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This thesis explores the architecture of the rat medial entorhinal cortex layer 2 at the light microscopic level (chapter 2) and at a more detailed level of description using state-of the-art 3-dimensional electron microscopy (chapter 3). The first study investigated the structure-function dichotomy in layer 2 of the medial entorhinal cortex, challenging the view that stellate cells are the major principle cell type in generating grid cell activity. The second study performed for the first time a detailed connectomic analysis of L2 MEC. The findings of modular cellular organization, path length-dependent axonal synapse sorting and cellular

feed-forward inhibitory circuits provide a novel level of insight into an intricate neuronal system. They emphasize that detailed connectomic analysis is required to make progress on a mechanistic understanding of circuits in the cerebral cortex. Both studies inspire future research of the microcircuits underlying grid formation, their generality across species, with a focus on the contribution of inhibition to activity propagation in MEC.


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