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Secreted TGF- b is important for normal circadian dynamics

3 Results

3.5 Secreted TGF- b is important for normal circadian dynamics

Transforming growth factors beta (TGF-b1/2/3) are secreted growth factors driving the intracellular activation of SMAD transcription factors, which have been shown to regulate growth, proliferation, motility, and apoptosis [364]. TGF-b and SMAD transcription has been described to be regulated rhythmically by CLOCK/BMAL1 binding to their E-box enhancer elements (for details see 1.6). Moreover, TGF-b has been shown to feed back to the molecular clock machinery and to phase shift circadian rhythms in a time dependent manner [339].

Chromatography and mass spectrometry helped to identify TGF-b as one of the active CM factors. To test whether TGF-b is required for CRE driven luciferase expression in response to CM, U-2 OS 7xCRE:Luc reporter cells were stimulated with CM containing an aTGF-b1/2/3 antibody (neutralization), or CM immunodepleted of TGF-b. Both, neutralization and immunodepletion of TGF-b attenuated CM dependent CRE activation (Figure 3-10 A,B), indicating that TGF-b is indeed required for CM activity.

To further test the role of TGF-b as active conditioned medium component, recombinant human TGF-b was used to activate CRE dependent transcription. Indeed, recombinant TGF-b induced CRE transcriptional activation in a dose dependent manner (Figure 3-10 E), strengthening its role as active CM component. Interestingly, compared to recombinant TGF-b1 and TGF-b2, CRE responses to TGF-b3 were weaker and not dose-dependent (Figure 3-10 C,D), suggesting that signaling pathways upstream of CRE activation show TGF-b isoform specificity.

If TGF-b, as active CM factor, also functions as interoscillator communication factor, it is predicted to phase shift circadian rhythms by modulating the expression of the molecular clock gene machinery. In 2008, Kon et al. demonstrated that TGF-b stimulation results in time dependent phase responses of rat fibroblasts [339]. To test whether described phase responses may be mediated by the immediate early induction of PER2/Per2 expression, as observed for CM (Figure 3-6 A), U-2 OS cells were exposed to a 2 hour pulse of recombinant TGF-b 16 hours post-synchronization.

Indeed, a significant increase in PER2 transcript levels was observed upon TGF-b

stimulation (Figure 3-10 E), suggesting that TGF-b may mediate phase shifts of circadian rhythms by activating immediate early and CRE driven PER2 expression.

Figure 3-10: TGF-b acts as active CM factor with respect to CRE activation and PER2 induction To validate that TGF-b acts as active conditioned medium factor, depletion and stimulation experiments, as well as transcript analysis were performed in U-2 OS cells. (A,B) aTGF-b1/2/3 was used to neutralize or immunodeplete TGF-b from CM and U-2 OS 7xCRE:Luc reporter cells were stimulated as described.

(A) Raw time series of a representative experiment upon stimulation of 7xCRE:Luc reporter cells with aTGF-b1/2/3 or IgG treated medium (Neu=neutralization, IP=immunodepletion by pull-down). (B) Quantification of luciferase signal induced by CM relative to control medium (n=3 repeat experiments with 3 technical replicates each, mean ± SD, individual values displayed, Unpaired one-tailed student’s t-test against respective IgG group: *p<0.05, **p<0.01). (C,D) Dilution series of recombinant TGF-b1/2/3 was prepared in serum-free medium and used to stimulate U-2 OS cells expressing a 7xCRE:Luc reporter gene as described. (C) Raw time series of a representative experiment upon stimulation of 7xCRE:Luc reporter cells with recombinant TGF-b1/2/3. (D) Quantification of luciferase signal induced by TGF-b1/2/3 relative to solvent (n=3 repeat experiment with 3 technical replicates each, mean ± SD,

Neu IP

linear regression test: *p<0.05). (E) U-2 OS cells were stimulated with 20 ng/mL recombinant TGF-b2 16 hours post-synchronization (2 hour incubation time). RNA was harvested and transcript levels quantified as described. (E) Quantification of mRNA expression changes upon stimulation of U-2 OS cells with TGF-b2 relative to solvent (n=3 repeat experiment with 3 technical replicates each, measured in triplicates, normalized to GAPDH, mean ± SD, individual values displayed, Unpaired tow-tailed student’s t-test against H0:Log2FC=1: *p<0.05, **p<0.01).

If TGF-b and its associated signaling pathway are contributing to intercellular coupling among peripheral circadian oscillators via CRE dependent immediate early transcription of PER2, the following predictions can be made: (i) TGF-b signaling promotes robust circadian rhythmicity, i.e. high-amplitude and lowly damped oscillations, (ii) TGF-b signaling drives the transcriptional activation of CRE enhancer elements, and (iii) TGF-b signaling induces phase shifts of circadian rhythms. To test this, genetic and pharmacological perturbation experiments were performed.

