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2.4 Experimental Methods for Studying SMMs

2.4.4 Optical Spectroscopy

The term optical spectroscopy usually includes spectroscopic methods operating with excitation wavelengths in the near-infrared, visible and ultra-violet regions of the electromagnetic spectrum, i.e. ranging from about 5000 to 50000 cm-1. Absorption of optical photons induces transitions to states arising from excited free-ion terms, called d-d- or f-f-transitions. If the spectra are recorded at low temperatures with sufficient resolution, they provide important information about the electronic level structure. Transitions may occur through magnetic dipole, electric dipole or electric quadrupole mechanisms.75,98 The majority of optical transitions are electric dipole transitions, but magnetic dipole transitions are also frequently observed in the optical spectra of lanthanide compounds. For magnetic dipole transitions, the selection rules are given by J = 0, 1; L = 0; S = 0 and mS (mJ) = 1 (compare EPR and FIR spectroscopy).98 Generally, the selection rules follow from the transition dipole moment, which has to be non-zero:

Experimental Methods for Studying SMMs 41

⟨𝜓𝑎|𝜇̂|𝜓𝑏⟩ ≠ 0 (58)

a and b are the wave functions of the initial and final states and 𝜇̂ denotes the dipole moment operator. Non-zero values of the transition dipole moment are only possible if the direct product of the group theoretical representations of the initial and final wave functions with the particular dipole moment operator contains the totally symmetric representation, e.g.

A1g.75 Concerning electric dipole transitions, the components 𝜇̂𝑥, 𝜇̂𝑦 and 𝜇̂𝑧 of the electric dipole moment operator transform as translations, therefore having an ungerade parity.

Allowed transitions thus require that the direct product of the representations of the wave functions involved is odd, which is only possible if l = 1. It immediately follows that d-d- and f-f-transitions are parity forbidden. A similar argumentation taking into account the orthogonality of spin states leads to the spin selection rule S = 0.75

However, in spite of the forbidden character of d-d and f-f-transitions, non-zero intensities are observed in experimental spectra. This phenomenon can be explained by any mechanism which permanently or temporarily removes inversion symmetry.75 One of the most important mechanisms is the temporary removal of the symmetry center by vibronic coupling, meaning that electronic transitions occur with simultaneous excitation of ungerade vibrational modes.60,75,98 Vibronic coupling manifests itself in the observation of vibrational fine structures in the observed signals, thus complicating the interpretation of experimental spectra.60 Besides vibronic coupling, permanent symmetry reductions by the coordination of the ligands can lead to relaxation of the parity selection rule. If the molecule does not show a center of symmetry, it is not appropriate to talk about orbitals being even or odd to inversion.75 Taking D2d symmetry as an example, a transition from B2 to E will be allowed in x- and y-direction.

A very important theory explaining the observed intensities in optical spectra of lanthanide compounds was independently derived by both Judd and Ofelt.98-100 The basic idea is that the intensity of so-called induced electric dipole transitions arises from the admixing of states of opposite parity (e.g. 4fN-1n’d1) into the 4fN ground state. This is only possible in non-centrosymmetric compounds where odd crystal field parameters Bkq appear (k = 1, 3, 5, 7) and can be explained by the integer perimeter rule concerning the 3j-symbol given in equation (14), i.e. l + k + l’ with l’ = l  1 has to be an integer. According to the Judd-Ofelt theory, the following relaxed selection rules for induced electric dipole transitions are obtained: S = 0, L  6, J  6 and mJ = – ( + q), where  represents the light

polarization, i.e.  = +1 for right circularly polarized light and  = –1 for left circularly polarized light.98

Having mentioned the mechanisms accounting for the intensity of d-d- or f-f-transitions, which are the same for the different optical techniques, it is now important to distinguish between luminescence, electronic absorption and magnetic circular dichroism spectroscopy.

Luminescence spectroscopy can be seen as complementary to FIR spectroscopy, since it allows the determination of the level structure within the electronic ground term. In a luminescence experiment the irradiation of light leads to the population of an excited state which can be either a state within the 3dN or 4fN configuration or an excited state of the ligand. If electrons of the ligands are excited, one can make use of the so-called antenna effect, meaning that the excitation is followed by an energy transfer from the ligand to the metal ion.101,102 After successful excitation, the system will return to the ground state by emission of radiation which can be detected perpendicular to the excitation light beam.

