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· 11 Identity: · NCR 315 FORTRAN II.

· 12 Origin:. · National Cash Register Company.

. 13 Reference: .. · not published to date.

· 14 DescriptiE..!.l_


FORTRAN II is the most widely-used process oriented language for scientific programming.

Complete details of NCR 315 FORTRAN II are not available to date; however, the following specifi-cations are known.

NCR 315 FORTRAN II includes most of the FOR TRAN II language as described for the IBM 7090 (see Section 408:161), with several useful extensions. Some of the more important restric-tions and extensions relative to IBM 7090 FORTRAN II are presented in the following paragraphs.

Diagnostics to be provided include detection of many syntax and semantic errors. Upon recogn-izing such errors, the compiler will print an error message indicating the type of error and identifying the offending character. Compilation will always be carried to the end, resulting in complete diagnostics. A listing of illegally-nested DO loops, undefined or multiply-defined labels, and memory allocation conflicts will be provided at the end of the program source listing.

A post-mortem dump will be available at execution time that will list the value of all variables and their memory locations. Correlation can be made

by means of a memory map generated at compile time.

. 141 AVailf!.bility

Compiler: . . . April, 1965.

.142 Restrictions Relative to IBM 7090 FORTRAN II as Described in Section 408:161.

(1) No double precision floating point arithmetic facilities will be provided; however, normal precision will be 12 digits.

(2) No facilities for Boolean or complex arithmetic will be provided.

(3) No facility will be provided to check for arith-metic overflows.

.143 Extensions Relative to IBM 7090 FORTRAN II as Described in Section 408:161.


--(1) Subscripted subscripts will be allowed.

(2) Some mixing of modes in expressions will be allowed.

(3) Labels of up to eight characters will be allowed.

(4) Floating-point incrementing and backward indexing (negative step) will be allowed in DO loops.

(5) Provision for arrays of any number of dimensions will be allowed.

(6) Subscripts will be allowed to have zero and negative values.


Process Oriented Language FAST



Identity: . Flexible Algebraic Scientific Translator.

FAST is a limited algebraic language intended for small NCR 315 installations having punched card or paper tape input-output facilities and (optionally) one CRAM unit. The two compilers for the FAST language, FAST I and FAST III, are described in Section 601:184.

Arithmetic statements are written in a manner similar to FORTRAN. Operators are provided for addition, subtraction (or negation), multiplica-tion, and division of fixed-point and floating-point numbers. Fixed or floating-floating-point operations are distinguished by preceding the arithmetic oper-ator with the symbol ";if" for fixed-point operations.

All floating-point operands are 12 digits in length, and fixed-point operands can be up to 12 digits in length. Since the type of an operand is not identi-fied by its label (as in FORTRAN), the programmer must take care not to unintentionally mix fixed and floating-point operands. As in FORTRAN, the normal interpretation of the order of operations of an algebraic statement is left to right, and paren-theses can be used to specify a different ordering.

Provisions are made for one-dimensional a,rrays and one level of subscripting. Most operations permit simple variable fixed-point subscripting.

Subroutines can be included, but they usually must be written into the program at least once. (Special provisions for sharing subroutines between pro-grams are described later.) A number of machine instructions, including arithmetic (but not divisio~,

compare, test, jump, and shift instructions, have been implemented directly as symbolic operators;

these instructions perform the same functions as when coded directly in machine language. One interesting facility is the HEX operator, which permits up to 20 single-stage machine instructions in absolute format to be included in the source program. This facility will probably be used primarily for jump register control in user-coded input-output and error routines, since great con-fusion can arise through use of both absolute and symbolic addressing in the same program.

Sequence control is established by an unconditional jump statement and by three-way branch statements based upon a comparison of two stated operands.

Both fixed'-point and floating-point comparisons are implemented. Statements can be numbered for reference by other parts of a program. A simple loop control statement increments a counter by a specified fixed-point variable or constant (either positive or negative), compares this count with a specified fixed-point variable or constant, and branches to a speCified statement based on the result of the comparison. The state of the counter is available for further use after the loop is terminated.

Input-output facilities are limited to one input and one output device. Input is by punched paper tape or punched cards, depending on the compiler version selected Each card image can contain multiple data items. Fixed-point numbers can be read in and converted to floating-point form at automatically. The only output device provided for in the FAST language is a line printer. Fixed-point and floating-point numbers can be printed one per line, or alternatively they can be stored in an output area for printing multiple fields per line. Also available is an operator for advancing the paper in the printer to the top of the next page.

A plotting facility is provided. A specified symbol, which can be different for each point plotted, is stored in the print-line character position corresponding to the value of a specified operand. Operands can be either fixed or floating-point. Numbers must be scaled between Oand 119 inclusively. A + symbol is printed when a point falls beyond the printed page, and an


symbol when two points overlay one another. Columnar information can be printed beside the plot if desired.

