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The aim of this report is to document the current status of the work on representing non- CO2 greenhouse gases in the GAINS model. The results obtained need to be seen in comparison with emissions of other gases, first of all with respect to CO2. Preliminary results of such a comparison indicate that, while CO2 emissions currently and in the future constitute the major share in overall greenhouse gas emissions, non-CO2 gases provide an opportunity for emission abatement at remarkably low costs. Even when seen against the known issues on data reliability (see above), reduction of these gases is an option which will need to be taken.

An ex-post analysis using independent sets of data (atmospheric measurements, e.g., satellite observation combined with top-down modelling) may serve the purpose to link emission abatement efforts with real emission reductions as the atmosphere sees it.

In this analysis, we have not covered the effects the strategies discussed may have on air pollution. The GAINS model is on integrating efforts across pollutants. The interactions between measures and their effects on pollutants and greenhouse gases, also with respects to costs, have been the focus of study already. The future development of GAINS will even enhance this focus, when aiming for a mass consistent approach to simulate fluxes of

reactive nitrogen across the agricultural system. As agriculture is the main source of non-CO2

greenhouse gases, this improvement definitely will affect the topics presented here.

While further efforts will be useful and urgently needed, at this stage we provide a homogenous set of data which supports a first evaluation of greenhouse gases, their abatement potential and costs across all Annex I countries. Further developments require the results of this evaluation to be completed and the most critical points – primary elements of further study – to be identified.


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