According to Kasha’s rule103, considerable emission takes only place from the lowest microstate of an excited term and experimentally observed splitting patterns of the signals thus correspond to the level structure (e.g. crystal field levels) of the ground term. Of course vibronic coupling might lead to additional signals, shoulders or line-broadening and complicates the interpretation of the experimental spectra. Another issue is the existence of efficient quenching mechanism, e.g. energy can be taken up very efficiently by OH-vibrations leading to non-radiative deactivation.101,102

The counterpart to luminescence is electronic absorption spectroscopy. If the spectra are recorded at very low temperatures, only the lowest lying state will be populated and from there the absorption of radiation will lead to population of the microstates within the excited electronic terms. Thus, the observed splitting patterns of the detected absorption bands correspond to the crystal field splittings of the excited terms. The excited term crystal field splittings can then serve to determine the corresponding crystal field parameters, which in turn provide information about the electronic ground state.60

In addition to luminescence and electronic absorption spectroscopy, magnetic circular dichroism (MCD) spectroscopy104,105 is a very powerful optical method for the investigation of single-molecule magnets. In an MCD-spectrum, the absorption difference of left and right circularly polarized light (abbreviated as lcp and rcp) is recorded, but in contrast to conventional circular dichroism (CD) spectroscopy, MCD-measurements are performed in the presence of a magnetic field applied parallel to the excitation light beam. Due to the Faraday

Experimental Methods for Studying SMMs 43 effect106, which states that all substances in a longitudinal magnetic field show optical activity caused by circular birefringence, MCD-spectroscopy is not restricted to chiral compounds.

The different absorption of lcp and rcp by the magnetized sample leads to elliptical polarization and the MCD signal is defined by

𝑀𝐶𝐷 ≡ Δ𝐴 = 𝐴(𝑙𝑐𝑝) − 𝐴(𝑟𝑐𝑝) − 𝑛𝑎𝑡𝑢𝑟𝑎𝑙 𝐶𝐷 (59) with Δ𝐴 being the differential absorption, A(lcp) and A(rcp) being the absorption of lcp and rcp and natural CD designating the zero-field dichroism of chiral samples. The differential absorption is related to the ellipticity 𝜃 by a simple conversion factor:

𝜃 = Δ𝐴 ∙ 32980 (60)

One of the great advantages of MCD-spectroscopy immediately follows from equation (59): Since Δ𝐴 is a signed quantity, MCD-spectra often provide a much better resolution compared to conventional electronic absorption spectroscopy. Another advantage lies in the enhanced intensity of intra-configurational d-d- and f-f-transitions compared to e.g.

intra-ligand or charge-transfer transitions, allowing their identification. Similarly to electronic absorption, MCD-spectroscopy at low temperatures allows the determination of excited term crystal field splittings, but dependent on the nature of the states involved, different signal shapes can be observed.107 The general MCD-expression104,105 is provided in equation (61)


𝐸 = 𝛾𝜇𝐵𝐵 [𝐴1(−𝜕𝑓(𝐸)

𝜕𝐸 ) + (𝐵0+ 𝐶0

𝑘𝐵𝑇) 𝑓(𝐸)] (61) where  is a collection of spectroscopic constants and f(E) is a line-shape function, e.g. a Gaussian. A1, B0 and C0 represent the so-called MCD terms: An A-term is observed if degenerate states are involved in the transition. If a magnetic field is applied, the degeneracy is lifted and lcp and rcp will be absorbed at different energies, as illustrated in Figure 15 for the simple example of a transition from a non-degenerate 1S state to an orbitally threefold degenerate 1P term. A-terms manifest themselves as temperature-independent derivative shaped signals. B-terms arise from the field-induced mixing of the zero-field eigenfunctions.

Since this is a second-order effect, B-terms usually show rather weak absorption-like signals (Figure 15). C-terms are the greatest source of information concerning MCD spectroscopy on single-molecule magnets.

Figure 15: Schematic illustration of different MCD terms. a) Faraday A-term due to a degenerate excited state. b) Faraday B-term due to field-induced mixing of states. c) Faraday C-term due to a degenerate ground state. Blue lines represent the absorption of lcp and red lines represent the absorption of rcp.104,105

They occur due to the Zeeman splitting of degenerate ground states and according to the Boltzmann equilibrium among the Zeeman sublevels, they show pronounced temperature dependence (Figure 15). The shape of C-terms is asymmetric absorption-like.

At low temperatures, C-terms dominate the MCD-spectra of paramagnetic metal complexes and their temperature and field dependence provide information about the electronic ground state. Thus, MCD-spectroscopy links the benefits of electronic absorption and EPR-spectroscopy since it allows the simultaneous investigation of electronic ground and excited states. Ground state properties are usually investigated by variable temperature and variable field experiments on C-terms (VTVH-MCD spectroscopy), where the wavelength of the excitation light is kept constant at the signal maximum while the field and the temperature are varied. The recorded VTVH isotherms are comparable to SQUID magnetometric magnetization curves: At low fields, the intensity increases linearly with the field. At intermediate fields, the intensity starts to level off and at high fields, saturation is observed.

