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10. Summary, Conclusion and Outlook 175

10.3. Outlook

due to the largeτ coupling. Neither wereτ leptons reconstructed explicitly, nor are the effects on the secondary leptons from decayed τ leptons known. Hence, no conclusions on a possible charged Higgs boson in t¯tdecays can be drawn. This is true in particular in the context of the large systematic uncertainties on the individual down-type quark and b-quark spin analysers results.

10.3. Outlook

This thesis concludes with proposals concerning futuret¯tspin correlation measurements at hadron colliders.

10.3.1. Reduction of Systematic Uncertainties

The LHC provided a large number of t¯tpairs, already for the 2011 dataset. Systematic uncertainties limited the presented analysis. Reducing them should have highest priority before repeating the measurement at√

s= 8 TeV. As for many analysis, the jet energy scale uncertainty had a strong impact, too. Improving the calibration would be a great benefit.

A clear dependence on the modelling of the kinematics of the t¯t pairs was shown.

Recent measurements of the differential tt¯cross section showed a preference of the top quark pT spectrum and a parton distribution function which are different from to the currently implemented ones. Hence, a change of the default generator is suggested. This also concerns the jet multiplicity mismodelling of MC@NLO which made it necessary to add another degree of freedom to the fit in order to deal with this problem. Next to changing the default MC generator setup, the uncertainties on the t¯tmodelling should be further investigated and tried to be reduced, too.

A larger dataset allows the application of further cuts to improve the purity of the sample. It was also shown that the reconstruction is stable in terms of pile-up which will increase with higher luminosities.

10.3.2. Dileptonic t¯t Event Suppression

A common principle in t¯t analyses is to optimize the event selection in a way that the background is reduced and the signal contribution maximized. For t¯t analyses in the

`+ jets channel, where the properties of the t¯t topology assuming a `+ jets topology are analysed, tt¯contribution from the dilepton channel is a non-negligible background component. As shown in Table6.2, the dileptonic t¯tevents represent more than 10 % of thet¯t signal.

A reduction of the dilepton contribution should be considered. Some quantities have different distributions fort¯tevents in the dilepton and in the `+ jets channel and allow to separate the signatures. As an example, Figure 10.3(a) shows the missing transverse momentum, ETmiss. The transverse W boson mass (Figure 10.3(b)) and the likelihood

from KLFitter (Figure 10.3(c)) show a good discrimination between the two tt¯decay

Figure 10.3.: Normalized distributions of (a) the ETmiss, (b) transverse W boson mass and the (c) logarithm of the likelihood from KLFitter. The distributions are shown for reconstructed simulated quantities of t¯t pairs decaying into the`+ jets channel and the dilepton channel.

It should also be considered to veto a second lepton with a looser cut than the ones used in this analysis (see Section4.1and 4.2).

10.3.3. Usage of Jet Charge for tt¯Reconstruction

The jet pT distributions and flavour composition was used to separate jets originating from light up- and down-type quarks. This allowed to reconstruct the down-type quark as spin analyser. During the optimization studies for the down-type quark reconstruction other methods were checked, too.

A promising utility for jet discrimination is the jet charge. It makes use of the fact that the charge of the quark is propagated to the hadrons to which a jet fragments. By determining the hadron charges one can infer back on the original quark charge [307].

Such a method was successfully used in [139–142] to measure the charge of the top quark.

10.3. Outlook As both the up- and down-type quark from theW boson have a charge of the same sign, the jet charge technique has not been used in this thesis. However, future measurements could benefit from an improved t¯t reconstruction due to the usage of jet charge. In particular, the correct assignment of the two b-quarks to their parent top quarks can be improved. While studies in the `+ jets channel can make use of other supportive reconstruction techniques, the dilepton channel could benefit a lot.

In the following the feasibility of the jet charge is briefly demonstrated. Two methods of jet charge are used. For the “MaxPtTrackCharge” the jet charge corresponds to the charge of the track within the jet that has the highest pT. For another approach a weighted sum of charges of the tracks within a jet is created. In Figure 10.4 the jet charges of jets matched to up and anti-up quarks is shown. A clear separation is visible.


Jet Charge Via MaxPtTrackCharge


Jet Charge Via Weighted Jet Charge


Figure 10.4.: Charge of a jet matched to an up and anti-up quark using the (a) charge of the jet track with the highest pT and (b) the weighted charge using all tracks.

The description of the weighted jet charge as well as further reconstruction optimiza-tion tests can be found in the Appendix L. Studies of the jet charge technique in the context of t¯tpairs produced in association with a Higgs boson can be found in [308].

10.3.4. Future Measurements of t¯t Spin Correlation

A strategy for future measurements of t¯t spin correlation in the `+ jets channel is suggested.

The Monte Carlo generator used to produce thet¯t signal should be chosen such that no known mismodelling is included. In cases with a clear preference of the data, it should be followed. This also concerns the parton distribution functions and the parton shower modelling.

The t¯t reconstruction can be further improved by adding information from the jet charges. As several quantities are available to properly map jets from the t¯t decay to the model partons, a multi-variate reconstruction algorithm is a promising way.

