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A. thaliana root cortex

4.4 The V. dahliae oleate ∆12-fatty acid desaturase Ode1 has important roles

4.4.2 Plant-derived unsaturated fatty acids might replace products

V. dahliae Ode1 contributes to fungal growth even if the genome possesses additional genes, which are hypothetically encoding oleate ∆12-fatty acid desaturases. Ode1 is not required for induction of severe disease symptoms in tomato plants as deletion strain infected plants display only a minor decrease in severity of disease symptoms (Figure 28). Therefore, Ode1 is not required for initial colonization and penetration. Inside the plant, the ODE1 deletion strain might be able to use plant-derived unsaturated fatty acids to compensate for the growth defect. It was shown that the ODE1 deletion strain was able to use exogenous linoleic acid (Figure 26) and the plant provides linoleic acid which is used as a membrane component, precursor of plant oxylipins, and building blocks for

the cuticula for example (Soliday & Kolattukudy, 1977; Brodhun & Feussner, 2011). Plant linoleic acid and the derived oxylipins are recognized as mimics of the fungal signaling molecules and promote sporulation and mycotoxin production in Aspergilli (Burow et al., 1997; Calvo et al., 1999; Wilson et al., 2004; Brodhagen et al., 2008; Gao & Kolomiets, 2009; Horowitz Brown et al., 2009; Reverberi et al., 2010). In A. nidulans and A. flavus, perception of exogenous oxylipins via G-protein coupled receptors was confirmed for a few oxylipins (Affeldt et al., 2012, 2014; Fischer & Keller, 2016).

Even if plants might provide substitutes for fungal linoleic acid or its derived compounds, it cannot be excluded that products from other oleate ∆12-fatty acid desaturases contribute to successful host colonization in V. dahliae. Endogenous linoleic acid production of the corresponding A. parasiticus oleate ∆12-fatty acid desaturase OdeA has positive effects on the colonization of live corn and peanut seeds, even if those provide linoleic acid contents (Wilson et al., 2004). The absence of odeA did not alter fungal growth on dead seeds. Therefore, fungal linoleic acid or linoleic acid-derived products were assumed to be required for suppression of defense responses in the seed (Wilson et al., 2004). The expression of plant LOX genes was modulated upon colonization by Aspergilli, resulting in altered jasmonic acid induced plant defense responses (Burow et al., 2000; Tsitsigiannis & Keller, 2007; Horowitz Brown et al., 2009;

Gao et al., 2009). Similar results with essential roles of oxylipins from both interaction partners have been found in F. verticilloides, where fungal oxylipins produced by LDS1 induce maize LOX3 for suppression of the plant JA-mediated defense responses and promote fungal virulence (Battilani et al., 2018).

In conclusion, V. dahliae Ode1 is dispensable for induction of severe disease symptoms even if the respective deletion strain displays a severe growth defect ex planta.

Therefore, linoleic acid or linoleic acid derived compounds are either dispensable for virulence or the fungus can compensate the loss of Ode1-derived products through the action of other endogenous enzymes or exogenous plant-derived polyunsaturated fatty acids (Figure 33).


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