The saturation behavior depends on the ground state properties, e.g. the g-values and the ZFS parameters. A general expression for the analysis of VTVH curves for typical ZFS systems has been derived by Solomon and Neese108:

Δ𝜖𝑎𝑣 𝐸 = 𝛾

4𝜋𝑆∫ ∫ ∑ 𝑁𝑖(𝑙𝑥〈𝑆𝑥𝑖𝑀𝑦𝑧+ 𝑙𝑦〈𝑆𝑦𝑖𝑀𝑥𝑧+ 𝑙𝑧〈𝑆𝑧𝑖𝑀𝑥𝑦)𝑠𝑖𝑛𝜃𝑑𝜃𝑑𝜙

𝑖 2𝜋

0 𝜋



Experimental Methods for Studying SMMs 45 where the summation is performed over all levels i of the ground state. Δ𝜖𝑎𝑣 is the orientation-averaged difference of the extinction coefficients for lcp and rcp, Ni is the Boltzmann population of the ith sublevel, 〈𝑆𝑝〉 with p = x, y, z are the spin expectation values, lp are direction cosines and Mpp’ are effective polarization products.

It has been shown that the MCD saturation behavior is a weak function of the ratio E/D but a strong function of the sign of D and moderately sensitive to the value of D.

Furthermore, it strongly depends on the polarization of the transition under study. In case of systems with large axial zero-field splittings, the ground state can be treated within the effective spin-1/2 approximation and equation (62) simplifies to108


𝐸 = − 𝛾

4𝜋∫ ∫ 𝑡𝑎𝑛ℎ (𝑔𝜇𝐵𝐵 2𝑘𝐵𝑇)𝑠𝑖𝑛𝜃

𝑔 (𝑙𝑥2𝑔𝑥𝑀𝑦𝑧𝑒𝑓𝑓+ 𝑙𝑦2𝑔𝑦𝑀𝑥𝑧𝑒𝑓𝑓+ 𝑙𝑧2𝑔𝑧𝑀𝑥𝑦𝑒𝑓𝑓)𝑑𝜃𝑑𝜙

𝜙 𝜃


where the gp are effective g-values and g is given by g = (Gx + Gy + Gz) with Gp = lpgp. Due to the strong dependence of the MCD C-term intensity on the polarization of a given transition, one more advantage of MCD is the possibility to obtain orientation-dependent information even by studying frozen solutions or mulls with randomly oriented molecules. For instance, magnetic bistability might be probed by recording MCD-detected magnetic hysteresis curves of only a subset of excited molecules, e.g. those with their molecular z-axis oriented parallel to the magnetic field.

Aim of this Work 47

3 Aim of this Work

Lanthanide and cobalt complexes belong to the most promising candidates for improved single-molecule magnets and a lot of research activity is focused on the synthesis of new compounds.9,11,22,23,28,37,66 However, SMMs are still far from practical application. The reasons are for example the lack of rational design criteria and the interplay of several relaxation mechanisms, which have not yet been fully understood. The general aim of this work is therefore the comprehensive magnetic and spectroscopic investigation of molecular lanthanide and cobalt compounds in order to gain deeper insight into the correlation between the molecular as well as the electronic structure and the magnetic properties. Besides magnetometry, which is often the only tool employed for studying SMMs, a range of spectroscopic techniques including electron paramagnetic resonance, far-infrared spectroscopy and optical methods will serve to determine the electronic structures.

Since magnetic circular dichroism spectroscopy has been shown to be an outstanding tool for studying ground state as well as excited state properties,104,105,108-116 the first part of this work is concerned with the setup and characterization of a modern MCD-spectrometer allowing measurements at wavelengths ranging from the ultra-violet to the near-infrared region of the electromagnetic spectrum (200 – 2000 nm). This comparatively wide wavelength range allows gaining as much information as possible and to the best of my knowledge has rarely been realized up to now. The setup of the MCD-spectrometer not only involves choosing the main parts, i.e. the CD-spectrometer and the magnet, but also connecting these parts by appropriate optics and optomechanics. After successful installation, the spectrometer needs to be characterized, e.g. concerning the baseline, the signal calibration and the sensitivity. Especially the sensitivity is an interesting aspect because if it is high enough, MCD-spectroscopy could provide a possibility for studying orientation-dependent properties of SMM monolayers, which usually requires more sophisticated and less available methods. Once the MCD-spectrometer is operative, it will serve together with the other above-mentioned methods to study the chosen lanthanide and cobalt compounds.