Debug facilities are limited to a print-out of the results of each statement along with the location of the statement. This print-out occurs for each statement following a TRACE statement until an NTRACE statement is encountered. A statement-location table provided by the compiler enables a programmer to identify specific statements. The trace may be inhibited by a control card preceding the data or from the console.

Several special facilities are provided for programs written to be run on an NCR 315 with one CRAM unit. Included are provisions for input and printing of alphabetic fields. Alphabetic constants can also be written in the program. No other direct facili-ties are provided for handling alphabetic informa-tion, but the symbolic operation code for the machine-language compare instruction can be used to compare two alphabetic fields. Other special facilities for systems with a CRAM unit in this group permit reading or writing of CRAM files, segmentation of programs by using overlays, and saving of subroutines on a CRAM file for use by subsequent programs.

© 1965 AUERBACH Corporation and AUERBACH Info, Inc. 3/65

\ NCR 315

Machine Oriented Language NEAT Assembler



This is a machine oriented language designed for use with small systems, and within the NEAT* Com-piler. It requires a 5, OOO-siab core store, punched tape or punched card input-output equipment, a printer, and one magnetic tape or CRAM unit. The output includes complete listings and a copy of the object program ready for loading. There are no macro operations, but pseudo operations are used to control assembly. The target computer may have any configuration, and all its facilities can be used.

Identification: ••.•• identification of program.

Line: . • • • • • . . • • . number of line of coding;

used with page for error check but not sort.

Reference: • • . . . symbolic name of data item register) associated with A.

A: • • • • . . . . • . • . • address of first operand.

Y: . • • . . . • . . . • • • index register (or jump register) associated with


B: •••••••••••.• address of second operand or necessary additional information.

*NEAT is a service mark of the National Cash Register Company iliational's ~ectronic ~uto­

coding .Techniques).

Remarks: • . • • • . . . remarks or comments the programmer wishes to make . and ADJUSTMENT is any number; total address field may not exceed 10


.242 Multi-addresses: •..• none.

.243 Literals: . • . . • . . . • . 15 in X column denotes

• 312 Common label forma-tion rule: • • . . . • yes •

4-bit code constants: pseudo-op DIGIT.

5-digit address

constant: .•••••• pseudo-op PAill.

3-digit address

constant: . • . • . . . . pseudo-op SLAB •

• 316 Synonyms permitted: •• yes.

.321 Labels for procedures

Existence: • . . . . • . optional.

Formation rule

First character: ••• any letter or numeral.

Last character: ••• any letter or numeral.

Others: . . • • • • . • • at least 1 letter.

.326 Labels for variables: . same as procedures.

.33 Local Labels: •••.•• none.

© 1965 AUERBACH Corporation and AUERBACH Info, Inc. 3/65

601: 171.400 . 4 DATA

• 41 Constants

.411 Maximum size constants Integer

Decimal: •••.••.• 24 decimal digits.

Octal: . . . • . • none.

Hexadecimal: . . • • . none.

Fixed numeric

Decimal: •.••.••• treated as integer.

Octal: • • • . . • . • • • none.

Hexadecimal: . • . . . none.

Floating numeric: •.• none.

Alphabetic: ••..••• 24 chars. Specified in program: no.

.422 Data type: ..••••••. not required •

• 423 Redefinition: • • . . . . • yes.

• 43 Input-Output Areas

.431 Data layout: • • • . • . . • implicit.

Comment: ••••.••• in form of alphameric con-stants.

.54 Translator Control

· 541 Method of control

Allocation counter: •• pseudo-operations.

Label adjustment: ..• pseUdo-operations.

Annotation: . • . . . pseudo-op or position.

• 542 Allocation counter

Set to absolute: • . . . yes.

Set to label: . . • • . . yes.

Step forward: • . . . • . yes.

Step backward: •••.• yes.

Reserve area: •..•• yes • .543 Label adjustment

Set labels equal: •••• yes.

Set absolute value: •• yes.

Clear label table: •.. no.

• 544 Annotation

Comment phrase: .•. yes.

Title phrase: . . . • • . yes.


AVAILABLE: ..••• see Section 601:151.


defines numeric (4-bit) constant.

defines a 5-digit address-constant.

defines a 3-digit address-constant.

creates a single-stage in-struction with op code zero.

reserves an area of memory.

sets assembler location counter.

defines a symbolic label.

defines a comment line . defines end of program

and first instruction to be executed.


Machine Oriented Language NEAT Compiler



The NEAT Compiler is an advanced symbolic as-sembly system designed for use on NCR 315 com-puters with at least 10,000 slabs of core storage, 4 magnetic tape handlers or 1 CRAM unit, apunched tape or card reader, and a high speed printer.

