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1.4 Observational studies

1.4.1 Radiative transfer equation

One of the most important relations in astrochemistry is the radiative tranfser equation.

This equation describes the absorption, emission and scattering processes that take place when light propagates through a medium and is described by the following expression:


ds =−ρκνIν +jν, (1.15)

where ν is the frequency of the passing light, Iν the specific intensity (W/m2/sr/Hz), s the propagation path andκν is the opacity (cm2g−1), which expresses the effective surface area for extinction per unit mass of interstellar material. In addition, ρ is the total gas density (g cm−3) andjν describes the emissivity (W/m3/sr/Hz). The productρκν gives the absorption coefficient in cm−1. The above equation indicates that when radiation passes through the medium it reduces byρκνIνds(due to absorption), while it can also increase by jνds due to emission coming from the host medium. Since the actual propagation lengths is usually unknown, it is customary to use instead a new quantity called the optical depth, τν:

ν =ρκνds. (1.16)

This changes Eq. 1.15 to:

dIν =−Iνν +Sνν, (1.17) where we introduceSν = ρκjν

ν known as the source function. Multiplying both sides of Eq.

1.17 byeτν followed by integration from τν = 0 and Iν =Iν(0) we obtain:

Iν =Iν(0)e−τν + Z τν


exp[−(τν−τ0)]Sν0. (1.18) Eq. 1.18 describes the measured intensity Iν as the sum of what remains from the back-ground intensity after being attenuated by the host gas (Iν(0)e−τν) plus the emission (Sν0) from the medium itself being also attenuated by absorption along the remaining path to the observer (exp[−(τν −τ0)]). Radiation cannot penetrate regions with a large optical depth (τν 1); in these cases the medium is said to be “optically thick”. Therefore if the interior of an object hasτν 1, we only see the emission coming from the outer layers or the surface of the object.

The above equation can be further simplified by assuming Local Thermodynamic Equi-librium (LTE). In general, a global equiEqui-librium can only be considered for closed systems, which is not the case for a radiative system, such as a star forming region. A system is said to be in LTE when the following conditions are valid:

• The velocity distribution of a sample of particles is given by the Maxwell-Distribution.

• The energy level population in a molecule is described by the Boltzmann-Distribution.

• Radiative balance is achieved at a specific frequency ν with Sν =Bν(Tex).

The excitation temperature Tex is a measure of the level population of a molecule and is assumed to be uniform throughout the entire medium. At LTE the kinetic, excitation and radiative temperature are all in equilibrium with each other (Tkin ≈ Tex ≈ Trad)9. In the following discussion we will explore what conditions produce an emission or an absorption molecular line when considering agas-phase medium. Integration of Eq. 1.18 leads to:

Iν =Iν(0)e−τν +Bν(Tex)(1−e−τν) (1.19) There are four cases that best describe what Eq. 1.19 implies:

• The gas is optically thin (τν 1) and the background intensity is insignificant (Iν(0) → 0). If we perform a Taylor-Expansion of the exponent in Eq. 1.19 we obtain:


This result indicates that if the radiation frequency matches the transition frequency of a specific molecule in the host gas, then the absorption coefficient ρκν becomes large and we record an emission line.

9Tkindescribes the kinetic temperature of the gas particles andTradstands for the radiative temperature of a blackbody.

• The gas is optically thick (τν 1) and the background intensity is negligible (Iν(0) → 0). This leads to:

Iν =Bν(Tex)

In this case the emitted radiation resembles a black body spectrum.

• The gas is optically thin (τν 1) and the background intensity is significant:

Iν =Iν(0)−τν(Iν(0)−Bν(Tex)) This leads to further two sub-cases:

– if Iν(0) < Bν(Tex) we will record an emission line (overlapping with a back-ground spectrum).

– if Iν(0) > Bν(Tex)we will obtain an absorption line.

• The gas is optically thick (τν 1) and the background intensity is significant:

Iν =Bν(Tex)

This gives the same result as the second case.

