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Publications and submitted manuscripts that form part of the doctoral thesis

Study A:

Provision of mental health services in resource-poor settings: A randomised trial comparing counselling with routine medical treatment in North Afghanistan (Mazar-e-Sharif)

Sarah Ayoughi, Inge Missmahl, Roland Weierstall, Thomas Elbert

Published in BMC Psychiatry

I designed the treatment study and coordinated the cooperation with Afghan health facilities. I recruited the participants and carried out a large number of interviews in Afghanistan. I prepared a database and performed the statistical analyses with the support of Roland Weierstall. I prepared the manuscript under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Thomas Elbert.

Study B:

Continuous traumatic stress – the case of Afghan women

Sarah Ayoughi, Inge Missmahl, Inga Schalinski, Thomas Elbert


I designed the study which was carried out in Kabul, Afghanistan. With the support of Inge Missmahl, I coordinated the cooperation with a local counselling centre. I carried out all interviews in a team with my Afghan colleague Miss Abeda and prepared the database. I performed the statistical analysis and evaluated the results with the support of Inga Schalinski. Finally, I drafted the manuscript under the supervision of Prof. Thomas Elbert.

Publications and submitted manuscripts 71

Study C:

Mental health status of Afghan asylum-seekers and refugees living in Germany

Sarah Ayoughi, Inga Schalinski, Thomas Elbert


I designed the study which was conducted in Germany. I coordinated the cooperation with the different refugee residences as well as focal points of aid organisations in Germany and carried out all interviews. I prepared the database and performed the statistical analyses with the support of Inga Schalinksi. I evaluated the results and prepared the manuscript under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Thomas Elbert.

References 72

6. References

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Catani, C., Schauer, E., & Neuner, F. (2008). Beyond individual war trauma:

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References 73

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Gabel, U., Ruf, M., Schauer, M., Odenwald, M., & Neuner, F. (2006). Pravalenz der Posttraumatischen Belastungsstörung (PTSD) und Möglichkeiten der Ermittlung in der Asylverfahrenspraxis. Zeitschrift für klinische Psychologie und Psychotherapie, 35, 12-20.

Gerritsen, A., Bramsen, I., Deville, W., van Willigen, L., Hovens, J., & van der Ploeg, H. (2006). Physical and mental health of Afghan, Iraninan and Somali asylum seekers and refugees living in the Netherlands. Social Psychiatry Psychitra Epidemiol, 41, 18-26.

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