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Record of achievement ___________________________________________

I formed all ideas presented in the chapters of this dissertation under the supervision of Dr. Jesko Partecke. I wrote initial drafts of each chapter. All statistical analyses were performed by me, except for chapter 4, where Catarina Miranda ran the statistical tests of consistency. Dr. Partecke provided feedback on all manuscripts and contributed to the final version of each chapter. Additionally, Dr Partecke translated the general summary into Deutsch. Dr. Martin Wikelski provided feedback for the final draft of chapter 1.

Throughout the four years of the study I performed the majority of work in the field (capture, tracking, blood sampling, morphological measures...). Andreas Schmidt contributed significantly to tracking efforts in the final two years of the study. Martin Wikelski performed all radio tracking from the air. Evi Fricke ran the molecular sex assays. Michael Quetting assisted in the corticosterone asaays and Nina Denhard assisted in the triglyceride assays.

References ______________________________________


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Acknowledgments ___________________________________________

First and foremost I would like to thank my supervisor, Dr. Jesko Partecke, for his amazing support over the past four years. Most importantly, Dr. Partecke provided the guidance needed to help me develop my own interests in the natural world while at the same time he insured that I maintained the focus required for successfully completing my dissertation. I would also like to thank Dr. Martin Wikelski who provided inspiration throughout the past four years. Dr. Wikelskis’ endless enthusiasm and energy was a constant reminder of how exciting our profession can be. Andreas Schmidt was critical to the success of the entire project. His skills in the field are unmatched. My colleagues, past and present, at the Department of Migration and Immuno-Ecology in Möggingen,

provided stimulating scientific conversations throughout the development and implementation of the project. Finally, I would like to thank The International Max Planck Research School for Organismal Biology and Daniel Piechowski for providing numerous opportunities for growth and development as a scientist.

This dissertation would not have been possible without the unwavering support of my family. Carrie, my partner in life, gives me the confidence I need when facing seemingly insurmountable challenges. My mother, Stacy, has always believed in me and never doubted my abilities. My children, Violet and Wolf, force a balance in my life that

List of publications