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4.2 Part II: The Gcl project

5.2.5 Outlook

Many details remain to be answered to understand A-P axis specification and patterning in Tribolium castaneum. Some of the questions which I think we should address are the following:

1. The Tc-Gcl orthologs are present from C. elegans to humans. Dm-Gcl is exclusively involved in germ cell development (Cinalli and Lehmann, 2013b; Lerit et al., 2017; Pae et al., 2017). This is the first report where a Gcl ortholog is involved in axis specification and patterning. It would be interesting to identify the function of Tc-Gcl orthologs in other organisms and find out when and how did Gcl evolve its role in A-P patterning.

2. A-P and D-V patterning are quite independent in Drosophila. However, A-P and D-V patterning seem to communicate with each other in Tribolium (Kotkamp et al., 2010). It would be interesting to further analyse the role of Tc-gcl and Tc-hbn in D-V patterning.

There is already indication that Tc-gcl and Tc-hbn influence D-V patterning. For example, after Tc-hbn RNAi, Tc-zen1/2 expression boundaries are no longer oblique.

130 3. Generation and analysis of mutants of Tc-gcl and Tc-hbn to see the null phenotype. This is important because with RNAi there are always doubts about efficient knockdown of Tc-gcl and Tc-hbn.

4. The molecular mechanism of Tc-Gcl and Tc-Hbn functions. What are the downstream targets (or binding partners) of Tc-Gcl and Tc-Hbn and any upstream factors which regulate Tc-gcl and Tc-hbn?

5. What is the mechanism of Tc-gcl mRNA localization? How does maternal Tc-axin mRNA localize anteriorly?

6. A role of Torso signalling in the anterior patterning besides serosa formation. Is there modulation of Torso signalling by Tc-Gcl?

7. Does Tc-gcl function in the development of male PGCs?


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