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10 by interchanging the Weil pairing with the Tate pairing. So instead of stating the algorithm again, we want to slightly modify it to run more efficiently in certain cases.

We are assuming the following situation: Let E/k be an elliptic curve overk=Fq

with a prime numberm| |E(k)|(coprime toq) andm2 -|E(k)|such that the embedding degree ofE andm is s >1.

By proposition VI.4.7, we know that for points OE 6= P ∈ E(k)[m] and S ∈ E(l)[m]\E(k), with l := k(µm), we have e(P, S) 6= 1, whereas e denotes the Tate pairing. In this situation, the Frey-R¨uck attack looks as follows:

Algorithm 11The Frey-R¨uck attack

INPUT: P, Q∈E(k) of order mwith Q= [r]P for some unknownr∈Zm. OUTPUT: r = logP(Q).

1: choose S ∈RE(l) withS /∈mE(l)

2: ζ1 ←em(P, S)

3: ζ2 ←em(Q, S)

4: compute r←logζ12) by using index calculus

5: return r

Proof of algorithm 11. Recall that, in our situation, we have an isomorphism E(l)[m]∼=E(l)/mE(l).

So, sinceS /∈mE(l), this means that it is a point of order m, and we havee(P, S)6= 1 by the above. ChoosingS is trivial by picking a random pointS ∈E(l) and then check whether [qsm−1]S 6=OE. The rest of the proof works exactly like the proof of algorithm 10.

VII.4 Pairing-Friendly Elliptic Curves

In the previous section, we have met a method to attack a DLP on an elliptic curve.

This attack was only efficient, if the pairing could be computed efficiently, and if the index calculus algorithm worked fast enough. A natural question is, whether there are certain curves for which the pairing can be computed quickly, and whether there are curves for which the attacks of section VII.3 run fast. In the latter case, an elliptic curve is said to be weak, and in the former, it is called pairing-friendly. In terms of Miller’s algorithm, an elliptic curve is pairing-friendly, if it has an embedding degree of moderate size. As a consequence of theorem IV.3.2, we have the following result, which was first proved by Menezes, Okamoto and Vanstone in [MOV91].

Corollary VII.4.1. Supersingular elliptic curves are pairing-friendly, since they have an embedding degrees≤6.

Proof. Trivial by theorem IV.3.2.

We want to give another example of a pairing-friendly elliptic curve. Frey, M¨uller and R¨uck proved in [FMR99] that there are elliptic curves (not necessarily supersingu-lar) with embedding degree 1. We need the following definition.

Definition VII.4.2. Let E/k be an elliptic curve over k = Fq. By the Hasse-Weil bound (see theorem III.4.4), we know that

|E(k)|=q+ 1−t, wheret∈Zwith|t| ≤2√

q. This valuet is called thetrace ofE overk.

Proposition VII.4.3. Let E/k be an elliptic curve over k = Fq with an integer m| |E(k)|, coprime to q. If the tracet of E overk is congruent to 2 modulom, then the embedding degree ofE andm is s= 1, i.e. E is pairing-friendly.

Proof. Assume thatt≡2 (modm), i.e. it existsa∈Zwitha·m=t−2. Furthermore, it existsb∈Zwith b·m=|E(k)|by assumption. By definition, we have

t−2 =q−1− |E(k)|, i.e. (a+b)m=q−1, which means that s= 1.

Appendix A

Galois Cohomology

In this short appendix, we would like to give a very brief summary of results on Galois cohomology. We mostly rely on [Sil86], although the reader is better off by consulting books like [Ser01] or [Ser79].

Let k be a perfect field with a fixed algebraic closureK, and let GK/k denote the Galois group of the Galois extensionK/k. Recall thatGK/k is a profinite group (see e.g. [Bos04, Ch. 4, Satz 2.7, p. 153]).

Definition A.0.4. LetM be an additively written Abelian group on whichGK/kacts.

If theGK/k-action onM is continuous with respect to the profinite topology on GK/k and the discrete topology onM, we say that M is a(discrete) GK/k-module.

Example A.0.5. 1. K andK certainly areGK/k-modules with the natural action of GK/k on K resp. K (cf. [Sil86, Example B.2.1.1, p. 333]).

2. IfV ⊆Anis an affine variety defined overk, thenI(V /K) is an ideal ofK[X1, . . . , Xn], generated by finitely many elements of k[X1, . . . , Xn], and so, in particular, an (additive) Abelian group on whichGK/k acts. That the action ofGK/k is contin-uous follows immediately from example 1. So I(V /K) is aGK/k-module.

Definition A.0.6. Let M be a GK/k-module. The group ofGK/k-invariant elements ofM,

H0(GK/k, M) :={m∈M |σ(m) =m for all σ∈GK/k}, is called the 0-th cohomology group of M.

Using the additional property of GK/k being profinite, we can define the following:

Definition A.0.7. LetM be a GK/k-module.

1. Whenever a mapξ :GK/k→M is continuous with respect to the profinite topol-ogy onGK/k and the discrete topology onM, we simply say thatξ iscontinuous.

2. Thegroup of contiuous 1-cocycles (fromGK/k to M) is defined by Zcont1 (GK/k, M) :={ξ :GK/k→M |ξ continuous map,

ξ(σ◦τ) =σ(ξ(τ)) +ξ(σ) for allσ ∈GK/k}.


This is indeed a group, as one easily verifies.

3. Thegroup of (continuous) 1-coboundaries (from GK/k to M) is defined by B1(GK/k, M) :={ξ:GK/k →M | ∃m∈M :

ξ(σ) =σ(m)−m for all σ∈GK/k}.

Clearly, B1(GK/k, M) is a subgroup ofZcont1 (GK/k, M).

4. The1-st cohomology group of M is defined by

H1(GK/k, M) :=Zcont1 (GK/k, M)/B1(GK/k, M).

The next result will summarize all properties of the cohomology groups that are of importance to our purposes.

Proposition A.0.8. 1. (Hilbert theorem 90) The 1-st cohomology group of the GK/k-moduleK is trivial, i.e.

H1(GK/k, K) = 0.

2. (Additive version of Hilbert theorem 90) The 1-st cohomology group of theGK/k -module K is trivial, i.e.

H1(GK/k, K) = 0.

Proof. See for instance [Sil86, Proposition B.2.5, p. 335].


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