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A. Appendix

A.2. Electronic supplement

A.2.3. CNE_results

This folder contains the results of the CNE analysis. It contains one folder with the direct CNEr outputs for all pairwise comparisons. Also, it contains outputs produced by the perl-scripts. See chapter 5 and gure 5.1 for futher information.


Aub Aubergine

bp base pair

CNE conserved non-coding element

CNS conserved non-coding sequence

DNA deoxyribonucleic acid

dsRNA double-stranded RNA

Hox gene homeobox gene

ITS internal transcribed spacer

lincRNA long intergenic non-coding RNA

lncRNA long non-coding RNA

LSU large transcriptional subunit

MFE minimal free energy

miRISC microRNA-induced silencing complex

miRNA micro RNA

mRNA messenger RNA

MRP RNA mitochondrial RNA processing

MSA multiple sequence alignment

mya million years ago

my million years

ncRNA non-coding RNA

OGS ocial gene set

piRNA PIWI-interacting RNA

Pol II RNA polymerase II

rasiRNA repeat-associated RNA

rDNA ribosomal DNA

RISC RNA-induced silencing complex

RNA ribonucleic acid

RNAi RNA interference

rRNA ribosomal RNA

scaRNA small Cajal body-specic RNA

siRNA small interfering RNA

SSU small transcriptional subunit

snoRNA small nucleolar RNA

snRNA small nuclear RNA

SRP RNA signal recognition particle RNA

ssRNA single-stranded RNA

TE transposable element

TFBS transcription factor binding sites

tRNA transfer RNA

TSS transcription start site

UCE ultraconserved element

UTR untranslated region

WGA whole genome alignment

Zuc Zucchini

List of Figures

1.1 Schematic overview of the secondary structure of four dierent ncRNAs:

miRNA, tRNA, H/ACA snoRNA, C/D snoRNA. . . 3

1.2 Biogenesis pathway of a miRNA. . . 7

1.3 Visualisation of the piRNA ping-pong loop. . . 15

1.4 Graphical overview of the rDNA cluster. . . 20

2.1 Graphical overview of the steps in the pipeline used for homology pre-diction of miRNAs. . . 37

2.2 FEELncclassier description. Sub classication of intergenic and genic lncRNA/transcripts interactions by the FEELncclassier module. Taken from Wucher et al. (2017). . . 42

3.1 Absolute numbers of dierent ncRNAs found through homology analysis. 47 3.2 Graphical overview of the mir-2 cluster. . . 49

3.3 Visualisation of tRNA clusters found in A. rosae and O. abietinus. . . . 55

3.4 Visualisation of overlapping ncRNAs predicted using the DARIO pipeline in A. rosae. . . 57

3.5 Visualisation of the overlapping ncRNAs predicted by the DARIO pipeline in Orussus abietinus. . . 61

5.1 Graphical overview of the steps in the pipeline used forCNE prediction. 76 6.1 Visualised number of CNE candidates identied with CNEr. . . 83

6.2 Visualisation of the numbers ofCNEsper cluster seen in table 6.2 in the four species. . . 85

6.3 Distribution of CNE prediction in Apis mellifera dierentiated by species. Only the results for the six longest scaolds are shown. The number ofCNEsis the accumulative total amount found on this scaold. x-axis shows the genomic location on the scaold, y-axis the number of CNEs. The results are for pairwise comparisons between species. . . 89

6.4 Distribution of CNE predictions in Athalia rosae. . . 90

6.5 Distribution of CNE prediction in Nasonia vitripennis. . . 91

6.6 Distribution of CNE prediction in Orussus abietinus. . . 92

List of Tables

1.1 A selection of dierent denitions of conserved non-coding elements and

ultraconserved elements. . . 28

3.1 List of all miRNAs present in seven insect species. . . 49

3.1 Continued from previous page. . . 50

3.1 Continued from previous page. . . 51

3.2 List of all regulatory elements and ncRNAs, excluding miRNAs and tRNAs, present in seven insect species. . . 52

3.2 Continued from previous page. . . 53

3.3 Read counts of the dierent datasets that were prepared for DARIO. . 53

3.4 Results of the tRNA de novo prediction. . . 58

3.5 List of tRNA families containing introns. . . 58

3.6 Results of de novo ncRNA prediction using the DARIO pipeline. . . 59

3.7 Number of lncRNAs predicted in four Hymenoptera species. . . 65

3.8 FEELnc lncRNA-gene interaction results for A. rosae, O. abietinus, A. mellifera, and N. vitripennis. . . 66

6.1 Number of CNEs identied by CNEr sorted by species, number of CNEs left after overlapping ones were combined, size of the assembly (Mb), and N50 (kb) of the assembly. . . 82

6.2 Number of CNE clusters, grouped by CNE numbers. . . 84

6.4 Total amount of CNE clusters and number of cluster with lncRNA/protein-coding genes. . . 86

6.3 Ratios of lncRNA/protein-coding genes. . . 86

6.5 CNE clusters with lncRNA in cis direction next to it. . . 87

6.6 Number of clusters consisting of ≥10 CNEs with an lncRNA as the as-sociated gene with the information of the shortest distance between the cluster and the lncRNAfound. . . 93

A.1 Coordinates of all regulatory elements and ncRNAs that were predicted in Athalia rosae, after manual curation. . . 115

A.2 Coordinates of all regulatory elements and ncRNAs that were predicted in Orussus abietinus, after manual curation. . . 124


Auch wenn es schwierig ist allen Leuten, die mich in den letzten Jahren unterstützt haben zu danken, versuche ich es. Zuerst natürlich Prof. Dr. Bernhard Misof, der mir in seiner Arbeitsgruppe die Möglichkeit gegeben hat diese Arbeit zu verwirklichen.

Am meisten bedanken möchte ich mich bei Dr. Alexander Donath, der diese Arbeit und mich betreut hat und mir immer mit seinem Rat und Wissen beiseite stand, auch wenn ich an den Skripten verzweifeln wollte.

Desweiteren danke ich Dr. Lars Podsiadlowski, der diese Arbeit begutachtet, und Prof.

Dr. Dietmar Quandt und Prof. Dr. Thomas Döring dafür, dass sie sich zur Teilnahme an der Prüfungskommision bereit erklärt haben.

Weiterer Dank gilt allen Mitgliedern der Graduate School on Genomic Biodiversity Research für interessante Gespräche und fürs Brainstormen.

Nicht zu vergessen sind die Menschen auÿerhalb der Arbeit, die mich mit Motivation, Aufmunterung und ihrer Freundschaft versorgt haben. Ganz besonders Anna-Lisa Hahnen, die sich die Mühe gemacht hat diese Arbeit gegenzulesen und meinem Englisch etwas zu helfen.

Zu guter Letzt danke ich meiner Familie, für einfach alles.