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4.2.3 Prospects

The integrative properties suggest how neurons may convert input into output. This study provides the first evidence about intrinsic properties of two projection-specific presubicular cell populations. ADN projecting neurons were generally regular spiking but showed diverse intrinsic properties. The integrative properties of this heterogeneous cell population will have to be studied more extensively in the future. To predict how visual control is operated within the PrS, for example via recurrent excitation of layer IV onto ADN projecting neurons, additional knowledge about information flow and information processing is needed. For this purpose, neuronal


populations that are recruited by visual afferences should be identified. Visual projections either directly target LMN and/or ADN projecting neurons but could also activate neither of them directly. Visual information could be processed within presubicular microcircuit first, before being transmitted to LMN projecting neurons. Therefore, other principal cells of the PrS, such as layer III neurons, or interneurons could be recruited by visual afferences.

To elucidate this question, a combination of the retrograde tracing technique and stimulation of visual afferences by using optogenetics seems promising. Retrograde tracer can be injected in LMN and/or ADN and viral constructions expressing channelrhodopsin171 in visual cortex at the same time. The first will label a projection specific neuronal population, whereas the latter will let us stimulate corresponding afferent fibers in acute brain slices172. That way, specific targets of visual cortex in the PrS could be revealed and the hypothesis about the central role of layer IV IB neurons as the relay of visual information from visual cortex to subcortical areas confirmed or refuted. Of course, the same technique could be extended to other afferences of the PrS (thalamus, retrosplenial cortex, etc.) that may target specifically distinct cell populations. Furthermore, possible intralaminar connections between layer IV and deep layer neurons leading to recurrent excitation should be examined, for example by stimulating LMN projecting neurons while simultaneously recording ADN projecting neurons. For this purpose, a retrograde tracer of differing fluorescence (red and green are available) would have to be injected in LMN and ADN of the same animal, allowing the identification of both populations in acute brain slices. Double recordings would show if both populations are linked and if so, to what extent. Information processing at the microcircuit level includes excitatory and inhibitory activity. If we assume that LMN projecting neurons in layer IV are contacted by visual afferences, it is most likely that this excitatory loop is patterned by inhibitory activity.

In the first part of my work I described high density of PV+ interneurons in layer IV contacting the perisomatic region of principal cells. In layers II/III of visual cortex, PV+ interneurons have been shown to be the main target of long range visual input65. In the PrS, a similar feed-forward inhibitory pathway may operate visual information processing and limit output of LMN-projecting neurons. After injection of an optogenetic tracer in visual cortex, visual afferences could be selectively activated. In vitro paired recordings of retrogradely labeled LMN projecting neurons and genetically targeted PV+ interneurons could then reveal a feedback inhibition pathway.


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