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Chapter 5: Summary, Conclusions, and Recommendations

5.2. Recommendations and Future Scope

84 | P a g e This study gives projects an image of Ethiopia’s energy system transition in the direction of penetration of more new renewable energy technologies in its energy mix to take off the pressure from hydropower sector to meet the electricity demand and implementation new technologies and efficiency techniques in the country’s traditional biomass sector.

85 | P a g e 5. Employ energy efficiency measures

The demand scenarios illustrated the huge gap between the electricity demand and supply and it was also noted that the country is facing almost 20 % of transmission and distribution loss in the electricity sector.

Other than that, in the overall energy sector, as the population is majorly reliant on woody biomass for its daily cooking and heating needs and the trend will continue in future. However, there is a small and gradual shift to electricity in the urban areas for the cooking needs, which will add up to the total electricity demand. Therefore, it is recommended to launch policies on overall energy efficiency and ensure its thorough execution in all the sectors.

6. Skill development and good education

With low literacy levels and a shortage of skilled personnel, Ethiopia has to largely depend on international aid in terms of money as well as technological expertise for the country’s national projects, for example, recruitment of foreign nationals in significant project positions. This factor was also seen in the form of lack of novel niches in the socio-technical analysis of the country’s energy system transition. Therefore, it is recommended that the government shows positive efforts towards proper education and skill development programs at a rapid and large-scale, Ethiopia could be benefitted largely in the long term as with better education and skills the country will develop at a much faster rate.

7. Ensure affordability

After the poor performance of the first national biogas program due to improper management and structuration of the program, the second phase marked a difference. It has been proved that with steps like providing subsidies for compensating the initial installation costs, the affordability and eventually the acceptability. Therefore, it is recommended that possible options for subsidies should be explored at the time of commencement of diffusion of new technologies for their scale up.

8. Regulatory reforms

In the Ethiopian energy sector, international agencies such as GIZ and the World Bank and many others are taking leading roles in the state-owned projects. Coordinated steps by the government along with these international partners are recommended in the formulation of well-structured policies and regulations such as proper budgetary allocation to the projects, creating favourable conditions for private sector involvement, improving ease of doing business for foreign investors and so on in order to drive the national projects successfully by taking lessons from proven good practices around the world.

9. Citizen engagement

Creating awareness has the potential to solve a lot of problems even before they start to occur. Basic knowhow on the conservation and efficient utilization of energy resources, implementation of 3 ‘R’s;

reduce, reuse, and recycle, sustainable used and waste reduction will potentially make a lot of difference.

Therefore, it is highly recommended to introduce these practices and engage the public through ads, campaigns, etc. to improve the overall development of society.

86 | P a g e 10. Coordination and cooperation

With projects being developed at different places of the country, often they are delayed or terminated due to several factors. One among them is lack of coordination. Therefore, proper coordination, cooperation, and communication are required between the stakeholders to ensure the timely completion of projects.

Finally, the author would like to encourage researchers to go for more research activities in developing regions of the world. Lack of technical know-how, financial limitations and attention to other immediate problems have kept countries like Ethiopia to develop in one way or the other. More research activities will enable better formulation of policies and eventually their implementation to contribute towards its development. Future scopes in author’s point of view are to look for further conditions and risks beyond the energy system during or followed by the transition. The climate impact assessment could also follow as one successive topic for this socio-technical transition. More alternative scenarios could be assumed for the study and comparisons with business-as-usual cases of Ethiopia.

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