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Halobacterium salinarum shows significant tolerance to metalloids. The mechanism conferring this tolerance to Arsenic, Antimony and Bismut relies on plasmid encoded resistance determinants, which have been characterized by Wang et al. (2004). H.

salinarum strain R1 arsenic resistance operon structural genes were shown to be tightly repressed in the absence of metalloids, but were specificially activated in their presence. Upon metalloid- exposure arsDA-Oe5442 as well as arsR2M transcripts were induced in a concentration-dependent manner. The strength of induction decreased in the given order SbIII > AsIII > BiIII. Global expression profiling using whole genome DNA-microarrays found a fast responding induction of arsenic resistance genes and slowly rising oxidative- as well as general stress response genes.

Expression of the latter could only be observed after long term exposure or when very high concentrations were applied.

To gain closer insight into the promoter organization and generate prerequisites for the analysis of regulatory sites, we have mapped the transcriptional start sites (tsp’s) of the genes arsR and arsD from Halobacterium salinarum and Haloquadratum wasbyi as well as arsC and arsR2 among others in H. salinarum. Transcripts of arsenic resistance genes proved to be almost exclusively leaderless, mostly consisting of mRNAs which start a few nucleotides upstream of the translational initiation site or directly overlap with the latter. Only the arsD-transcripts in Halobacterium salinarum

as well as Haloquadratum walsbyi were found to have nontranslated mRNA-leader sequences of around 80 nucleotides in length. Nevertheless these leader sequences are not involved in the transcriptional regulation as could be observed by scanning mutagenesis of this specific region. On the other hand mutational and deletion analysis revealed potential repressor-DNA-binding sites in the promoters of arsR as well as arsD as demonstrated by β-galactosidase reporter studies. Stepwise deletion of the arsR and arsD promoter 5’-ends was used to delimit the essential promoter core elements within a region of approximately 60 bp upstream the tsp. Subsequent mutational analysis of selected regions inside the arsD promoter led to the discovery of a repressor DNA-binding site. The metalloid induced upregulation, which was observed in arsD(WT)-, was absent or significantly reduced in mutant promoters, which clearly indicates a repressor action of ArsR in the absence of inducer. Although significant derepression (max. 8-fold) could also be observed for selected mutations in the arsR core promoter region, no metalloid dependence was detected. Considering these results in conjunction with a weak and temporary or non significant stimulation of arsR transcription, we propose that ArsR might act as an autoregulator of its own transcription. For further in vitro characterization of ArsR and ArsR2 we used recombinantly expressed and refolded His-tagged proteins. Folding and activity proved to be dependent on high salt conditions as could be shown via circular dichroism spectroscopy. Both ArsR/SmtB-type transcriptional regulators present in H.

salinarum formed monomers and dimers in SDS-PAGE as well as gel filtration runs.

Using tryptophane fluorescence quenching AsIII/SbIII- binding (with a preference for SbIII) could be demonstrated for both proteins.

7 Danksagung

Voran möchte ich Herrn Prof. Dieter Oesterhelt für die Ermöglichung einer Doktorarbeit in seiner Gruppe und deren Betreuung danken. Besonderer Dank gilt ebenfalls Jens Twellmeyer und Andy Wende dafür, die wesentlichen Vorarbeiten bei der Entwicklung und Etablierung der Halobacterium-Microarrays geleistet zu haben, Mattias Koch für sein ROT-BLAU-Screening, Dr. Frank Siedler, Beatrix Scheffer und Sigrid Bauer für die Durchführung von MS- und Kiki Weihrauch, Karin Rodewald, Peter Palm und Snezan Marinkovic für DNA-Sequenzanalysen. Prof. Luis Moroder möchte ich für das Angebot danken, CD-Spektroskopie und Fluoreszenz in seinen Laboratorien messen zu dürfen, Elisabeth Weyher-Stingl für kompetente Einweisung in diese sowie ihre permanente Hilfestellung.

Dank gilt auch Andreas Brachmann (Institut fuer Genetik, LMU Muenchen) für die Fragmentlängenbestimmung und die kostenlose Ausleihe der dazu erforderlichen Software, Friedhelm Pfeiffer, dem „Papa“ der Datenbank „Halolex“

(http://www.halolex.mpg.de/) sowie seiner Bioinformatikgefolgschaft für die Benutzung dieser, Rita Schwaiger für die mir so unliebsame Auswertung von Microarraydaten sowie Birgitte Kessler und Bettina Brustmann fuer viele kleine Tipps und Kniffe sowie die Aufrechterhaltung eines guten Laborstandards. Kosta Konstantinidis, Andy Wende und Rita Schwaiger sowie den Praktikanten Verena Loleit, Christian Duevelmeyer und Roy Evenstein danke ich fuer eine sehr nette Zusammenarbeit. Nicht zuletzt möchte ich mich bei Martin Grininger für die Korrektur dieser Doktorarbeit bedanken.

Abschliessend verneige ich mich ehrfürchtig vor der Schöpfung, welche unser (liebes) Haustier im purpurnen Mantel geschaffen und mit solch außergewöhnlichen, in der Laborpraxis des öfteren äußerst unliebsamen, aber dennoch spannenden Eigenschaften ausgestattet hat.

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