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At rst, keep in mind that problem (2.1)-(2.8) could equivalently rewritten as (2.17) with ρ(t, x) =L[u, ρ0](t, x)where

L:Br(0)⊂ Z1,Γ(J)×H3p(Ω)→Bc(r)(0)⊂ Z3(J),

Br(0)denoting a ball with radiusrand centre0, andZ1,Γ(J) :={v∈ Z1(J) : (v|ν)Γ ≥0}, see Lemma 3.1. Furthermore, due to the Theorems 3.1 and 3.2 we have maximal Lp -regularity for the associated inear problem, that is, L is a continuous one-to-one mapping from the space of data to the class of maximal regularity,

L ∈ Lis(Z1,B(J)× Z2(J),D1(J)× D2(J)),

D1(J) :={ϕ∈ X1,Γ(J)× Y0,d(J;Rn)× Y0,s(J)× Y1,s(J;Rn)×W4−2/pp (Ω;Rn) : ϕfulls 4.-7. of Thereom 3.2}

D2(J) :={ϕ∈ X2(J)× ×Y1(J)× Y2(J)×W4−4/pp (Ω) :ϕfulls 4. of Theorem 3.1}.

Using this property and Lemma 3.1, it is easy to verify that Fi, see (2.18), mapsZ(J)to Di(J)and hence L(u0, c0) = (F1(u, c, ρ), u0,F2(u, c, ρ), c0)can be solved uniquely, meaning that the xed point mapping G is well-dened. As elucidated in section 2.1 we shall prove selfmapping in Σ0 := {(u, c)∈ Σ :u ∈ Z1,Γ(J)∩ Z1,B(J)} and the contraction inequality with respect to the norm ofZ(J). Now, we give an answer to the choice of(u, c)entering in the denition ofΣ. Let(˜u,c)˜ ∈ Z1,B(R+)∩ Z1,Γ(R+)× Z2(R+)be given, so that(˜u,˜c)|t=0= (u0, c0)and additionally∂t|t=0=−∇u0·u0−10 ∇·[S|t=0+P|t=0] +f|t=0, in view of higher regularities. We further set R2 :=k(˜u,˜c)kZ1(R+)×Z2(R+). Then by ρ˜we mean the unique solution of

tρ˜+∇·( ˜ρ˜u) = 0, (t, x)∈J×Ω,


ρ(0) =ρ0, x∈Ω.

This kind of approximation for ρensures∂ktρ˜|t=0=∂tkρ|t=0,k= 0,1. Then we just put L(u, c) = (F1(˜u,˜c,ρ), u˜ 0,F2(u0, c0, ρ0), c0). (4.1) Notice that the right side (F1(˜u,c,˜ ρ), u˜ 0) belongs toD1(J)and, in view of the constraint p > pˆ, (F2(u0, c0, ρ0), c0) ∈ D2(J) as well, in particular, all compatibility conditions are satised. Theorem 3.1 and 3.2 guarantee existence and uniqueness of(u, c)inZ1,B(J)×Z2(J) withJ = [0, T], anyT <∞. Hence(u, c)can be considered as the value of one xed point iteration.

4.1. Contraction and selfmapping

Let us x R >0 and T >0. We consider R0 ∈(0, R), T0 ∈(0, T)and set J0 = [0, T0]. It follows that for any(u, c)∈Σ0


and, due to Lemma 3.1, we also getkρkZ3(J0)≤c0(R)withR:= max{kρ0kH3p(Ω), R+R2} which is independent of R0 and T0. Also, notice that for any(u, c)∈Σ0 and any function

spaceY(J0)being continuously embedded intoZ1(J0)× Z2(J0)we have k(u, c)kY(J0)≤ k(u, c)−(u, c)k0Y(J0)+k(u, c)kY([0,T])

≤cEk(u, c)−(u, c)k0Z1(J00Z2(J0)+cER2,

hence independent ofR0andT0, cf. the rst remarks in the proof of Lemma 3.1.