Source program input may be from punched cards, punched tape, or magnetic tape. The object pro-gram can be added to the Propro-gram Library, the Data Design Library, or the Macro Generator Li-braryon either magnetic tape or CRAM. A copy of the object progriun can also be punched into cards or tape if desired. All object programs produced by the NEAT Compiler are compatible with the STEP and PACE operating systems described in Section 601: 191.

The programmer uses a standard Programming Sheet (page601:172.S10) for both procedural coding and data definition. Other standard forms are used for Magnetic Tape (or CRAM) File Specifications (primary and alternate handler number, size and location of input-output area, maximum record length, etc.) and for Compiler Control (types of in-put and outin-put, target comin-puter memory size, etc.).

Three classes of instructions are available to the NEAT Compiler programmer:

• NCR 315 machine instructions - These instruc-tions specify particular computer operainstruc-tions by means of mnemonic operation codes and either absolute or symbolic addresses. Double stage (four-slab) instructions are written on a single line, with commas separating the A, B, and Y operands. Constants can be generated by simply including their literal values as the operands of the instructions which reference them.

• Control instructions - These are pseudo-instructions which control the assembly process but generate no object program instructions.

• Macro instructions - These instructions are re-placed in the object program by a series of ma-chine instructions drawn from the expandable Macro Generator Library. Approximately SO macro subroutines are currently available from NCR, and more will be added as necessary.

Functions of the available macros include: con-trol of input-output operations, code translation, index register manipulation, diagnostic opera-tions, loading of overlays, and floating point arithmetic.

. 15 .2 .21 .22

The NEAT Compiler requires a complete descrip-tion of the data to be processed by the object pro-gram. A complex hierarchical structure of files, records, groups, sub-groups, and fields can be con-viently defined through the use of level indicators similar to those of COBOL. A "data level" includes all the fields described below it which have level numbers larger than its own level number. Rede-finition facilities permit two or more data entities to share the same core storage areas. Predefined,

"canned" data descriptions can be called from the Data Design Library; this facility can save coding time and promote the adoption of standardized record formats.

Length (instructions): . length of an instruction operand.

Level (data): . . . level number of a data item.

X: . . . R-Register designation.


(instruc-tions): . . . . . all additional information re-quired by the particular instruction; multiple oper-ands are separated by commas.

Length, Type (data): .. length and type (alpha, digit, numeric, or floating point) of a data item.

Remarks: . . . • . any comments desired by the programmer, to be in-cluded in output listings;

separated from Operands field by a space.

Identification: . . . program ill, for external use only.

.23 Corrections: . . . allow gaps between coding sheet line numbers to per-mit insertions. Source program entries can be sorted internally according to page and line numbers.

If two or more lines are identically numbered, only the last line read will be usea-:-The OMIT pseudo permits deletion of one or more lines.


NEAT is a service mark of the National Cash Register Company lliational t s ~lectronic ~utocoding Iechniques).


1965 AUERBACH Corporation and AUERBACH Info, Inc. 3/65

601: 172.240

· 24 Special Conventions

. 241 Compound addresses: . any combination of labels and/or numbers, separated by + or - and terminated by a space or comma.

. 242 Multi-addresses: . . . . required in certain instruc-tions; separated by commas .

.312 Common label forma-tion rule: • . . . yes . . 313 Reserved labels: . . . . none.

.314' Other restrictions: . . . none . . 315 Designators: . . . none.

.316 Synonyms permitted: .. yes; EQUATE pseudo-op.

.32 Universal Labels

• 321 Labels for procedures

Existence:. . . mandatory if referenced by other procedures.

Formation rule

First character: •.. any letter or numeral.

Others: . . . • . . . any letter or numeral. local to that subroutine;

formation rules are the same as for universal labels.

Hexadecimal: ••..• not used.

Fixed numeric

Floating numeric: •.. none.

NCR 315 .43 Input-Output Areas

.431 Data layout: . . . explicit layout .

.432 Data type: . . . level number, length, and type are specified on coding sheet.

· 433 Copy layout: • • . . . by inclusion of predefined layouts from library.


.51 Direct Operation Codes .511 Mnemonic .521 Number available

Input-Output: •..•• , approximately 40.

Arithmetic: . . . • • . • approximately 10 .

Overlay control: ..•• 1.

Interrupt control: . . . 2.

.522 Examples

Simple: . . . RDUMP.

Elaborate: • . . . MRMT FILE2, AREA4.

.523 New macros: . . . • assembled by NEAT Com-piler and inserted into Macro Generator Library . .53 Interludes: . . . none .

· 54 Translator Control .541 Method of control

Allocation counter: .• pseudo-ops.

Label adjustment: . . . pseudo-ops.

Annotation: . . . see. 544 below.

· 542 Allocation counter

Set to absolute: . . • . ORIGIN pseudo-op.

