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7.4 Semantic Interaction

The previous topics focussed on the efficient design, construction and use of LOD models. Chapter6deals with the fundamental problem of adding semantic information to such LOD models aiming at semantic interaction.

I showed that it is useful to separate the interaction model from the rendering model. Instead of reorganizing the rendering model in semantic sub-parts, I implicitly link semantic information to the rendering model via their common spatial reference. In analogy to layered maps in 2d, I use spatially referenced 3d proxy objects, which are used to establish the link to the 3d model at rendering time.

Apart from the obvious advantage that there is no need to label the parts of the rendering model according to their semantic categories, the proposed approach offers a range of further opportunities. It becomes possible to exchange either the interaction model or the rendering model without touching the other. The additional complexity of the interaction model does not influence the efficiency of the rendering model unless when it is used to query semantics. In that case, the costs for the queries are determined only by the interaction model and not by the more complex rendering model.

Once the semantic categories are available, interaction methods can be based on them. The most basic methods to use semantics in interactive rendering are highlighting and picking, which correspond to the forward and backward mapping from semantic entities to pixels, respectively. I implemented the highlighting feature using hardware-accelerated volume intersection based on stencil buffers and demonstrated that real-time picking and highlighting is indeed feasible within a complex terrain dataset.

In future 3d-GIS applications, many further semantic interaction techniques could be useful. Such more refined methods of semantic interaction include navigation, deformation and model editing:

Navigation. A very common interaction technique within complex scenes is the fly-to feature, where the user clicks on the screen and is steered towards the chosen coordinate. With picking, the application can understand the clicked object and better match the expectation of the user (e.g. fly in view of the whole mountain instead of close to the summit). Furthermore, experts could define a standard way to present certain objects (e.g. always steer the camera to the entrance of a house).

Space deformation. To achieve better orientation of the user, important parts of the scene can not only be highlighted, but also geometrically emphasized.

M¨oser, Degener, Wahl, and Klein [2008] introduced several methods of space

deformation which target at improved user navigation in a city. In that work we present the combination of different perspectives, as worm’s-eye view and bird’s-eye view, the slanting of building facades, which are more useful for orientation than roofs, and importance-based scaling imitating the effect of a looking glass.

These techniques can be implemented by space deformation and as such need not change the rendering model directly. Instead we can use vertex shader programs to achieve hardware assisted on-the-fly deformations.

Model editing. While in general, new or modified objects can easily be added to empty parts of a scene, difficulties arise when they should replace existing objects. So, a fundamental feature of model editing is the omission of objects.

Unfortunately, this is not easily achievable without modifying the rendering model, as occluded parts of the scene cannot be reconstructed. I sketched a shader-based approach in sec.6.3.4which uses a map lookup similar to 2d layers.

But actually, for efficient model editing, we need more flexible rendering models. Ideally, they should support operations like the replacement of objects directly. For example to exchange abandoned industrial sites by freshly planned residential blocks would be an important application in city planning. This leads us back to the topics of the first two chapters, where I described efficient LOD schemes for large datasets. Thus, a further direction of research is the design of schemes that efficiently incorporate model changes. Thinking about change, however, leads to the general concept of a fourth dimension and the modeling of 3d space depending on its position on the timeline.


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