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Aims and research questions

3.3 Research questions of the empirical studies

In Study 1, entitled Der Wert der Mathematik im Klassenzimmer—Die Bedeutung relevanzbezogener Unterrichtsmerkmale für die Wertüberzeugungen der Schülerinnen und Schüler [The value of mathematics in the classroom: The importance of a relevance-oriented learning environment for students’ value beliefs], the effect of instructional strategies and the value classmates attribute to learning mathematics on students’ mathematics-related value beliefs was investigated. Results of this study thereby contribute to filling a gap in research framed in EVT on the role of students’ socializers (teachers, peers) and their beliefs and behaviors for students’

development of all four value beliefs. Unlike prior studies of students’ motivation in the classroom, in this dissertation the social complexity of classroom was taken into account by simultaneously investigating teacher- and peer-related influences, and changes in value beliefs were investigated using a longitudinal design (see Frenzel et al., 2010, for an exception). The following research questions were investigated in Study 1:

1) How are relevance-oriented teaching strategies in mathematics (stressing practical applicability, introducing new topics with everyday examples, demonstrating links with other academic subjects) and students’ perception of the value their classmates attribute to learning mathematics associated with students’ mathematics-related value beliefs (intrinsic, attainment, utility values, and cost)?

2) Do relevance-oriented teaching strategies and students’ perception of the value their classmates attribute to learning mathematics lead to a change in students’

mathematics-related value beliefs after six months?


43 To address the first research question pretest data from the MoMa intervention study were analyzed in multiple linear regression models distinguishing between the individual level and the class level. To address the second research question, data from the first and the last measurement points (six months after the pretest) of the MoMa intervention were examined in multiple hierarchical linear regression models controlling for students’ initial value beliefs as well as for the intervention.

In Study 2, entitled Short intervention, sustained effects: Promoting students’ mathematics-related competence beliefs, effort, and achievement, investigation was made into the effects of the MoMa relevance interventions on students’ competence beliefs, effort, and achievement, thereby extending relevance intervention research to secondary school classrooms in Germany. Unlike in previous relevance intervention studies, the effectiveness of two intervention approaches (one previously established and one newly developed) was systematically compared. Through implementation at the class level, the interventions were first adapted to students’ genuine classroom setting. The short- and long-term effects of the relevance interventions on a broad range of previously neglected outcomes including students’ motivation, behavior, and achieve-ment in mathematics were analyzed. In a previous investigation, the interventions had been found to foster students’ value beliefs (Gaspard, Dicke, Flunger, Brisson et al., 2015). Study 2 addresses the following research questions:

1) How do two relevance interventions (writing a text or evaluating quotations about the relevance of mathematics) influence students’ mathematics-related competence beliefs (self-concept, homework self-efficacy) and their effort to learn mathematics as rated by teachers six weeks after the intervention?

2) Are the intervention effects stable?

3) Do the interventions promote students’ test-based achievement in mathematics five months after the intervention?

To answer the three research questions, separate multiple linear hierarchical regression models were run for each of the outcomes six weeks and five months after the interventions. Two dummies representing the intervention conditions at the class level were simultaneously regressed on students’ competence beliefs, effort, and achievement, controlling for students’

initial values.

In Study 3, entitled Who sticks to the instructions—and does it matter? Antecedents and effects of students’ fidelity to a classroom-based relevance intervention, investigation was made into the processes underlying the effects of the MoMa relevance interventions. Little is known about the mechanisms through which relevance interventions work or do not work. Knowledge about the characteristics of students who respond well and those who respond less well to relevance interventions is needed to find ways to optimize relevance interventions so as to reach a maximum number of students. By systematically analyzing the criteria “positive argumentation”, “personal connections”, and “in-depth reflection”, the third study also makes a



unique contribution to understanding the elements through which a change in students’

perception of relevance can be triggered. In Study 3 the following research questions were addressed:

1) How did students respond to the writing tasks in the MoMa relevance interventions?

2) Which individual student characteristics and classroom-related perceptions predicted students’ responsiveness to the writing tasks?

3) How does the degree of students’ responsiveness relate to the effects of the interventions on students’ utility value beliefs six weeks and five months after the intervention?

To address these research questions, students’ essays produced during the MoMa interventions were coded according to the three fidelity criteria which were first investigated descriptively and then combined into a responsiveness index. Students’ individual characteristics and classroom-related perceptions at the pretest were regressed on the responsiveness index using multiple linear regression models. Finally, complier-average causal effects analyses (e.g., Sagarin et al., 2014) were conducted to compare the effects of the relevance interventions on the utility value beliefs of the responsive students and the nonresponsive students six weeks and five months after the intervention.


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