and contains both the complex DFT output and the formed power spectrum (shown here as Numpyarrays, but also accessible as Ctypesarrays).

In [13]: mySpec.fftBuffer.Ndarray #FFTW output Out[13]:

array([ 1.96329040e+07, 0.00000000e+00, -2.93994995e+02, ...,

-2.38658051e+02, 2.78900000e+03, 0.00000000e+00], dtype=float32)

In [14]: mySpec.Ndarray #Power spectrum Out[14]:

array([ 0. , 0. , 0. , ..., 2272.41503906,

2514.97167969, 3218.59545898], dtype=float32)

In this case, the power spectrum has undergone both Fourier interpolation (see Section and brute-force suppression of the lowest frequencies (see Section

Several methods are provided for the manipulation of the power spectrum, including:

• rednoise

Remove an interpolated rednoise curve from the spectrum (see Section

• sumHarms

Perform N harmonic sums of the spectrum (see Section

• findCands

Identify significant signals in the spectrum.

• zapbirds

Remove power from a list of ‘bad’ frequencies.

• iFFT

Compute the 1-D, complex-to-real DFT of the spectrum (using FFTW, see Section

A.2.4 Putting it together

Taking everything mentioned above, we can envisage an extremely minimal pulsar searching pipeline:

In [1]: myFil = FilReader("tutorial.fil")

SigPyProc 140 In [2]: myCands = F.dedisperse(1000).seek()

In [3]: myFold = myFil.foldCand(myCands.cands[0])

In [4]: myFold.optimise()

In [5]: myFold.freeze()

In the above example, I first open the filterbank file by directly using the FilReader method. Next, I de-disperse the data to a DM of 1000 pc cm3 and use the seek method. This a convenience method for performing a DFT, whitening the resulting spectrum and searching it for significant signals. I then fold the top candidate in the data using thefoldCand method of the ‘myFil’ instance. Finally, I optimise the fold (performing a series of small searches in DM and P space), before saving it in a native format using thefreeze method of the ‘myFold’ instance.