Both the production and the decay oft¯t pairs need further studies to carefully probe the Standard Model and to look for new physics effects beyond it. Studies in the `+ jets channel will keep playing an important role. A larger dataset will allow choosing subsets with a high signal purity. Also, promising differential analyses will be possible.

Furthermore, moving to higher centre-of-mass energies allows to probe new production mechanism compositions due to the increasing dominance of the gluon fusion.

In this thesis the recipe for a powerful reconstruction in the`+ jets channel was given and will help to establish the next-generationtt¯spin correlation measurement.


Alles selbst geschrieben? Aber klar doch. Im Ernst. Man hat ja schon so seine Anspr¨uche an sich selbst. Nur heißt

”selbst geschrieben“ nicht gleich

”alles alleine hinbekommen“.

Denn w¨ahrend so einer Promotion muss der Mensch auch mal Maschine sein. Und daf¨ur braucht er Unterst¨utzung von Freunden und Familie. Die hatte ich stets, und daf¨ur bin ich sehr dankbar. Ob vor Ort oder aus der Ferne, sie waren immer f¨ur mich da. Auch, wenn wir uns in der letzten Zeit nicht allzu oft sehen konnten. Ganz besonderer Dank gilt meiner Familie. Ihr habt mir immer Kraft und Unterst¨utzung gegeben. Mit dem Lemmer-Clan im R¨ucken kann einem nichts passieren!

Meine wunderbaren Mitbewohner Joana, Johannes, Steffi, Jarka, Alex, Pascal, Kon-rad, Andrea und Jan machten meine WGs zu einem richtigen zu Hause. W¨art ihr nicht gewesen, h¨atte ich in der ein oder anderen schweren Stunde vielleicht schon die Koffer gepackt. Ich hatte das Gl¨uck, in G¨ottingen nicht nur richtig schnell Anschluß, sondern auch richtig gute Freunde zu finden. Danke Folkert, Jan, Joana, Johanna, Lena, Lena, Maike, Marie, Sebastian und Steffi f¨ur die wundersch¨one Zeit!

Ohne Doktorvater kein Doktorsohn. Ich danke Arnulf Quadt, dass er mich als Quer-einsteiger in die Teilchenphysik aufgenommen hat. Er hat mich viel gelehrt und ließ mir die Freiheit, sowohl am CERN unter optimalen Bedingungen zu forschen als auch beim Science Slam einen etwas unkonventionellen Weg der Wissensvermittlung zu gehen.

Kevin Kr¨oninger und Lisa Shabalina sorgten f¨ur eine ausgezeichnete t¨agliche Betreu-ung, waren jederzeit hilfsbereit zur Stelle und hielten die Stimmung im B¨uro immer ganz weit oben. Mein Institut war w¨ahrend all der Zeit eine richtig starke Truppe und große Unterst¨utzung. Heidi Afshar, Heike Ahrens, Lucie Hamdi, Gabriela Herbold, Bernadette Tyson und Christa Wohlfahrt sorgten daf¨ur, dass hinter den Kulissen alles reibungslos ablief. J¨org Meyer hielt die IT am Leben und versorgte mich mit wertvollem Wissen zur Physik und zu Computing.

Meinen Freunden und Kollegen aus dem II. Physikalischen Institut danke ich f¨ur all den klugen Rat (ob zur Physik oder dar¨uber hinaus) und die Unterhaltung bei der Arbeit und vor allem auch drumherum. Danke insbesondere an Andrea, Anna, Chris,

Cora, Fabian, Johannes, Katha, Martina, Matze und Philipp f¨ur Bier, Wein und fr¨ohlich sein! Danke Andrea, du gute Seele des Instituts, dass du mir dabei geholfen hast, meine Analyse die ersten Schritte gehen zu lassen.

Mein herzlicher Dank gilt auch der gesamten ATLAS Kollaboration und dem LHC Beschleuniger-Team. Nur durch eine gewaltige Teamleistung unter Mitwirkung vieler fleißiger Menschen konnte ein so großartiges Experiment entstehen.

Nicht zu vergessen sind meine alten Lehrmeister aus Schul- und Uni-Zeiten. Ganz besonders danken m¨ochte ich Volker Kreuter, Joachim Steinm¨uller und Volker Metag, vor allem auch f¨ur die vielen M¨oglichkeiten, die sie mir geboten haben.

Danke Andrea, Joahnnes, Katha und Kevin, dass ihr euch am Ende nochmal Zeit genommen habt, ¨uber meine Arbeit zu schauen.

Ein herzliches Dankesch¨on auch an die Unfallchirurgie der Uniklinik G¨ottingen, die mich in der Nacht vor Abgabe dieser Arbeit noch zusammengen¨aht hat. Gut gemacht, sieht fast wieder so aus wie vorher.

Zu guter Letzt auch ein großer Dank an dich, Dana. Du bereicherst t¨aglich mein Leben.

Ich bin froh, dass ich dich an meiner Seite habe.


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