Step 1: Contraction. Let w1 = (u1, c1), w2 = (u1, c2) ∈ Σ0 be given and set ρi = L[ui, ρ0]. Then by(u01−u02, c01−c02)we denote the unique solution of

L(u01−u02, c01−c02) = (F1(w1, ρ1)− F1(w2, ρ2),0,F2(w1, ρ1)− F2(w2, ρ2),0).

Using the maximal regularity result 6.1 and 3.4 we obtain

ku01−u02k0Z1(J0)≤M1k(F1(w1, ρ1)−F1(w2, ρ2),0)k0D1(J0)≤M1

k(ρ1−ρ2)∂tu2kX1(J0)+ k(ρ0−ρ1)∂t(u1−u2)kX1(J0)+kρ1∇u1u1−ρ2∇u2u2kX1(J0)+k∇·([S1−S](u˜ 1−u2))kX1(J0)

+k∇·([S1− S2](u2))kX1(J0)+k(ρ1−ρ2)fextkX1(J0)+k∇(π1−π2)kX1(J0)

+k(ρ21ερ,1∇c1−ρ˜2ε˜ρ∇˜c)· ∇2[c1−c2]kX1(J0)+k(ρ21ερ,1∇c1−ρ22ερ,2∇c2)· ∇2c2kX1(J0) +12k∇(ρ21ερ,1)|∇c1|2− ∇(ρ22ερ,2)|∇c2|2kX1(J0)+k[ρ1ε1∇c1−ρ˜˜ε∇˜c](∆I+∇2)[c1−c2]kX1(J0) +k[ρ1ε1∇c1−ρ2ε2∇c2](∆c2I+∇2c2)kX1(J0)+k∇(ρ1ε1)· ∇c1∇c1− ∇(ρ2ε2)· ∇c2∇c2kX1(J0)

+k[˜η−η1]QD(u1−u2)·νskY1,s(J0;Rn)+k[η1−η2]QD(u2)·νskY1,s(J0;Rn) , withSi(v) :=S(v, ρi), and




0H1/2p (J0;Lp(Ω))+ kρ1−ρ2k

0H1/2p (J0;Lp(Ω))kc2k

C12(J0;C(Ω))+kΦ2kLp(J0;Lp(Ω))+ kγ0−γ1kL


p(Ω))+ max{T014, T

1 4+p1

0 }kγ1−γ2k0B(J0;H1 p(Ω))

with an appropriateβ >0. In view of Lemma 3.3, each dierenceρ1−ρ2 can be estimated by means ofu1−u2,

kL[ρ0, u1]−L[ρ0, u2]k0Z3(J0)≤κ(T0, c(R))ku1−u2k0Z1(J0).

Recall that εi, γi and ηi were shortcuts for ε(ρi, ci), γ(ρi, ci) and η(ρi, ci), respectively.

Subsequently, it is decisive that the operator norm ofL−1is independent of the time interval J0= [0, T0], but might depend on T > T0. This can only be achieved in case of null initial data, which is satised by considering dierences. This fact will also be used in the upcoming estimates in which constants occur due to embedding and interpolation inequalities. The latter estimate exemplarily shows how contraction will be achieved, since T0 ∈(0, T) can be chosen freely andκ(T0)→0 as T0 →0. To see that the two inequalities above can be estimated to a similar result, we will only demonstrate this proceedure by means of some selected terms.

Let us begin with a few examples from the rst inequality. Using the identityρ1(t)−ρ0= Rt

0∇·(ρ1u1)ds, the quasilinear term (ρ0 −ρ1)∂tu1 −(ρ0 −ρ2)∂tu2 can be estimated in

X1(J0) = Lp(J0; Lp(Ω;Rn))by of lower order. The rst dierence can be estimated inX1(J0)by


