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The shear strength was determined by a rotation viscosimeter RV3 (KASSEN S 1990; BLANZ 1992).Th e rotation

viscosimeter measures th e undrained shea r strength , tha t can be equated to apparent cohesio n in fine-grained sediment s when the angle of internal frictio n decreases to zero (BISHO P &

BJERRUM 1 9 61).

For the purpose of measuring th e shear strength a

hydrometric curren t meter FL-1000 (1 0 mm x 8.8 mm) was lowere d 1 cm parallel to the bedding int o the sediment an d was rotate d at a constant spee d of 4 rotations per minute. Depending on the sediment core' s litholog y 2 to 3 measurements were carrie d out in a vertical depth interva l of 5 to 10 cm to determine the natural variability at each depth.

The resistance serve s as a measure of the shear strength , i.e., th e shear stress that is opposed by the sediment sampl e with the rotation motions of the rotation wing. This shea r

stress i s measured by means of a twist potentiometer in the probe and the measured analo g values are recorde d on a Rikadenski recorder . The shear strength T is calculated fro m the measured values (S ) by means of a specific probe shea r factor. The results are shown in Fig. 3.5.3.-1.

T = (A x S) (kPa ) T = shear strengt h

A = shear facto r S = scale parts

Cruise Report S082 5 3

Natural water content and humid unit weight

Parallel to the shear strengt h measurements, 10 ccm of sediment was extracted by constant volume sample r to determine the water content and the humid unit weight. These defined sediment sample s (1 0 ccm) were weighed in wet and dry form onboard (dryin g at 105°C in the drying cabinet) . The balance onboard is a wave-compensated la b balance tha t according to its operating instruction s weights precisely + - 1%.

The water content W (see Fig. 3.5.3.-2) is calculated as follows:

W = W w / W s x l 0 0 (%)

W = natural water conten t (%) Ww = water mass (g)

Ws = mass of dried sediment sampl e (g)

Values over 100 % can occur because the natural water conten t is correlated with the dry weight.

The humid unit weight is defined as follows (RICHARD S 1962 ) : Wbd = M / V (g/ccm)

The shear strength increase s with depth (RICHARD S 1961;

ALMAGOR 1979 ) in normally consolidate d sediment s (SKEMPTO N 197 0). Amon g other things, the shear strength depends on the grain size distribution, the sediment composition , th e

sedimentation rate and the grade of consolidation.

The box cores (S0821KAL , S0822KAL, S0823KAL , S082 -4KAL, S082-5KAL and S082-7KAL) contain mainly gre y to olive-grey, silty to clayey sediment s with different content s of sand. I n all core sections the occurrence of sponge needles is striking. In some horizons (se e core descriptions) spong e needles are strongly accumulated . These horizons (se e Fig.

3.5.3.-1) are characterized by distinct shea r strength peaks with strengths of up to 22 kPa. The general increas e in shear

strength with depth (RICHARD S 1961) that is known fro m other core sites and from other sea areas (KASSEN S 1990; BLANZ 1992 !













Shear Strengt h (kPa) 0 10 20

1 I

Shear Strengt h (kPa) 0 10 20


Shear Strengt h (kPa) 0 1 0 2 0

I < I i I i I

Shear Strengt h (kPa) 0 10 20

I i I i I i

Shear Strengt h (kPa) 0 10 20

I • I . I . I

Shear Strengt h (kPa) 0 1 0 2 0

I . I i I i I

Fig. 3.5.3.-1 Shear strength of the giant gravity cores

could not exactly be determined i n any of the sediment cores.

The relatively "high " shear strength (fro m near to the bottom 10 kPa) i s surprising an d remains constan t t o the core basis with fluctuation s o f +- 5 kPa (RICHARD S 1962) .

B) Water content

The natural water content i s a criterion to assess the

sediment's degree of strength (ALMAGO R 1979) . Moreover, thi s degree depends on the degree of compaction and the sediment' s composition (RICHARD S 1962) .

On average, the water conten t profiles (se e Fig. 3.5.3.-2) range fro m 150% to 1 2 0% without being dependent o n depth, i.e., th e water content does not decrease with depth and is thus correlated with the shear strength that neither depend s on depth. Neither there are distinct water content profile minima nor maxima. The horizons with a high shear strengt h have yet a low water content (approx . 100%) . However, they do not occur as distinct peaks i n the water content profiles.

