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Large-scale planting of exotic and economically relevant tree species was traditionally considered a valid restoration strategy in the tropics but contributed little to improve ecosystem functioning (Lamb et al., 2005). Novel approaches are needed that take the positive relationship of biodiversity and ecosystem functioning into account (Aerts and Honnay, 2011). This is particularly urgent in existing agricultural landscapes, as croplands cover ~40% of the global land surface and contribute dramatically to the global decline in ecosystem functioning and services (Foley, 2005). Oil-palm cultivation in South-East Asia is just one example (Dislich et al., 2016).

Since a further increase of area under oil-palm cultivation is projected (Fitzherbert et al., 2008), the pressure on biota restricted to rainforests will aggravate. Thus, knowledge on effective restoration in agricultural landscapes or reduced-impact farming strategies is becoming increasingly existential for maintaining or increasing biodiversity and ecosystem functioning (Rey Benayas and Bullock, 2012). The experiment that I present in my thesis has the potential to bridge knowledge gaps towards the elaboration of management guidelines for oil-palm landscapes that are both ecologically improved and economically viable. For a translation into management guidelines, extensive monitoring of upcoming changes in biodiversity, ecosystem processes, and ecosystem properties is required. The desired effect of tree islands is not constrained to the core area but includes ecological spillover effects to the directly surrounding oil-palm plantation under management-as-usual, which need to be quantified to allow an extensive evaluation. To upscale the results to the landscape scale, the experiment could be expanded to a larger area and thus interconnect areas of high conservation value. Outcomes of the experiments have the potential to be transferable to other land use systems, but this requires further research in the target system. As one part of the puzzle, the results of this thesis could advance restoration ecology, which is, in E.O.

Wilson’s words, “the means to end the great extinction spasm” (Wilson, 2001).



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