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Reconstructing the CI wavefunctions

5.4 The haCC code

5.4.2 Reconstructing the CI wavefunctions

Class: primitive gaussians Class: Atomic Orbitals

Class: Symmetry atomic Orbitals Class: Molecular orbitals

Class: Slater determinant Class: CI

Figure 5.2: A schematic showing the series of classes implemented to store and manipulate the configuration interaction (CI) wavefunctions from quantum chemistry. Each class has an object of the previous class and the necessary transformations.

The code that reads the CI wavefunction fromCOLUMBUSpreserves the hierarchy seen in the mathematical formulation presented in section 5.3. This allows for easier manipulations and implementation of checks at various levels. Figure 5.2 shows the construction of CI wavefunction using various class objects: primitive gaussians, atomic orbitals, symmetry atomic orbitals, molecular orbitals, Slater determinants and the CI wavefunction. Each class has an object of the previous class and the associated transformation matrix. All the single particle operators are evaluated at the level of primitive gaussians, which are then multiplied by respective transformation matrices to evaluate operators at higher levels of the hierarchy. The CI class in addition defines functions to compute the generalized reduced density matrices.


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Firstly, I would like to thank my PhD supervisor Prof. Armin Scrinzi for this opportunity to pursue my PhD in his group at Ludwig Maximilians University. I am grateful for all his time, guidance and support which helped me persevere specially during the nearly 3 year long method and code development.

I would like to thank my parents for being very supportive in this pursuit of a PhD in a far off country.

I am grateful for the generous financial support from the EU Marie Curie ITN CORINF and also support from the Munich advanced photonics and International Max Planck Research School for Advanced Photonics. The association with the CORINF and IMPRS-APS networks helped in broadening my knowledge and getting to know other researchers working in this field.

I would like to acknowledge the help from COLUMBUS authors - Prof. Hans Lischka, Dr. Thomas M¨uller, Dr. Jiri Pittner and Dr. Felix Plasser. Their support was essential in constructing the COLUMBUS interface. Special thanks to Dr. Thomas M¨uller for providing me a four day personalized training on COLUMBUS usage.

I am thankful to Prof. Saenz and Prof. Decleva for the opportunity to visit their groups in Berlin and Trieste respectively during the course of my PhD which definitely helped in widening my knowledge.

I would like to thank all my group members specially Alejandro for the many useful dis-cussions. I would also like to thank Alejandro and Andreas for helping me with translating the summary to German.

I am thankful to Mrs. Tobiasch and Mrs. Wild for helping me with many bureaucratic issues during my PhD.

Last but not the least, I would like to thank all my friends specially Harish, Mahesh, Sudeepta, Anil and Vidya for making my stay in Munich more enjoyable.


Personal information

Name Naga Venkata Vinay Pramod, Majety Date of birth 15.02.1990

Nationality Indian

Languages spoken Telugu, English and Hindi


Email Vinay.Majety@physik.uni-muenchen.de


July 2011 - PhD candidate in Faculty of Physics.

Ludwig Maximilians University, Munich, Germany.

2009 - 2011 Master of Science, Physics.

Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning, Prasanthi Nilayam, India.

Summer 2010 Internship at Center for ion beam applications.

National university of Singapore, Singapore.

2009 - 2011 Bachelor of Science (Honours), Physics.

Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning, Prasanthi Nilayam, India.

Fellowships and scholarships

2011 - 2015 Fellow of IMPRS-APS.

International Max Planck Research School for Advanced Photon Science.

MPI for Quantum Optics, Garching, Germany.

2011 - 2014 Marie-Curie ITN CORINF fellowship.

Summer 2010 SIPIS scholarship, National University of Singapore, Singapore.