Firstly, an RNA interference (RNAi) screen targeting extracellular, as well as intracellular components of the TGF-b signaling pathway was conducted. For each target gene, multiple (if available) short hairpin RNA (shRNA) constructs were chosen, which mediate gene silencing via RNAi dependent mechanisms following lentiviral delivery into U-2 OS reporter cells. Silencing of SKI (Ski oncogene), SMAD4 (mothers against decapentaplegic homolog), and TGFBR1 (TGF-b receptor type 1 or ALK5) resulted in significantly attenuated CRE responses upon conditioned medium activation for at least for one of the constructs tested (Figure 3-11 A,B). Oppositely, silencing of ITGAV (integrin aV) resulted in significantly increased CRE responses (Figure 3-11 A,B), likely by increasing the responsiveness to externally applied TGF-b when the release of active TGF-b from its endogenous latent pool is disturbed. Even though not significant, similar effects were observed for LTPB1 (latent TGF-b binding protein), which is also required for the release of active TGF-b from its latent complexes. Moreover, silencing of all these genes resulted in decreased amplitudes and/or increased damping of U-2 OS Bmal1:Luc oscillations (Figure 3-11 C,D and Figure 6-5 A). Interestingly, a negative correlation between amplitude and damping was observed globally for knock-down of TGF-b signaling pathway components (Figure 3-11 C), which may imply that knock-downs resulting in reduced amplitudes also result in network desynchronization rather than changes of single cell oscillations.

While SKI and SMAD4 proteins are activated downstream of TGF-b receptor, constituting intracellular components of the canonical TGF-b signaling pathway, integrin aV and TGFBR1 (ALK5) are required for extracellular release and signaling of active TGF-b (for details see 1.6). Thus, results suggest that both, extracellular distribution of TGF-b and canonical TGF-b signaling play an important role for conditioned medium dependent activation of CRE driven transcription, as well as for normal circadian rhythmicity. The finding that silencing of SKI, SMAD4, TGFBR1, and ITGAV resulted in altered CRE activation, as well as reduced amplitudes and/or increased damping supports the hypothesis that paracrine coupling factors promote interoscillator synchronization via the downstream activation of CRE driven transcription (eventually of PER2/Per2).

Figure 3-11: Genetic perturbation of TGF-b signaling alters CRE transcriptional activation and circadian dynamics

To test whether TGF-b signaling pathway is required for CRE transcriptional activation and coherent circadian dynamics, an RNAi knock-down screen of TGF-b signaling pathway components was performed in U-2 OS 7xCRE:Luc and Bmal1:Luc cells (as described in methods). 7xCRE:Luc reporter cells were stimulated with conditioned and control medium and fold change AUC quantified as described. Bmal1:Luc reporter cells were synchronized, and luciferase activity was continuously monitored. (A) Quantification of luciferase signal induced by CM relative to control medium upon knock-down of indicated genes, red=significantly attenuated CRE response to CM, green=significantly



RNAi target gene

enhanced CRE response to CM, grey shaded area=mean ± 2SD of non-silencing controls. (n=4 biological repeat experiments with 2 technical replicates per shRNA construct, mean ± SD, Multiple t-test against non-silencing group with Holm-Sidak multiple t-testing correction: *p<0.05, **p<0.01). (B) Normalized time series of a representative experiment upon conditioned and control medium stimulation of ITGAV, SMAD4, SKI, and TGFBR1 7xCRE:Luc knock-down cells. (C) Correlation plot of amplitude and damping parameters of Bmal1:Luc oscillations upon knock-down of indicated genes, red=significantly attenuated CRE response to CM, green=significantly enhanced CRE response to CM, grey=mean of non-silencing controls (as in (A)). (n=4 biological repeat experiments with 2 technical replicates per shRNA construct, means displayed, Pearson correlation test: ****p<0.0001). (D) Detrended time series of a representative experiment upon knock-down of ITGAV, SMAD4, SKI, and TGFBR1 in Bmal1:Luc reporter cells.

Secondly, a selective small molecule inhibitor was used to block TGF-b type I/type II receptors. This inhibitor, called LY2109761, completely and specifically blocks the kinase domain of TGFBR1 (ALK5) and prevents the intracellular transmission of b signals [365]. Comparable to genetic perturbation, pharmacological inhibition of TGF-b signaling resulting in the attenuation of CM dependent CRE activation (Figure 3-12 A,B), as well as amplitude reduction and increased damping of U-2 OS Per2:Luc oscillations (Figure 3-12 C-E) in a dose-dependent manner. Again, this suggests that functional TGF-b signaling promotes robust network rhythmicity (high amplitudes, low damping), potentially by inducing interoscillator phase coherence via CRE transcriptional activation. Additionally, dose dependent period lengthening was observed upon TGF-b receptor inhibition (Figure 6-6 A), an effect that has been described before for sparse and presumably uncoupled networks, as well as upon perturbation of secretory pathway [293].