Regarding the study of lanthanide compounds, isostructural molecular tetra-carbonates of dysprosium and erbium with the general formula [C(NH2)3]5[Ln(CO3)4] ∙ 11 H2O(Ln = Er, Dy; 1-Er and 1-Dy)26,27 were chosen. In addition to the potential SIM behavior, this choice is mainly based on the colorlessness of the carbonate ligands, which allows for the detection of optical f-f-transitions without disturbing intra-ligand transitions. Another criterion is the facile

and literature-known synthesis as well as the stability of the compounds. After successful synthesis and structural characterization, this subproject aims for probing and understanding the SIM behavior by performing detailed magnetometric and spectroscopic studies. Although optical spectroscopy is a well-established and extremely useful tool for the electronic structure determination of lanthanide compounds,60,117 it is not yet a standard method for studying single-ion magnets. Instead, it is still quite common to perform only magnetometric measurements, frequently combined with ab initio calculations. Magnetometry is definitely essential while ab initio calculations might be suitable to obtain a first idea about the electronic ground state but they are not sufficient for a full understanding. The community has realized more and more this fact and spectroscopic methods have been called for in recent SMM-related literature.66,67 Thus, the detailed spectroscopic studies in this work are aimed to progress clearly beyond what has ever been done before regarding the electronic structure determination of lanthanide based SIMs. Furthermore, this work is intended to provide a recipe for the reliable determination of crystal field parameters for low-symmetry compounds and to show which difficulties may arise.

Another subproject of this work is concerned with the investigation of Co(II) complexes. The studied Co(II) complexes can be divided into two groups. The first group involves the distorted tetrahedrally coordinated complexes (HNEt3)2[CoII(L1)2] ((HNEt3)22) and (NMe4)2[CoII(L1)2] ((NMe4)22) with H2L1 = 1,2-bis(methanesulfonamido)benzene. The strong axial distortion compared to regular tetrahedrons displayed by these complexes makes them interesting candidates for SIMs. Thus, the performance as SIMs will be probed by magnetometric measurements and the observations will be explained by the analysis of spectroscopic results. Based on these results, design criteria for improved Co(II)-based SIMs will be confirmed and complemented. In this regard, special attention is focused on the development of realistic design criteria, meaning that they can be applied without too much synthetic effort and that stable complexes are obtained, which can be handled in air. Only such design criteria can lead to practically applicable compounds and this work is intended to provide an important contribution towards this objective.

The second group of cobalt compounds investigated in this work are dimers of octahedrally coordinated cobalt centers bridged by quinone-based bridging ligands, where one or more oxygen donors of 2,5-dihydroxy-1,4-benzoquinone are substituted by isoelectronic [NR] groups. Substitution of two oxygen donors leads to symmetric bridges while the substitution of only one oxygen donor results in an unsymmetrical bridging situation. Two symmetrically bridged dimers, namely [{(tmpa)CoII}2(µ-L2)][BF4]2 (3[BF4]2) and

Aim of this Work 49 [{tmpa)CoII}2(µ-L3)][BPh4]2 (4[BPh4]2) as well as the unsymmetrically bridged dimer [{(tmpa)CoII}2(µ-L4)][OTf]2 (5[OTf]2) are studied with H2L2 = 2,5-di-[2-(methoxy)-anilino]-1,4-benzoquinone, H2L3 = 2,5-di-[2-(trifluoromethyl)-anilino]-1,4-benzoquinone and H2L4 = 2-[4-(isopropyl)-anilino]-5-hydroxy-1,4-benzoquinone. Tris(2-pyridylmethyl)amine (tmpa) serves as a co-ligand. Concerning these dimers, the focus lies on the study of the nature of the exchange coupling, especially by means of SQUID magnetometry and EPR spectroscopy. Depending on the variation of the bridging ligand or the substituting groups, ferromagnetic or antiferromagnetic coupling might be observed. For single-molecule magnets ferromagnetic coupling combined with a large anisotropy is preferred and finding magneto-structural correlations is a prevailing goal concerning Co(II) based SMMs.118 Another very interesting property of quinonoid-bridged dicobalt complexes is the possible observation of valence tautomerism due to the potential non-innocent behavior of the bridging ligands.35 This means that oxidation of one of the Co(II) centers may lead to a redox-induced electron transfer from the second Co(II) center to the bridging ligand, resulting in a radical bridge between two diamagnetic Co(III) centers. Valence tautomeric equilibria have been shown for several dicobalt complexes and provide a possibility for switching the magnetic properties by external stimuli like temperature, light irradiation or pressure.35,119,120 Therefore, the study of quinonoid-bridged cobalt complexes in this project not only involves the determination of the exchange coupling but also probing the presence of valence tautomeric phenomena.

Design and Setup of the MCD-Spectrometer 51

4 Results and Discussion