0;C(Ω))k∇2(c1−c2)kLp(J0;Lp(Ω;Rn×n))≤ T01/421ερ,1∇c1−ρ˜2ε˜ρ∇˜ck

0C1/4(J0;C(Ω))kc1−c2k0Z2(J0)≤C(R)T01/4kc1−c2k0Z2(J0), where we usedc1−˜c∈0Z2(J0),→0C1/2(J0; C1(Ω)),ρ1−ρ˜∈0Z3(J0),→0C1/2(J0; C1(Ω))and triangle inequality along with dierentiability ofε. The second dierence can be approached in the same way, issuing from the Cahn-Hilliard equation. To begin with, we briey discuss the smallness of ρ1−ρ0andγ1−γ0 appearing in front ofkc1−c2k0Z2(J0). Due to the relationρ1(t)−ρ0=

As a last estimate we study the norm involvingη1−η2andQD(u2)·νon the boundaryΓs. In this case one has to useη1−η2∼ρ1−ρ20Z3(J0),→0Hθr(J0; H1−θp (Ω)),→0Cβ(J0; H1−θp (Ω)) with θ∈(0,1), 0< β <3/4 and 1−θ−1/p >0, and thus [ρ1−ρ2]s ∈Cβ(J0; Lps)). This embedding as well asZ1(J0),→H1/2p (J0; C1(Ω;Rn))∩Lp(J0; C2(Ω;Rn))enables us to proceed as follows



p (J0;C(Ω;Rn))




≤C(R) max{T0β−12, T01/p}kρ1−ρ2k0Z3(J0), β∈(12,34).

Step 2: Selfmapping. In this case a very similar approach is possible, however we are concerned with estimates in spaces including higher regularites (a drawback of spaces in-volving high regularities). To begin with, let (u, c) ∈ Σ0 be given. We have to show that (u0, c0) given as the solution of L(u0, c0) = F(u, c, L[u, ρ0]) lies in Σ0 as well, that is, k(u0−u, c0−c)k0Z1,B(J00Z2(J0)≤R0. By the Theorems 3.1 and 3.2 the following estimate is again available

k(u0, c0)−(u, c)k0Z1,B(J00Z2(J0)=

kL−1(F1(u, c, ρ)− F1(˜u,c,˜ ρ),˜ 0,F2(u, c, ρ)− F2(u0, c0, ρ0),0)k0Z1,B(J00Z2(J0)


kF1(u, c, ρ)−F1(˜u,˜c,ρ)k˜ 0X1,Γ(J0)+kF2(u, c, ρ)−F2(u0, c0, ρ0)k0X2(J0) +kσs(u, ρ)−σs(˜u,ρ)k˜ 0Y0,s(J00Y1,s(J0;Rn)+k∂ν[g0(ρ, c)−g00, c0)]k0Y3(J0) . Using (2.16) and (2.18) we further obtain for the boundary norm

s(u, ρ)−σs(˜u,ρ)k˜ 0Y0,s(J00Y1,s(J0;Rn)=kη( ˜ρ)−η(ρ)η( ˜ρ) QS(u)˜ ·νsk0Y1,s(J0;Rn)

≤Ckη( ˜ρ)−η(ρ)η( ˜ρ) k0Y1,s(J0)kQS˜(u)·νskY1,s(J0;Rn)

≤Ckη( ˜ρ)−η(ρ)η( ˜ρ) k

0H3/2p (J0;Lp(Ω))∩Lp(J0;H3p(Ω))kukZ1,B(J0)



1 p

0 kη( ˜ρ)−η(ρ)η( ˜ρ) kB(J0;H3

p(Ω))+ max{T0, T

2 p

0 }kη( ˜ρ)−η(ρ)η( ˜ρ) k

0Wp2+ 14(J0;Lp(Ω))

≤CRk(T0)kη( ˜ρ)−1kZ3(J0)kη( ˜ρ)−η(ρ)k0Z3(J0)

≤CRk(T0) max

k%kZ3 (J0 )≤2R1

0(%)kZ3(J)kρ−ρk˜ 0Z3(J0)≤Ck(T0), because 0Y1,s(J0) and Z3(J0) form multiplication algebras, for p > pˆ at least, and the embedding Wp2+ 14(J0) ,→ C32+ 1p(J0) holds for p > 4. Here, k(T0) tends to 0 as T0 → 0. Observe that, in view of this estimate, viscosities of the form η(ρ, c) are not admissible.

