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In this section, we demonstrate in detail how to calculate one-loop corrections to minimal form factors via the on-shell method of unitarity.7 We focus on composite operators from the SU(2) sector for explicitness.

Operators in the SU(2) sector are formed from two kinds of scalar fields with one common SU(4) index, say X =φ14 and Y =φ24. According to (2.13), the colour-ordered minimal tree-level super form factor of such operators is given by a polynomial in ˜ηi1η˜i4 and


ηi2η˜4i multiplied by a momentum-conserving delta function; e.g. for O = tr(XXY X . . .), we have

O,L(0) (1, . . . , L;q) = (2π)4δ4(q− XL


λiλ˜i) ˜η11η˜41η˜21η˜24η˜23η˜43η˜14η˜44· · ·+ cyclic permutations . (3.14) We encode the one-loop corrections in the interaction operator I(1) defined in (3.10).

At this loop order, only two fields in the composite operator can interact at a time, and those have to be neighbouring in order to produce a single-trace structure. Hence, we can write I(1) in terms of its interaction density Ii i+1(1) as

I(1)= XL i=1

Ii i+1(1) , (3.15)

whereIi i+1(1) acts on the fieldsiand i+ 1 and cyclic identification i+L∼iis understood.

We depictIi i+1(1) as

Ii i+1(1) = Ii(1) , (3.16)

where we in general only specify the first field the density acts on in the case that this determines all fields it acts on unambiguously.

In the SU(2) sector, we can write Ii i+1(1) explicitly as a differential operator in the fermionic variables:

Ii i+1(1) = X2 A,B,C,D=1

(Ii(1))ZC ZDZAZBη˜iC


∂η˜Bi+1 , (3.17) where Z1 =X and Z2 =Y. The matrix element (Ii(1))ZC ZDZAZB encodes the contributions of all interactions that transform the fieldsZA,ZB in the operator to external fieldsZC,ZD.

As the global charges are conserved, the only non-vanishing matrix elements are (Ii(1))XXXX, (Ii(1))XYXY , (Ii(1))Y XXY , (Ii(1))Y XY X, (Ii(1))XYY X and (Ii(1))Y YY Y . (3.18) Moreover, matrix elements that are connected by a simple relabelling ofXandY coincide, i.e.

(Ii(1))XXXX = (Ii(1))Y YY Y, (Ii(1))XYXY = (Ii(1))Y XY X, (Ii(1))Y XXY = (Ii(1))XYY X. (3.19) Hence, we only have to calculate (Ii(1))XXXX, (Ii(1))XYXY and (Ii(1))Y XXY. As already mentioned, this can be achieved via the on-shell method of unitarity.

7For reviews of unitarity for scattering amplitudes, see e.g. [52, 198, 199].

3.2 One-loop corrections in the SU(2) sector via unitarity 45 The general idea behind unitarity [56,57] and generalised unitarity [58] is to reconstruct processes, such as scattering amplitudes, form factors or correlation functions, at loop order by applying cuts. Here, a cut denotes replacing one or more propagators according to


l2i →2πδ+(li2) = 2πδ(l2i)Θ(l0i), (3.20) whereδ+(l2i) denotes the delta function picking the positive-energy branch of the on-shell condition l2i = 0. This delta function can be explicitly written using the Heaviside step function Θ, as shown on the right hand side of (3.20). On such a cut, the process factorises into the product of one or more tree-level or lower-loop processes. In the case of unitarity, the cut has to result in exactly two factors and corresponds to a discontinuity in one of the kinematic variables. For generalised unitarity, more general cuts are possible.8 Through-out this work, we are using four-dimensional (generalised) unitarity, i.e. we evaluate the expressions on the cut in D = 4 dimensions.9 This allows us to use the simpler building blocks in four dimensions but requires that the results are lifted to D= 4−2ε, leading to some subtleties as discussed in the next chapter.

In this section, we apply unitarity at the level of the integrand, i.e. we aim to reconstruct the integrand of the minimal one-loop form factors via cuts. As each interaction density Ii i+1(1) depends only on a single scale, namelysi i+1 = (pi+pi+1)2, it is sufficient to consider the double cut corresponding to the discontinuity insi i+1. For convenience, we set i= 1.

On this cut, the minimal one-loop form factor ˆFO,L(1) factorises into the product of the minimal tree-level form factor ˆFO,L(0) and the four-point tree-level amplitude ˆA(0)4 , as shown in figure 3.1:10

(2π)D is reduced to a phase-space integral, which for a general number of particlesnand general Dis given by


Alternatively, we can write the integration as Z which is not integrated over; cf. the discussion below (2.4). In our conventions, the super-spinor-helicity variables corresponding to −li are related to those corresponding to li as λ−li =−λli, ˜λ−li = ˜λli, ˜η−li = ˜ηli.