Set to label: . . . ORIGIN pseudo-op.

Step forward: . • . . . . SAVE pseudo-op.

Step backward: ..••• no provision.

Reserve area: . . . • . SAVE pseudo-op.

(Contd. )


Set absolute value: .. EQUATE pseudo-op.

Clear label table: . . . no provision.


Comment phrase: . . . following space in Operands field of any line.

Title phrase: . . .


in Reference field.


AVAILABLE: . . . • . . see Paragraphs 601:172.82 and 601:151.17 for de-scriptions of available macro subroutines.


Identity: . . . ;:lystem Library . Kinds of Libraries: . . . expandable libraries for

Programs, Data Descrip-tions, and Macro Generators.

Storage Form: . . . magnetic tape or CRAM . Varieties of Contents: . assembled programs, data

descriptions, and macro generators are stored in separate, expandable libraries.


Insertion of new item: . Librarian routine (601: 151. 16).

Language of new item:. NEAT Compiler language . Method of call: . . . macro-instructions • Insertion in Program

Open routines exist: .. no . and refills input area.

NEXT:OU:. • . . . . .. advances index registers and empties output area.

MWMT:I: . . . writes a record on tape in control mark on tape.

writes a specific control mark on tape.

counts the blocks in a spec-ified file.

locates a specified block in a file.

reads paper tape in 7-channel code.

reads a punched card and translates.

reads in and accesses each record in a Source-Destination file.

sets up write of current block of Source-Destination file.

read in and accesses each record in a Source-Destination file.

deletes a record from a block of a Source-Destination file.

inserts a record in a block of a Source-Destination file.

replaces a record in a block of a Source-Destination file .

writes an output block on a Source- Destination file consisting of the informa-tion remaining'in the


area of that file.

prints contents of memory and all flags and registers.

prints address of each in-struction executed when-ever console monitor switch and processor Trace Permit Flag are on.

preserves contents of cer-tain registers and flags when Demand Interrupt occurs.

restores contents of regis-ters and flags saved by DENT.

causes compiler to build file tables named.

calls System Supervisor at completion of object program.

calls an overlay into mem-ory.

writes rescue dump on destination file.

selects a CRAM and drops a card.

drops a CRAM card and reads card presently on drum.

writes on CRAM card presently on drum.


601:172.810 on another card presently on drum.

defines 4-bit code constants.


MRPT: . . . . reads paper tape in 1 of 4 different codes and trans-lates to interflal code.

punches paper tape in 1 of 5 different codes.

defines a right-justified decimal number.

value of first operand is added to location counter.

sets location counter.

specifies the origin of a portion of the program which will not be overlaid.

equates one symbolic name to another.

assigns a symbolic name to an index register.

assigns a symbolic name to a jump register.

defines a 2-slab instruction with operation code zero . the following instructions

counteracts effect of UN-LIST.

indicates end of program.

deletes symbolic coding.

suppresses printing of the coding generated by macro-instructions.


Progratll _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Pre/Mred by, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Dale Page 01




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NCR 315


.1 GENERAL 315 COBOL source language programs (as des-cribed in Section 601:161) into machine code, via NEAT assembly language. At present, only the LffiRARY facility has not been implemented in . COBOL. On an NCR 315 equipped with tape, the

translation process takes approximately 2 to 6 seconds per statement depending on the number of statements in the program. Faster translation is obtained on a CRAM-equipped 315.

The object program can control all NCR 315 equip-ment except the MICR reader and remote inquiry units. Efficiency in the object program can be ob-tained by the following: '

o Observing the style rules, summarized in paragraph. 54, which provide for good use of index registers.

It Considering the data structure in the computer itself when designing data-areas and only breaking the 12-bit words when unavoidable.

• When using CRAM, remembering the time lags involved, and arranging the program to issue LOCATE orders well in advance of the

hash totals not allowed.

segmentation not yet available.

. 221 Input media: . . . S,o- col umn punched cards.

paper tape .

. 222 Obligatory ordering: .. none, provided that enough line numbers are used so that the initial sorting produces a correct result.

.223 Obligatory grouping: .. by division.

.23 - - - -Size Limitations:

.231 Maximum number of

source statements: .. 4,500 with tape version.

S, 500 with CRAM version . .232 Maximum size source

statements: . . . not more than 100 oper-ands.

.233 Maximum number of

data items: . . . 99,999 per section.

Maximum number of item s wi thin one MOVE CORRESPOND-ING statement: . . . . 200.

OUTPUT .31 .Qbject Program

.313 Output media: .. · magnetic tape, CRAM, cards, paper tape.

.32 - - - -Conventions: · NEAT tape or CRAM con-ventions are observed, providing restart and I/O procedures.

The program is compatible with the NEAT package, including supervisory, debugging, and library

The program is compatible with the NEAT package, including supervisory, debugging, and library