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Role of ER export in proliferation and cancer

Sec16A integrates growth factor signaling at the level of ERES, and we showed that Sec16A also mediates the outcome of growth factor signaling, which is proliferation. In addition to Sec16A, loss of Sar1 also inhibited proliferation, indicating that proliferation requires functional ER export. The concept that cell growth requires a functional secretory machinery is intuitive, as cells must be able to grow in size to be able to proliferate 4, 64. Expansion of the plasma membrane requires membrane material to be delivered by the secretory pathway. In addition to our work, several other studies have provided evidence for a close link between secretion and proliferation. In their kinase/phosphatase screen, Farhan et al. identified several members of the ERK1/2 MAPK signaling pathway as a network that influences the secretory pathway 2. The same is true for a whole genome screen by Simpson et al 3. The ERK1/2 MAPK signaling pathway is one of the key pathways that modulate cell proliferation, and misregulation of this pathway is found in most types of cancer. Given the tight regulation of the secretory pathway by the ERK1/2 MAPK signaling pathway, and the fact that the secretory pathway plays a major role in proliferation, targeting the secretory pathway is an attractive strategy in developing novel therapeutic approaches against cancer. In addition, Sec16A has been found to be upregulated by twofold in colonic cancer samples in a proteome screen comparing healthy versus cancer tissue

65. Searching the cancer genomics portal cBioPortal (www.cbioportal.org) revealed that depending on the cancer subtype and study, Sec16A was altered, either amplified or mutated, in up to 8% of cases, such as in stomach adenocarcinoma, uterine carcinomas, and melanoma. Interestingly, Sec16B was found to be amplified in up to 11 % of cases in large scale studies mapping the genome in liver hepatocellular carcinoma, breast invasive carcinoma, and lung adenocarcinoma. Furthermore, members of the Egr transcription factor family, which were identified to control expression of Sec16A in response to growth factor signaling, are found to be involved

in a variety of different cancers 12, 13, 15, 16, 66, 67, 68

. At cBioPortal, Egr1 was found to be mutated in 18% of cases in a study of 90 pancreatic adenocarcinoma cases, and amplified in 16% of 415 kidney renal clear cell carcinoma cases. Interestingly, the most common alteration for Egr3 documented by the cBioProtal website is a loss of Egr3.

Egr3 was found to be deleted in nearly 16% of cases in two studies investigating 258 and 333 cases of prostate adenocarcinoma, respectively. As described previously, the role of Egr3 in cancer has not been extensively studied, and Egr3 was found to be both overexpressed and decreased in different cancer types 69, 70, 71.

Generally, tumor cells show increased metabolic rate and protein synthesis, which places a large demand on the early secretory pathway. In many cancers, this increased secretory burden leads to an induction of the ER stress response and an increase in COPII vesicle budding from the ER, to increase ER export levels 29, 72, 73, 74, 75

. The ER stress response is an adaptive process that helps the cells to handle an increased cargo load at the ER in initial stages of increased protein synthesis. If the secretory burden further increases or induction of the UPR is not sufficient to resolve the secretory burden, UPR-induced apoptosis is initiated. This makes ER export and the UPR an attractive target for anti-cancer therapy, as tumors show higher ER stress levels compared to healthy cells, and a pharmacologically induced increase in ER stress might push tumor cells towards UPR-induced apoptosis. This approach and the role of the UPR in cancer has gained much interest in the last decade 73, 74, 75, 76, 77

. At this point, several compounds targeting the UPR have been described that show promising effects as anti-tumor drugs, or that might function to sensitize tumor cells to chemotherapeutic agents 78, 79. Targeting the COPII machinery and Sec16 to inhibit ER export provides additional, cytoplasmic targets for anti-cancer therapy. Advances in ultrastructural analysis of the COPII coat and its components may make the design of small molecules possible that could disrupt the coat at critical connective sites.

However, targeting COPII vesicle formation directly is likely to be very toxic, therefore a modulation of ER export would be more useful. As mentioned previously, signaling pathways that among others target the secretory machinery are overactive in cancer.

For example, several studies have shown that COPII components are targeted by kinase signaling and other post-translational modifications. Targeting ER export indirectly by pharmacologically modulating hyperactive signaling pathways may therefore be a useful therapeutic strategy 2, 80.

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