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Pruning an existing method

Im Dokument Identification of nodes and Networks (Seite 89-93)

3.5 Evolutionary Framework for the Identification of Influential Nodes

3.5.2 Pruning an existing method

We first consider (APc). From Section 3.4.4 we know that ARRS keeps or eliminates a new sequence S based on the global goal function ξg(·) (see also Algorithm 3.2). This strategy, to some extent, is inefficient since it considers the whole sequence. That is, during an iteration, one part ofS maybe lead to a better result while another part might make the result worse. And if the worse one weighs more onF, thenS would be eliminated. Actually, such conflict becomes more and more frequent as Tincreases24. Indeed, the combination of nsandrucould overcome that and facilitate ARRS to have the ability to optimize a sequence locally (such as, a largensin tandem with a smallru). But that ability is always limited.

Now assuming that there is a sequenceSregarding a given networkG(N,M)where each element ofScorresponds to a unique node inN, we define a slice ofSas

Sp(t1,t1) =S[t1:t1], (3.35)

24It is also the main reason that ARRS is stuck in some local optimization if it is initialized by some shallow strategies.

wheret1t1are two given integers (refer to Section 2.1.2 for the definition ofS[t1:t1]). The corresponding local average ofGp(q)follows

F(Sp(t1,t1)) =

t1/n q=


Gp(q). (3.36)

Then, one can easily observe thatSp(t1,t1)would be independent ofSp(t2,t2)if t1 <t2or t2 <t1, that is, F(Sp(t1,t1))would keep unchanged, no matter what permutationsSp(t2,t2) takes, vice versa. Note that here those elements in bothSp(t1,t1;)and Sp(t2,t2)are fixed, namely, they only change their orders internally.

Holding the above property, we can then try the following processes to prune a given sequence S, i.e., locally optimize an existing method. That is, i) randomly pick up two integers, and assign the small one tot1 and the other one tot1, respectively; ii) run ARRS on Sp(t1,t1); and iii) repeat those two steps a number of times. Now another problem arises as to how should we choose those two integers? PruOrd

RanS HubS





PruOrd(0,0) PruOrd(1,0) PruOrd(0,1) PruOrd(1,1)


RanS HubS





PruGri(0,0) PruGri(1,0) PruGri(0,1) PruGri(1,1)


RanS HubS





PruRan(0,0) PruRan(1,0) PruRan(0,1) PruRan(1,1)


RanS HubS





PruRang(0,0) PruRang(1,0) PruRang(0,1) PruRang(1,1)


Figure 3.23:Performance of PruOrd, PruGri, PruRan and PruRang regardingFof different initial sequences compared to ARRS and ABetS (dashed lines). (a) PruOrd. (b) PruGri. (c) PruRan with uniformly random selection oft1. (d) PruRang considering Eq. (3.38). The difference ofF between every two ticks is 0.002. Each result is the mean of 20 IIs.

3.5 Evolutionary Framework for the Identification of Influential Nodes

The first strategy still follows a routine similar to ARRS and we call it prune orderly (PruOrd). Specifically, lettingTˆpbe the total pruning times and Tpbe the current pruning iteration, PruOrd considers the following steps to achieve one round of pruning25:

1) seta(Tp) =⌊a(0)nTp⌋,b1(Tp) =⌊b1(0)(1−δb1)Tp⌋andb2(Tp) =⌊b2(0)(1−δb2)Tp⌋; 2) lett1= a(Tp)andt1 =t1+b2(Tp);

3) run ARRS onSp(t1,t1); 4) leta(Tp) =a(Tp) +b1(Tp);

5) repeat 2), 3), and 4) until the termination is reached.

Then, let us look into the reason that we have those control parameters. From Section 3.1 and 3.4 we know that the order parameterGp(q)decrease asqincreases and approaches 0 after the critical thresholdqc, i.e.,q> qc. Hence, when Sbecomes more and more orderly, the effect of a node from the subcritical regime on Fwould be less and less, especially those at the beginning of S26. Therefore, we use a(Tp)to lock those nodes, and the number of such nodes increases as the rise of Tp. With respect to b1(Tp)and b2(Tp) which satisfies b1(Tp)< b2(Tp), their combination ensures the interactions among different groups, whose significance have been demonstrated in Section 3.4. And similar to ARRS, we let both of them decrease along with the increase ofTp.

To validate the effectiveness of PruOrd, Tˆp =104, a(0) =0.9/Tˆp, b1(0) =0.1n, δb1 = 0.0001,b2(0) =0.3nandδb2 =0.0005 are conducted. Besides, since ARRS only runs on part of S, the following changes of its configuration are also considered:Tˆ =20,ru(0) = (t1 −t1)/n andδru =δns =0.5. Fig. 3.23a shows the corresponding results, where different combinations ofru(T)andns(T)are studies as well. That is, for example, PruOrd(α1,α2) in whichα1=1 corresponds to ru(T) = ru(0) and α2 = 1 represents thatns(T)is randomly chosen from [1,ns(0)], otherwise, they follow the strategies same as ARRS. Moreover, if α2 = 1, we also associate ns(0) with Tp, e.g., here we let ns(0) = ns(0) +1 if F does not have any improvement for 10 rounds.