Based on calculated EC50 values, inhibition of TGF-b signaling appeared to more effectively block CRE transcriptional activation than to perturb circadian dynamics. We suspect that this may be a consequence of the complexity of circadian rhythm generation. While CRE activation is regulated directly downstream of TGF-b receptor activation, circadian oscillations are driven by complex transcriptional-translational feedback loops. Moreover, other than for CRE induction, intercellular coupling may render circadian rhythms more robust, thereby reducing LY2109761 efficacy.

Interestingly, significantly or a trend towards reduced amplitudes, increased dampening, and lengthened circadian periods upon pharmacological perturbation of TGF-b signaling was also observed for a number of peripheral tissue explants derived

from PER2::LUC mice (Figure 6-5 B-E). This may support the hypothesis that peripheral coupling via TGF-b signaling is conserved across species and tissues.

Thirdly, as mentioned above, TGF-b stimulation has been shown to phase shifts rat fibroblasts in a time dependent manner Kon et al. (2008) (Figure 4-1), suggesting that TGF-b may act as Zeitgeber for peripheral circadian oscillators. Thus, to test whether observed phase responses to conditioned medium (Figure 3-5) may be mediated by TGF-b, TGF-b receptor inhibitor was used to block TGF-b signaling pathway during CM stimulation of U-2 OS Bmal1:Luc circadian reporter cells. Again, stimulation was performed at the trough of PER2 (inferred from the nearly anti-phasic Bmal1:Luc expression) because U-2 OS reporter cells had displayed strongest phase responses to conditioned medium at this time. Indeed, phase shifts in response to CM stimulation were significantly attenuated when TGF-b signaling was inhibited, suggesting that TGF-b acts as active CM medium factor, mediating phase responses of peripheral circadian oscillators.

Overall, consistent with theoretical models of decoupled oscillator networks, amplitudes were reduced, and damping was increased upon genetic and pharmacological perturbation of TGF-b signaling. This suggests that TGF-b promotes coupling among single cell peripheral oscillators, as well as coherent network rhythmicity. Moreover, TGF-b was identified as active conditioned medium factor mediating CRE activation and immediate early PER2 expression. Additionally, genetic and pharmacological disruption of TGF-b signaling pathway was shown to interfere with the transcriptional activation of CRE sites, as well as phase responses to CM. This supports the hypothesis that TGF-b functions as paracrine signaling factor inducing phase synchronization among adjacent oscillators via the CRE driven immediate early induction of PER2/Per2. Moreover, based on the effect of TGF-b receptor inhibitor on circadian dynamics of peripheral tissue explants from PER2::LUC animals, it may be possible that the potential role of TGF-b as peripheral coupling factor is conserved across human and murine species, as well as across different peripheral tissues.

Figure 3-12: Pharmacological perturbation of TGF-b signaling alters CRE transcriptional activation, circadian dynamics, and phase responses to CM

To test whether TGF-b signaling pathway is required for CRE transcriptional activation, coherent circadian dynamics, as well as phase responses to CM, a pharmacological TGF-b receptor inhibitor (LY2109761) was used. LY2109761 dilution series and data analysis, as well as medium stimulations were performed as described. (A) Raw time series of a representative experiment of CM dependent CRE transcriptional activation upon increasing concentration of LY2109761. (B) Quantification of luciferase signal induced by CM relative to control medium following normalization to their respective solvent control (n=3 repeat experiments with 2-3 technical replicates each, individual values and asymmetric sigmoidal fit displayed, One-way ANOVA: ****p<0.0001 and non-linear regression fit of an asymmetric sigmoidal model). (C) Detrended time series of a representative experiment of Per2:Luc oscillations upon addition of increasing concentration of LY2109761. (D,E) Quantification of amplitudes (D) and damping (E) of circadian oscillations relative to the respective solvent control (n=3 repeat experiments with 3 technical replicates each, individual values and asymmetric sigmoidal fit displayed, One-way ANOVA: *p<0.05 and non-linear regression fit of an asymmetric sigmoidal model). (F)

Detrended time series of a representative experiment of CM dependent Bmal1:Luc phase shifts following inhibition of TGF-b receptor. (G) Quantification of phase shifts induced by CM relative to control medium with or without LY2109761 (n=4 repeat experiments with 6-8 technical replicates each, mean

± SD, individual values displayed, Unpaired one-tailed student’s t-test against solvent group: **p<0.01).