For a better interpretation of the curves it is necessary

Cruise Report S082 55

SO 82-1

Water Content (% dry weight)

100 20 0

SO 82-2

Water Content (% dry weight) 100 200

SO 82-3

Water Content (% dry weight) 100 200

l . i . l

SO 82-5

Water Content (% dry weight)

100 20 0 I i I i I

SO 82-4

Water Content (% dry weight)

100 20 0 I i I i I

SO 82-7

Water Content {% dry weight)

100 20 0

Fig.3.5.3.-2 Natural water content of the giant gravity cores

to carry out som e additional investigations . Only th e analyse of radiographs, grain size distributions, sedimen t

compositions an d sedimentation rate s will contribut e t o the interpretation of the exact sedimentatio n history an d it s climatic background with concerns of the soil mechanics.

3 . 5 . 4 . Benthic s t u d i e s

( J . S v a v a r s o n )

The benthic faun a of the deeper, oceanic region s of the Reykjanes Ridge i s still poorly known, not only i n terms of its structure (specie s composition, biomass), but also in terms of physical and biological patterns tha t determine the composition of the fauna. The area i s quite complex i n its topography an d presumably als o i n its physical characteristic s

(currents, sedimentation, etc.) , althoug h th e watermasses may be homogeneous. This complexity o f the topography may be

reflected i n heterogeneous habitats within this seamoun t

environment, resulting i n patchiness o f the benthic fauna . The aim of the present stud y i s to:

A) characterize th e benthic faun a (macrofaun a and meiofauna) i n terms of species composition, biomass and abundance and relate these patterns t o geophysical an d geological characteristic s o f the recent sediment s and to biological parameters . Also of interest is:

B) the interaction between benthic animals , some of which (foraminifers) are important considerin g th e geological tim e scale. Recent studie s have show n that benthic isopod s

(Crustacea) actually fee d on (an d crunch) benthic

foraminifers, and may thu s have influenc e on the species composition of the foraminifers and possibly also on the fragmentation of the foraminifers . The impac t of this has, however, not yet been quantified.

Samples fo r studies of the benthos were taken with 0.2 5 cm2 boxcorer, supplie d with photographic equipment . Altogether, samples were taken at seven stations at depths between 110 2 and 186 7 meters. The part o f the boxcorer planned fo r

biological studie s was isolated fro m the rest of the sample with 20 * 40 cm frame , while still having surfac e water overlying th e sediments. This was, however, not alway s possible. From each boxcorer subsample s were taken for the study of chloroplastic pigment s ( 2 syringes with 1.25 c m diameter), tota l carbon (1 0 cm2, upper 2 cm layer) , meiofaun a

(three subcorers each 1 0 cm2), and the rest was preserved t o study th e macrofauna. Some of the meiofauna sample s were subdivided int o 1 cm thick layers to allow study of the vertical distributio n of the meiofauna.

A priori one would expec t coars e sediment s occurring nea r the central part of the ridge, that are possibly erode d by the seamounts o f the area. All sample s except fo r two were,

however, taken fro m bottoms with very fine , soft mud. These were at depths of 140 9 to 1777 m. Here the surface sediment s are characterized by an abundance of globigerinoid an d

pteropod mollusc shell s together with numerous calcareou s sponge spicules . This bottom typ e could indicat e rather slo w currents and rapid sedimentatio n of both planktonic an d

benthic, resuspended material. Some of the samples seem to

Cruise Report S082 5 7

have rich benthic fauna .

One of the boxcorer containe d "har d bottom", which was actually fin e mud, foraminifer a shell and calcareous spong e spicules, packed int o hard substratum . This hard bottom had a rich epifauna, with ophiuroids, sponges, hydroids and

polychaete tubes . It is not evident whether thi s type of bottom sediment s has recently been incorporated int o the

surface, or whether it is older sedimen t being eroded . Exac t quantities of the benthic animal s and the species compositio n can not be seen until th e material has been sorte d in the laboratory.

