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III.6 Appendix

III.6.2 Pseudo-code

Algorithm 2:Pseudo-code of the Gillespie algorithm used for generating the figures.

Data: Initial conditions: ν0K∈ MK(X ), Iterations: NIterations, Parameters of Section III.1.

T00,νTK0νK0 ,k0 while kNIterationsdo

forxSupp(νTKk)do if x= (g, p) ∈ G × P then

B(x) ←KTk(g, p) ⌊b(p) − ∑g,˜p)∈Supp(νK

Tk)cb(p,p)ν˜ KTkg,p)⌋˜ + D(x) ←TKk(g, p) (d(p) + ⌊b(p) − ∑g,˜p)∈Supp(νK

Tk)cb(p,p)ν˜ TKkg,p)⌋˜ + ∑g,˜p)∈Supp(νK

Tk)c(p,p)ν˜ TKkg,p)),˜ T(x) ←TKk(g, p) ∑z∈Supp(νK

Tk)t(z, p)νTKk(z), S(x) ←KTk(g, p) ∑p∈P˜ (sg(p,p) + ∑˜ w∈Supp(νK

Tk)sgw(p,p)ν˜ TKk(w)), P(x) ←0,

if x=z∈ Z then

B(x) ←KTk(z)b(z), D(x) ←TKk(z)d(z), T(x) ←0, S(x) ←0 P(x) ←TKk(z) ∑(g,p)∈Supp(νK

Tk)b(z, p)νTKk(g, p), if x=w∈ W then

B(x) ←0, D(x) ←TKk(w)d(w), T(x) ←0, S(x) ←0, P(x) ←0, TotalTraitRate(x) ←B(x) +D(x) +T(x) +P(x) +S(x)

TotalEventRate← ∑x∈Supp(νK

Tk)TotalTraitRate(x), Samplet∼ Exp(TotalEventRate), Tk+1Tk+t

Samplexchosen∈ X according to{TotalTraitRate(x), xSupp(νTKk)}, SampleE∈ {Birth,Death,Therapy,Production,Switch}according to {B(xchosen), D(xchosen), T(xchosen), P(xchosen), S(xchosen)},


if xchosen= (g, p) ∈ G × P then

SampleB∈ {No Mutation,Mutation}according to{1uKm(g), uKm(g)}

caseB=No Mutation νTKk+1νTKk+K1δxchosen


Sampleg,p)˜ according toM((g, p),g,p))˜ νTKk+1νTKk+K1δg,˜p)





caseE=Therapy (Note thatxchosen= (g, p)for some(g, p) ∈ G × P in this case.) Samplez∈ Z according to{t(z, p)νTKk(z), zSupp(νTKk) ∩ Z }

νTKk+1νTKkK1δ(g,p)+ ∑w∈W`killw (z, p)K1δw


Sample(g, p) ∈Supp(νTKk)according to{b(xchosen, p)νTKk(g, p),(g, p) ∈Supp(νTKk)}

νTKk+1νTKk+K1δxchosen+ ∑w∈W`prodw (xchosen, p)K1δw

caseE=Switch (Note thatxchosen= (g, p)for some(g, p) ∈ G × P in this case.) Samplep˜∈ P according to{sg(p,p) + ∑˜ w∈Supp(νK

Tk)sgw(p,p)ν˜ KTk(w),p˜∈ P } νTKk+1νTKkK1δ(g,p)+K1δ(g,˜p)


We use the following notations: let Dbe some discrete set andX aD-valued random variable, then X sampled according to the weights{w(i), i∈ D}means thatP(X=i) =w(i)/ ∑i∈Dw(i).

124 III.6. APPENDIX The depth diagram of the algorithm we used to generate the simulations in this thesis is given in Figure III.13.

Figure III.13: Depth diagram of the program.



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