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Conflict regions are consistently overshadowed by violence even after the end of conflict.

Soldiers were exposed to long-lasting periods of war in the past and continue to serve in new deployments. War trauma and resulting symptoms of PTSD may foster violent behavior. This recurrent violence provokes new trauma, and the cycle of violence continues to be maintained. The results of the present thesis underlined the role of appetitive aggression in buffering the development of PTSD on the one hand, and that, on the other hand, appetitive aggression is strongly related to violent behavior prior to, during and following deployment.

Hence, appetitive aggression is another factor decisively fueling the cycle of violence.

The present thesis highlighted furthermore the role of abusive experiences during childhood.

Childhood maltreatment appears to be of great significance for the development of PTSD symptoms and appetitive aggression in war-torn populations. A self-history of child abuse entails abusive parenting as well as intimate partner and community violence in the post-conflict society. The consequences of childhood maltreatment for the soldiers' psyches and behavior must not be overlooked, also considering the impact on the next generation.

Childhood maltreatment constitutes a crucial factor for maintaining the cycle of violence in post-conflict countries and constitutes an enduring burden on society. Parenting programs combined with targeted psychological intervention programs dealing with trauma and aggression are essential to curb violence in the long-term.

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