4. Summar y

For the firs t tim e after the re-unification of Germany a research cruise with RV'Sonne" had has been planned, organize d and performed under the leadership of an institute fro m the former GDR, th e Institute of Baltic Se a Research Warnemunde (formerly Institute of Marine Research - Warnemunde). Thi s task was solve d with good results i n very clos e cooperatio n and with the help of the GEOMAR Marine Research Center.

The cruise was divided int o two parts. During th e first part a short geophysical program was carried out. Two advanced

seismoacoustic profiling systems , the Parasound-Paradigma narrow beam echosounder an d the SEL9 0 sediment penetratin g echosounder, were installe d an d tested with good results.

Furthermore, a single Hydrosweep-profile over the

Reykjanes Ridge Crest was run. The recorded bathymetric strip e allows a classification into two main segments . The souther n segment between the Charles Gibbs Fracture Zon e and the Bight Discontinuity i s a typical part o f the northern Mid Atlantic Ridge with rift mountains bounding a median valley. The Bight Discontinuity seem s to be a transition zon e between the

influenced an d non - influenced region s of the Icelan d

hotspot. From this transition zon e the second segmen t trend s 3 6° northeastward towar d Iceland . Oblique spreadin g and en echelon ridges, striking perpendicularly t o the spreading

direction, are typical. The overall structur e of the Reykjanes Ridge support s a mainly amagmatic-tectoni c evolutio n as

typical of episodic spreadin g models.

During th e second part sedimentatio n processes, includin g their spatial and temporal variability were investigate d i n the central part of the Reykjanes Ridg e at 59° 30'N. Along 1 0 lines seismoacousti c profilin g an d Hydrosweep - mapping were performed. First topographi c maps of the working area were

created on board. At seve n selected station s sedimen t sample s were take n using severa l samplin g devices. The firs t result s

suggest tha t th e sedimentation condition s ar e very complex.

They can be traced back t o five essential sedimentatio n processes. Apart fro m pelagic sedimentatio n of biogenic

carbonate, sedimentation o f sponge spicules plays an importan t role. Volcanic particles are attributed t o active submarin e volcanism i n the central Reykjanes Ridge . Additionally, inpu t of ice-rafted detritus i s recorded. However, it s percentage plays only a minor role i n the sediment. Moreover , the

sediments were partly superimpose d by strong bottom currents.

Physical properties o f the sediments were estimated at 6 sampling stations . They sho w high water contents, ranging fro m 120% to 150% with som e peaks up to 200%. The average shea r strength i s about 1 0 kPa with maximum values up to 20 kPa mainly a t horizons where sponge needles are accumulated. No clear increas e or decrease i n the data with depth was

observed, neither i n water content nor i n shear strength . This

59 suggests tha t the sediments are very weakly consolidated ,

The benthic faun a (macrofaun a and meiofauna) in terms of species composition, biomass and abundance were

investigated a t the sampling sites . Fine-grained, sof t surfac e sediments are characterized b y an abundance of globigerinoi d and pteropod mollusc shell s together with numerous calcareou s sponge spicules. This bottom typ e could indicat e rather slo w currents and rapid sedimentation of both planktic an d benthic, resuspended material. Hard bottom had rich epifauna, with

ophiuroids, sponges , hydroids and polychaete tube s

5. Acknowledgements

The S082 project was financiall y supporte d by the

"Federal Minister fo r Research and Technology". We acknowledg e the efforts of Dr.G.Ehrlich and Dr.B.Steingrobe fro m PLR

Julich during preparation and performance of the cruise.

Furthermore we thank masters and crew of RV"Sonne" fo r their assistance during cruis e S082 . Participatio n o f scientist s of the Universities o f Reykjavik, Bremen, Greifswald, Hamburg , Kiel and Rostock as well a s from Geomar Kiel and the Institut e of Baltic Se a Research Warnemiinde i s gratefully acknowledged . Special thank s are due to Dr.F.Kogler and Dr.F.Werner, Kiel University, fo r supporting th e sediment-physica l

investigations. We also thank Dr.T.Floden, Stockhol m University, fo r critically readin g the manuscript an d C.Hoffmann fo r correcting th e English text.

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C r u i s e Report

RV "SONNE " C r u i s e S08 2 1992


Geophysical investigations along the Reykjanes