In order to obtain the intensity that only originates from the molecule itself, one has to remove from the total measured intensityIν the background intensity Iν(0) as done in the following:

∆Iν =Iν−Iν(0)

=Iν(0) exp(−τν) +Bν(Tex)[1−exp(−τν)]−Iν(0)

= [Bν(Tex)−Bν(Tbg)][1−exp(−τν)], (1.20) where we usedBν(Tbg) =Iν(0) withTbg being the background temperature. It is common to replace the specific intensityIν by a quantity known as the Rayleigh-Jeans temperature Jν(T) that expresses the blackbody radiation in terms of a temperature:

Jν(T) =hν kB

(ekB T −1)−1, (1.21)

which in turn is related to the blackbody radiation field Bν as:


2kBν2Bν(T) =Jν(T). (1.22) Considering the above relations, we can write the radiative transfer equation in the follow-ing final form:

TR= [Jν(Tex)−Jν(Tbg)][1−exp(−τν)], (1.23) where the so-called source radiation temperature TR is defined asTR= 2kc2


An essential quantity that is used frequently in observational studies in order to derive the physical properties of a source, such as densities, molecular abundances and the kinetic gas temperature, is the column density. This quantity gives the number of molecules per unit area along the line of sight. The column density of molecules in the upper energy state u is given by integrating the volume densitynu over the pathlengthds:

Nu = Z

nuds. (1.24)

The column density Nu and the optical depth τν are related to each other as10: Nu = 3h


exp hν


−1 −1Z

τνdv, (1.25)

where the Doppler conversion ν = dvc has been considered. The quantity |µlu|2 describes the dipole matrix element of a transition with an upper and a lower energy state u and l, respectively. The total molecular column density Ntot gives the total number of molecules in all possible states and is related to Nu through the following expression:

Ntot Nu

= Qrot gu

exp Eu kBTex

. (1.26)

The quantityQrotis known as the rotational partition function and describes the statistical sum of all rotational energy states in a molecule. The degeneracy factor of the upper state u is given by gu. Through the substitution of Eq. 1.25 in Eq. 1.26 we obtain for Ntot:

Ntot = 3h 8π3lu|2

Qrot gu

exp Eu kBTex


exp hν


−1 −1Z

τνdv. (1.27) In this thesis we study the molecular emission lines towards dense cores as well as molecular absorption lines towards diffuse/translucent clouds. In both cases, the observed gas is considered to be optically thin (τν 1) to the investigated molecular transitions, meaning that the molecular line intensity ∆Iν (as shown above) is equal to τν(Bν(Tex)−Iν(0)). In terms of TR we retrieve for the optically thin approximation:

TRν[Jν(Tex)−Jν(Tbg)], (1.28) and the column density becomes:

Ntotthin = 3h 8π3lu|2

Qrot gu exp

Eu kBTex


exp hν


−1 −1






10for the full derivation see Mangum and Shirley [2015]

Observations provide us with the factor R

TRdv, which is the integrated intensity, or in other words, the area covered underneath a spectral line.

What happens if we also take into account dust particles in our host medium? Dust grains interact efficiently with radiation whose wavelength is similar to the size of the grains. Since grains are sub-micron in size with typical radii of ∼ 0.1µm, the extinction due to absorption and scattering is much higher for short wavelengths (the UV- and in the optical regime) than towards long wavelengths, indicating that dust particles are mostly transparent to radiation in the millimeter and the far-infrared range. The heating of the dust grains up to∼10−90K through the absorption of UV photons leads to the emission of thermal radiation lying in the far-infrared (30-300µm) that will pass through the source mostly unhindered; this represents the most efficient cooling mechanism in the ISM. In general, the extinction at visual wavelentghs (∼ 5500 Å) is defined as AV = 1.086 ×τν, withτν being the optical depth of the dust. Since the host medium towards dense clouds is optically thin to the thermal dust emission, we obtain also here from the radiative transfer equation: IννBν(Tdust). The densityρ of a dense cloud can be written as a function of the density of molecular hydrogen as ρ =µH2m(H)n(H2). Following this, we retrieve for the optical depth τν after integrating along the line of sight:

τννµH2m(H) Z

n(H2)ds=κνµH2m(H)NH2, (1.30) whereNH2 gives the column density of molecular hydrogen. Previous studies [Hildebrand, 1983] have shown that the dust opacityκν can be described by a power-law in the millimeter range:

κνν0ν ν0


, (1.31)

with β being a parameter depending on the properties of the dust grains, called spectral index. Typical values are β ≈ 1−2 between 30 µm and 1 mm. β has been found to be small towards dense cores and circumstellar disks, but closer to 2 within molecular and diffuse clouds [Schnee and Goodman, 2005]. Under consideration of Eq. 1.30 and Eq. 1.31 the dust emission can be expressed as:

Iνν0ν ν0


µH2m(H)NH2Bν(Tdust) (1.32) Eq. 1.32 allows us to determine NH2 of the observed dense cloud by fitting the spectral energy distribution (SED) to the thermal emission of dust grains in the mm-range.