Moreover, in this estimate we require that ρ˜, constructed in section 4, approximate ρ in Z3(J0) which indeed is not the case for ρ˜:=ρ0. We continue with the estimate above by considering the other boundary norm,

k∂ν[g(ρ, c)−g(ρ0, c0)]k0Y3(J0)≤Ckg(ρ, c)−g(ρ0, c0)k0X1(J0;R)≤C{

k∇·([ε0−ε]∇c)k0X1(J0;R)+kρ−1ε∇ρ· ∇c−ρ−10 ε0∇ρ0· ∇c0k0X1(J0;R) +kψc(ρ, c)−ψc0, c0)k0X1(J0;R)+12k[εc(ρ, c)|∇c|2−εc0, c0)|∇c0|2]k0X1(J0;R)

where two kind of dierences occur, the highest order term ∇·([ε0−ε]∇c)and lower order terms having additional time regularity. Let us exemplarily study this highest order term.

Using again that X1(J0;R) forms a multiplication algebra for p > pˆ, we may estimate of lower order possess more time regularity as needed, we are able to get similar results as above. Next we insert the denitions of F1 andF2, see (2.16), to obtain the estimates

kF1(u, c, ρ)−F1(˜u,c,˜ρ)k˜ 0X1,Γ(J0)≤ k( ˜ρ−ρ)∂tuk0X1(J0)+k∇ ·[S(u)−S(u)]k˜ 0X1(J0)+ We will not carry out all estimates in every detail, because it would go beyond the scope of this work, but the forthcoming procedure can be adopted to all other cases. First of all, notice that there are again two kinds of dierences in the estimates above, higher order terms multiplied with a 'small' dierence and lower order terms (l.o.t.) with more time regularity inducing a factor T0β with β > 0. We start with the highest order dierence

∇ ·[ηD(u)−ηD(u)]˜ being a part of∇·[S(u)−S(u)]˜ . Having in mind that X1(J0)forms a multiplication algebra, this dierence can be treated as follows

k∇ ·[ηD(u)−ηD(u)]k˜ 0X1(J0)≤Ckη−ηk˜

As a last task we consider∇ ·(γ∇∇ ·([ε0−ε]∇c))appearing inF2(u1, c1, ρ1)−F2(u0, c0, ρ0). This highest order term involves third derivatives of ρ−ρ0 which indeed has more time regularity as actually needed. More precisely, it holds

kγ∆∇[ε0−ε]· ∇ck0X2(J0)≤ kγk


C14(J0;C(Ω))∩C(J0;C1(Ω))· T01/p0−εk0B(J0;H3


1 p

0 · kε0−εk0B(J0;H3


1 p

0 . Finally, putting together all estimates above and choosingT0∈(0, T)suciently small, we obtain the inequality

k(u0, c0)−(u, c)k0Z1(J00Z2(J0)≤C(R)r(T0)

withr(T0)tending to0 asT0 →0. ChoosingT0 suciently small, such that C(R)r(T0)≤ R0, we have accomplished selfmapping. Therefore G : Σ0 7→ Σ0 is a strict contraction w.r.t. the topology of Z(J0), hence by Lemma 2.1 and the contraction mapping admits a unique xed point in (u, c) ∈ Z1(J0)× Z2(J0)and thus ρ =L[u, ρ] ∈ Z3(J0) is unique as well. Repeating the above arguments we obtain solutions in the maximal regularity class on intervals [ti, ti+1]. Either after nitely many steps we reach T, or we have an innite strictly increasing sequence which converges to some T(u0, c0, ρ0) < T. In case limi→∞(u, c, ρ)(ti) =: (u(T), c(T), ρ(T))exists inVpandρ(T)>0, we may continue the process, which shows that the maximal time is characterized by condition (2.12).

5. The nonlinear problem with general boundary conditions