8See [200] for a discussion of the relation between cuts and discontinuities across the corresponding branch cuts in generalised unitarity.

9For a review ofD-dimensional unitarity, see [201].

10Here and throughout the first part of this work, we are splitting off the dependence on the gauge group generators Ta to work with colour-ordered objects as defined in (2.8) and (2.9). The contractions of the generators Ta in the trace factors of (2.8) and (2.9) can be performed via (1.6), which is trivially done in the case of planar cuts.

q p1

Figure 3.1: The double cut of the minimal one-loop form factor ˆFO,L(1) in the channel (p1+p2)2.

where we denote by the superscript and the vertical bar the specified component defined in (2.7) dressed with the corresponding ˜η factors. For instance,

(0)4 (−l2,−l1,1|X,2|X) = ˆA(0)4 (−l2,−l1,1X,2X)˜η11η˜14η˜21η˜42. (3.25) Inserting the expression (B.1) for the super amplitude and performing the integration over the fermionic variables, we find Here, we have defined dLIPS as dLIPS multiplied by the momentum-conserving delta] function from the amplitude. In general,

dLIPS]n,{l} = dLIPSn,{l}(2π)DδD

k=ipk is the total external momentum traversing the cut, which is p1,2 = p1 +p2 in the case under consideration. The Schouten identity (2.5) and momentum conservation yield


h1l1ih2l2i =−(p1+p2)2

(p1−l1)2 . (3.28)

Thus, the cut of this one-loop form factor is proportional to the cut of the triangle integral:12O,L(1) (1,2,3, . . . , L)

11This case was already treated in [129].

12Here, the depicted cut integral denotes the double cut of (A.13) but with measureR dDl

(2π)D instead of

3.2 One-loop corrections in the SU(2) sector via unitarity 47 (Ii(1)) XXXX XYXY Y XXY



si i+1 -1 -1 0



0 -1 +1

Table 3.1: Linear combinations of Feynman integrals forming the matrix elements for the minimal one-loop form factors in the SU(2) sector.

Now, we lift the result to the D-dimensional uncut expressions, i.e. we conclude that the same proportionality exists between the uncut one-loop form factor and the uncut triangle integral. The precise rules for this lifting procedure, which in particular removes the factor iin (3.29), are explained in appendix A.1. We find that




. (3.30)

A similar calculation for (I1(1))Y XXY shows that FˆO,L(1)(1,2,3, . . . , L)

(I1(1))Y XXY,s12

= ˜η12η˜14η˜21η˜24O,L(0) (1X,2Y,3, . . . , L)i





 , (3.31) and hence

(I1(1))Y XXY =



. (3.32)

This is an explicit example where the one-loop form factor is not proportional to the tree-level form factor of the same composite operator, making it necessary to promote I(ℓ) to operators as done in (3.10).

The case (I1(1))XYXY can be calculated in complete analogy to the previous cases. We have summarised the results of the three calculations in table 3.1. Note that the different matrix elements satisfy

(Ii(1))XYXY + (Ii(1))Y XXY = (Ii(1))XXXX. (3.33) This identity is in fact a consequence of the Ward identity (2.18) for the generators

J1i = ˜η1i

∂η˜i2 + ˜η2i

∂η˜1i , J2i =−i˜ηi1

∂˜ηi2 +i˜ηi2

∂η˜1i , J3i = ˜η1i

∂η˜1i −η˜2i

∂η˜2i (3.34) of SU(2). Applying (2.18) once for the tree-level form factor in (3.10) and once for its one-loop correction, we find

[JA,I(1)] = 0, (3.35)

which implies (3.33).

Defining the identity operator

we can recast the one-loop corrections into the following form:

Ii i+1(1) =−si i+1 Explicit expressions for the one-mass triangle integral and the bubble integral are given in (A.13) and (A.12), respectively. The divergence of the triangle integral is

−si i+1 and the one of the bubble integral is



= 1

ε+O(ε0), (3.40)

where γcusp(1) and G0(1) were given in (3.4) and (3.5), respectively. Comparing (3.38) to the general form (3.13), we can immediately read off the one-loop dilatation operator in the SU(2) sector as

This is exactly the Hamiltonian density of the integrable Heisenberg XXX spin chain and perfectly agrees with the result first obtained in [25].

After this warm-up exercise, let us now derive the complete one-loop dilatation operator via generalised unitarity.

3.3 One-loop corrections for all operators via generalised