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4. Generalized Metric Formulation of DFT on Group Manifolds 51

4.5. Relation to original DFT

4.5.3. Relating the theories

Replacing the structure coefficients FABC by covariant fluxesFAB requires a computation of the Christoffel symbols, again. We follow [3]. It results in having to solve the frame field compatibility condition


3FBACECI+EAKΓKJIEBJ = 0, (4.141) and subsequently



. (4.142)

The torsion of this generalized connection vanishes

TIJ K = 2Γ[J K]I + ΓI[J K]= 0. (4.143)

Furthermore, the C-brackets (2.42),(3.67) of both theories are connected through the torsion by

ξ1, ξ2I C =

ξ1, ξ2I

DFT,C+TIJ Kξ1Jξ2K. (4.144) Both theories are governed by the same gauge algebra, however the strong constraints (4.140) need to be exchanged. The same argumentation holds for the generalized Lie derivative as well

LξVI = ξ, VI

C +1

2∇I ξJVJ

= ξ, VI


2∂I ξJVJ

=LDFT,ξVI, (4.145) as it can be expressed through the C-bracket. Therefore, any modification of the Christof-fel symbols does not change their transformation behavior (4.101) under 2D-diffeomor-phisms. Hence, the action and gauge transformations retain their 2D-diffeomorphism invariance. Unfortunately, the O(D, D) preserving constraint (4.120)

LξηIJ = 0 =∂IξJ+∂JξI, (4.146) partially violates the 2D-diffeomorphism symmetry. On top of that, the extended strong constraint of DFTWZW and strong constraint of toroidal DFT for the generalized vielbein EAI should transform covariantly. This leads to the following auxiliary constraints


=−EAKKIξJIf = 0, (4.147)


=−EALLIξJIEBK−∂IEAJEBLLIξK = 0, (4.148) and consequently require

IξJIf = 0, and ∂IξJIEAK = 0 or ∂IξK = const. (4.149)

4. Generalized Metric Formulation of DFT on Group Manifolds

In this equation, the latter term allows for global O(D, D) rotations [3]. Except them, only the following transformations are allowed for the generalized vielbein


0 0

[jξ˜i] 0

, (4.150)

corresponding to B-Field gauge transformations

Bij →Bij +∂[iξj], (4.151)

which we can express through generalized diffeomorphisms, as in the case of global O(D, D) rotations. This implies that the extended strong constraint (4.140) and the O(D, D) generalized background vielbein break the DFTWZW 2D-diffeomorphism com-pletely.

Moreover, the newly introduced generalized connection (4.141) also has an affect on the background dilaton ¯d(4.18) in a non-trivial fashion. Correspondingly, the background dilaton is required to satisfy the compatibility condition for partial integration (3.11)

ΓIJI = ΩIIJ =−2∂Jd .¯ (4.152) In flat indices it takes on the form

FA= ΩAAB+ 2DAd¯= 0. (4.153) The DFTWZW backgrounds fulfill this relation by default, as they originate from a gener-alized Scherk-Schwarz ansatz which inherits (4.153) as a consistency requirement.

At this point, we want to recast the DFTWZW action in the following way

S =SDF T +S, (4.154)

with SDF T representing the original DFT action SDF T =





−2∂Id ∂JHIJ + 4HIJId ∂Jd

, (4.155)

and the auxiliary term

S=−2 3


d2DXe−2dHIJKIJ. (4.156) However, this separation of the action is only valid under application of the extended strong constraint (4.140), with KIJ arising from the DFT field equations. (See [46] for more details). After performing the necessary projections (2.84), which are required due to the undetermined components of this tensor, it allows us to obtain the generalized

4.5. Relation to original DFT Ricci tensor RIJ and the corresponding the equations of motion. For the choice of our Scherk-Schwarz background, we find

KIJ = 1


. (4.157)

The difference between all the metrics HIJ, combining background and fluctuations, and HIJ, describing the background only, should be kept in mind. If equation (4.154) holds, the remaining term


d2DXe−2d∆ (4.158)

must vanish. We now start to replace all covariant derivatives by partial derivatives and the according generalized connection (4.142). It yields

