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4.2 Open Questions

It was shown in this doctoral study that for a spherical field of view the depth distribution of the environment in relation to the agent can be expressed by nine spherical harmonic functions, which are the functions of the lowest order, without losing any information for self-motion estimation. Because a spherical field of view is not only a special case of a viewing field but it is the optimal case one can conclude that there is some relationship between self-motion estimation and the description of the environment by spherical harmonic functions. Do these functions play any role for a restricted field of view? This case was not analyzed in this study and is still an open question.

Spherical harmonic functions are defined on the whole sphere. Hence, a restricted field of view requires a more general definition of these functions on arbitrary sections of the sphere. This was done partly by Differt [22]. One open question in this context is: If one regards sections of the sphere as viewing fields, are the lowest orders of these functions sufficient to describe the environmental depth distributions, or are also higher orders relevant? This problem arises, if the spherical harmonic functions are no longer orthogonal to each other in the case that only parts of the sphere are taken into account.

Another open question is whether the given modified version of the Koenderink van Doorn algorithm is the/an optimal solution of the non-linear problem of self-motion estimation if the depth distribution is not given in any way? A mathematical proof to decide this question was not attempted in this study. Hence, it can not be assessed if this proof is trivial or hard to obtain. It can only be concluded, that this proof would be a topic of non-linear estimation theory, because there are products between parameters, which have to be estimated.

Ideally, the simulation results should have been obtained with both the Lukas-Kanade detector and the Reichardt-Hassenstein detector as optical flow detectors. However, the Reichardt-Hassenstein detector leads to problems when using it for self-motion estimation.

Under the conditions the self-motion methods are tested here, the Reichardt-Hassenstein detector leads to errors in the self-motion estimation angle of several tenths of degrees (data not shown).

For this analysis I used a variant of the detector with a temporal high-pass filter in its input lines. The temporal high-pass filter increases the signal to pattern-noise ratio by filtering out the mean intensity of the input pattern. Apart from this, the basic design of the detector was not changed yet. The detector shows these large errors if (A) the depth distribution of the environment is highly asymmetrical and (B) the translation and rotation of the agent have to be estimated simultaneously. If one condition, A or B, is not fulfilled, the self-motion estimation error due to the Reichardt-Hassenstein detector does not show these high errors of several tenths of degrees. The self-motion estimation error is comparatively small if the depth distribution is symmetrical or if the translation and rotation is estimated separately.

Two aspects were tested to get better results with this detector. The first was to add a

contrast normalization stage to the detector, because the Reichardt-Hassenstein detector depends strongly on the pattern of the moving images and, especially, on the contrast.

The output of the Reichardt-Hassenstein detector is nearly proportional to the local contrast [82], hence, the output was divided through the local contrast. But, the used random textures with their1/f spectrum have nearly the same local contrast at every position in the image. Hence, it is not surprising that the contrast normalization does not improve the overall result.

The second test was to increase the number of Reichardt-Hassenstein detectors by the factor of nine by using a grid of nine detectors at every position where previously was one detector. This was done parallel with a resolution increase of the pattern. If the detector was a detector with Gaussian noise, the error has to improve by the factor of√

9 = 3, if the pattern-noise is assumed to be independent at neighboring positions in the pattern.

But this procedure did not improve the performance of the Reichardt-Hassenstein detector for self-motion estimation. Therefore, I decided to use only the Lukas-Kanade detector to show the advantage of the adaptive MFA over the non-adaptive MFA, because the advantage does not depend on the motion detector (see section 3.4.3). The questions which are left are: Can the Reichardt-Hassenstein detector be elaborated in a way that it makes possible to estimate self-motion under the conditions A and B with a useful degree of estimation error? Does the Reichardt-Hassenstein detector turn over in a Gaussian detector for a certain elaboration?

Another open question concerns the existence of depth-sensitive neurons in motion computation of flying insects. This question was asked several times during this study and is listed here for completeness. One can predict nine artificial neurons one for each of the nine spherical harmonic functions. They are defined over the whole sphere and have constant weights, which are given by the value of a specific harmonic function in a specific viewing direction. Because the adaptive MFA consists of two subsequent linear operations, summing the optical flow values and multiplication of this result with the inverse of the coupling matrix (see equation 3.9), it is yet not clear at which point the adaptation should take place. It can take place (1) at the level of tangential neurons or (2) in a network postsynaptic to them. In case (2) one would search for neurons in the visual pathway, which are solely sensitive to depth values. These neurons would have a sensitivity structure for depth values, which resembles a specific spherical harmonic function. In case (1) the tangential neurons, which are assumed to act as self-motion filters, would adapt to the depth structure. In this case, one had to analyse the adaptive behavior of these neurons in relation to varying depth values.


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