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Organizational architecture with economic focus

generic overall architecture for C-ITS

6.1. Guidance for the description of an architecture for a system and its services

7.1.5. Organizational architecture with economic focus

Besides the technical focus of the organizational architecture described in section 7.1.3 there are activities on roles and responsibilities with a slightly different focus.

In 2013 BASt did allocate a project called ’Development of a concept for institutional role models as contribution to the deployment of C-ITS in road traffic’ (BASt report not yet published ’Entwicklung eines Konzeptes f ¨ur institutionelle Rollenmodelle als Beitrag zur Einf ¨uhrung kooperativer Systeme im Straßenverkehr’ [Schulz et al., 2013]). The contracted experts analyzed from an economist’s perspective the relevant C-ITS stakeholders, their motivation and potential business models in C-ITS. The focus of their work was not only the operation of C-ITS but all economic phases necessary to provide C-ITS, including re-search, development, production, maintenance and shut down. The corresponding roles for those phases were analyzed both from a technical and economical point of view and hence covered aspects like controlling, procurement, human resources and others. Result of the project is a first proposal for a structure to determine aninstitutional role model.

This combines the identified set of economic meta roles, e.g. business management, sales, procurement, production, human resources, financial management and controlling (left column in Figure 7.3), with the different economic phases (top row). For the different mar-ket phases, actors are assigned to roles, their respective action intensity (right column) is determined resulting in an institutional role model.

For the description of technical roles in this project, the results of ISO 17427 were picked up and integrated. The project team did not identify any discrepancies and there was no need to make changes to the already identified roles and the respective responsibilities.

Accordingly, this can be seen as review and verification of ISO 17427.

Beyond that, the scope and the corresponding structure developed for the description of institutional role models is broader than the one for the technical roles. Nevertheless,

Figure 7.3.: Graphical summary of results from BASt project report [Schulz et al., 2013]

the two approaches complement each other and the more specific, technical approach fits well in the generic economic approach: The technical roles defined in section 7.1.3 (or ISO 17427) can be mapped completely to the economic meta roles (left column in Figure 7.3).

In terms of the market phases (top row in Figure 7.3) the description of the technical roles in section 7.1.3 and ISO 17427 currently only address the operational phase of the system (corresponds to ’production’). But it is possible to extend the general approach described in this thesis and develop a description for the other market phases. This may comprise a slight modification of some responsibilities addressed in the current description, to some extent additional roles need to be included, other existing roles might not be needed.

In the project ’Development of a concept for institutional role models as contribution to the deployment of C-ITS in road traffic’ an institutional role model itself was not developed.

This is part of currently ongoing activities that include the mapping of this theoretical de-scription to a real world example to verify and adapt it:

In the German project CONVERGE [CONVERGE, n.d.] organizational aspects for C-ITS are discussed, too. In work package 1 several experts worked on an ’Institutional role model’. The Institutional role model developed in the project is supposed to identify po-tential C-ITS business models and determine the likelihood of a successful realization. A first deliverable was published in 2013 [Mann et al., 2013]. Based on this first deliverable that basically picks up the ideas already identified in the BASt project mentioned above [Schulz et al., 2013], the project applied the developed structure (that is slightly modified compared to the one depicted in Figure 7.3) with the support of all CONVERGE project partners. For a possible C-ITS scenario the involvement of different stakeholders and their

respective action intensity in the different market phases was analyzed. Results were pre-sented at the final event of the CONVERGE project in 2015 [Schulz, 2015].

Complementing both activities on the institutional role model is a BASt internal project that incorporates the results of the work on institutional role models [Schulz et al., 2013]

and the CONVERGE project. It will advance the results of both activities to a general concept including implementation recommendations and will identify opportunities and boundaries of the institutional role as potential support for the deployment of C-ITS. Re-sults will be published as BASt report in 2017.

With the spread of the rather technical and operation focused description of roles and responsibilities (see section 7.1.3) towards a description that comprises as well economic aspects and different market phases, the organizational viewpoint becomes an ample role model. The activities mentioned in this chapter valuably contribute to these advance-ments. However, these research activities just started recently, as soon as they will be fina-lized it will be necessary to review the current description of the organizational viewpoint and if necessary update and adapt it.

7.2. Functional Viewpoint

The functional viewpoint describes for a selection of services the corresponding work flows and use cases. Additionally, the corresponding information structure and data model are defined and described. The services are split into appropriate modules and sub-services which are linked through interfaces, both are described within the functional viewpoint.

For the link between these components communication plays an eminent role, therefore, a communication architecture comprising various communication aspects like data models, protocols and access media are defined. [Definition from section]

For the functional viewpoint no completely new description is needed like for the organi-zational viewpoint as a lot of material is already available. Therefore, this chapter rather collects all this information and relates it to each other, complementing it with additional descriptions and explanations. Not many new elements will be needed: for the functional viewpoint rather a clear and distinct structure is required – including the respective as-signment of already existing elements. As structuring approach mainly the results from chapter 6 are applied.

7.2.1. Motivation

The functional part of the Reference Architecture covers different aspects and shall provide a toolbox of modules that can be combined to realize the selected service in a correspon-ding System Architecture. The focus is on modules, the sub-modules needed to realize the services and the corresponding interfaces between those elements.

The functional part described in this chapter covers various aspects from different layers that together form the functional viewpoint. The single aspects are all packed into mod-ules but not all modmod-ules can be combined with each other, as they may belong to different

sub-layers. For example use case modules providing a defined functionality or sub-process shall not directly be combined with a communication channel option module. The detailed dependencies are modeled in the Modular Construction System.