∆ =HIJ





As a result of the strong constraint for background fields, the last term in the first line becomes zero. Furthermore, we perform a partial integration (3.10) and split the dilaton according to (4.18). We obtain


−ΩKKIJHIJ =−2ΩKKIHIJJd˜+HIJKKILLJ+HIJIKKJ. (4.161) In order to get rid of the derivatives acting on ¯d, we applied equation (4.153) . Next, we utilize the newly introduced identities (4.160), (4.161). As an immediate consequence, ∆ reduces to

∆ = HIJ


. (4.162)

During the last step, we use the definition of the coefficients of anholonomy (4.100). A straight forward computation gives rise to

KIJK+∂IKKJ =−ΩIJKLLK −ΩIKLKLJ. (4.163) Finally, we arrive at the desired result

∆ = 0. (4.164)

Moreover, we are interested in evaluating KIJ. Therefore, we switch back to flat indices and exploit the strict left/right segregation of the structure coefficients (4.4). We obtain FACEFBDFηCDηEF =FACEFBDFSCDSEF. (4.165)

4. Generalized Metric Formulation of DFT on Group Manifolds

Thus, we immediately find KAB = 1



= 0. (4.166)

Right away, it follows KIJ = 0, in curved indices, and the main result of this section

S =SDF T , (4.167)

that the action of DFTWZW reduces to the one of original DFT under the imposition of the extended strong constraint [3].

At last, we show that its possible to choose an arbitrary realization of the generalized vielbein EAI as long as the strong constraint is fulfilled. In this context, we argue why the O(D) × O(D) gauge fixing of section 4.5.1 is very convenient. Therefore, we show that S = SDF T is invariant under local O(D) × O(D) transformations. Clearly, these transformations leave

δΛηAB = ΛACηCB+ ΛBCηAC = 0, and δΛSAB = ΛACSCB + ΛBCSAC = 0 (4.168) invariant. A suitable way to show this requires us to compute the failure of KAB to transform covariantly

ΛKAB = 0. (4.169)

With regards to this, it is useful to take the failure of the covariant fluxes [109] into account

ΛFABC = 3D[AΛBC]. (4.170)

From which we obtain

ΛKAB = 3



. (4.171)

Making use of the O(D, D) condition

SACΛCDSDB = ΛAB, (4.172)

analogous to equation (4.165), we acquire the wanted result

ΛKAB = 0. (4.173)

Thus, we can freely choose an arbitrary realization of the generalized backgroundEAI, as long as it satisfies the strong constraint. For instance, we could choose the bivector βij instead of the B-field Bij, or a vielbein which neither lies in the left- nor right-moving Maurer-Cartan form.

Summarizing, we can view the entire computation executed in this subsection as kind of a generalization of the steps performed to find a background independent action [45]

4.5. Relation to original DFT of the cubic DFT action [1]. The proof of the background independence has been ac-complished by absorbing the constant part of the fluctuations ij into a change of the background field Eij, where the dilaton does not contribute in any way [45]. In our case, it is a very similar situation. The generalized metric (4.7) is split into a background field HIJ and fluctuations hIJ through

HIJ =HIJ +hIJ, with hIJ =IJ +1

2IKHKLLJ +. . . . (4.174) Although, in contrast to [45] we have to consider generalized dilaton contributions as well. Moreover, the background field HIJ is generally not constant for arbitrary group manifolds. This indicates that we are not solely restricted to constant background fields.

Only for an underlying group manifold such as the torus we obtain a constant background.

Furthermore, the field equations must always hold for a consistent background. However, we are still able to reproduce the background independence known from original DFT [3, 45].

Therefore, this subsection shows that in order for DFTWZW to be background inde-pendent, we must impose the extended strong constraint (4.140). It rules out all solutions beyond the SUGRA regime. Additionally, DFTWZW might give insights into new non-geometric background and physics which are going beyond the SUGRA/DFT regime despite inheriting the same background independence as in original DFT. On top of that, DFT breaks DFTWZW’s 2D-diffeomorphism invariance as the derivation in this subsection clearly shows.

5. Flux Formulation of DFT on Group