As we can see from Fig. 3.23a, PruOrd truly works, in particular PruOrd(0,1). And its performance relies on bothα1andα2. Through comparing PruOrd(0,1) or PruOrd(1,0) with PruOrd(1,1), one can easily find that eitherα1 = 0 or α2 = 1 facilitates better results and PruOrd(0,1) accounts for the best. Besides, better performance could also be achieved by tuning those control parameters. But it is usually difficult to find the optimal configuration, and different networks might need a different one. Nevertheless, PruOrd converges very fast and could have a better result within 10 iterations than those compared methods that we mentioned in Section 3.4.

25Note that againa(Tp),b1(Tp)andb2(Tp)are temporal parameters that we employ to help explain a method or strategy. Hence, one should refer to the specific place to check their associated meanings.

26Note that here a percolation process is considered instead of an attack process. PruGri

The difficulty in managing those control parameters motivates us to simplify PruOrd.

Hence, we have another strategy which prunesSbased on a grid search (PruGri). In detail, PruGri conducts a round of pruning in the following ways:

1) given boundariesbl andbusatisfyingbu−bl >0,bl >0 andbu <n;

2) leta(Tp) =0 and getb2(Tp)by randomly picking up an integer from[bl,bu]; 3) sett1 =a(Tp)andt1= t1+b2(Tp);

4) run ARRS onSp(t1,t1); 5) leta(Tp) =a(Tp) +b2(Tp);

6) repeat 3), 4) and 5) until the termination is reached.

In this manner, we only need to tune bl and bu excluding those of ARRS. Note that the random selection of b2(Tp) achieves the similar goal that the combination of b1(Tp) and b2(Tp) has in PruOrd. And one can of course let a(Tp) follow the way same as PruOrd.

But here our purpose is to make PruGri as simple as possible. Besides, another advantage that PruGri has is that it could be paralleled sinceb2(Tp)is fixed for each round anda(Tp) increases in steps ofb2(Tp). As illustrated in Fig. 3.23b where bl = 100 andbu = 0.2nare employed, PruGri(1,1) has the best performance on average. And compared to PruOrd (Fig.

3.23a), PruGri could benefit more from existing strategies except for a random sequence (i.e., RanS). Besides, considering ABetS, all four can find smaller Fthan ARRS. One can also compare PruOrd and PruGri directly, that is, count the number of ticks regardingFsince the difference between every pair of ticks is same. PruRan and PruRang

Though PruGri could find a really good result, it is sometimes inefficient in time consumption because it takes a grid search. Thus, we reach the third strategy which prunes a sequence by repeatedly conducting ARRS on a random slice ofS(PruRan). Specifically,

1) give the boundarybusatisfying 0<bu< n;

2) assign a random integera(Tp)drawn from[1,n]tot1and another one b2(Tp)from [1,bu]fort1=t1+b2(Tp), wheret1< nmust hold;

3) run ARRS onSp(t1,t1);

4) repeat 2) and 3) until the termination is reached.

Indeed, PruRan is similar to PruGri but it gives us the freedom to controlt1. For instance, rather than randomly chooset1uniformly, we here consider a strategy similar to Eq. (3.27), that is, repeatedly sample a random integera(Tp)∈ [1,n]until it is successfully assigned to t1, which follows

t1= a(Tp) ifa(Tp)> b1(Tp)or with a probability Ap=e

−[a(Tp)−b1(Tp)]2 2[b2(Tp)]2

. (3.37)

3.5 Evolutionary Framework for the Identification of Influential Nodes

As we mentioned during the introduction of PruOrd, the supercritical region makes the main contribution to F, which is also the reason that we have Eq. (3.37). For example, if lettingb1(Tp) = qc, then Eq. (3.37) is less likely to consider nodes that is in the beginning ofS. Further, ifb2(Tp)→ 0, then Eq. (3.37) degenerates to the original PruRan. Here we consider the settings of

b1(Tp) =qcnandb2(Tp) = qcn

b2(0)αTp (3.38)

withα>1 to ensure that a(Tp)gradually converges toqcfrom the subcritical regime as Tp increases. Note thatqc would also change with the rise ofTp.

To distinguish the one considering Eq. (3.37) from the original PruRan, we mark it with a ‘g’, namely, PruRang. Figs. 3.23c and 3.23d illustrate the comparisons of PruRan (with bu = 0.2n), PruRang (with bu = 0.2n and using Eq. (3.38) with b2(0) = 0.01 and α=1.001) and other methods. As we can see from them, both PruRan and PruRang hold the best performance on average by settingα1 =α2= 1. And PruRang is more capable of approaching PruGri. Summary

To sum up, considering the performance based on different initial sequences, those strategies could be truly possible to shorten the gap between ABetS and other shallow methods, such as PruGri(1,1) initialized with HubS. Besides, it is worth mentioning that all those 4 tested strategies have the ability to surpass ABetS, even though they are based on a shallow initial sequence. For instance, PruGri(1,1) has better performance in 10 out of 20 results than ABetS for the case of the initial sequence drawn based on HubS. In addition, in what follows, if there is no specific explanation, all those 4 strategies are considered with α1 =α2=1 where PruGri, PruRan, and PruRang have their best performance on average.

Moreover, in the below sections, since we only aim to detect whether a new strategy works, ns(0) =ns(0) +1 would be processed if 10 rounds of pruning result in no change ofF, and a method terminates if eitherns(0)>50 orTˆp is reached. These two changes would speed up those strategies but reduce their effectiveness certainly.

Im Dokument Identification of nodes and Networks (Seite 89-93)