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Conclusion 57

Reviews 58


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Abbreviations 65


AF= atrial fibrillation AP= anterior-posterior ATG= rotational atriography AV= atrioventricular

CABG= coronary artery bypass graft CAD= coronary artery disease

CARTO= magnetic electroanatomical mapping system CCT= cardiac computed tomography

CF= conversion factor

CFAEs= complex atrial fractionated electrograms 95% CI= 95% confidence interval

CPVA= circumferential pulmonary vein ablation CS= coronary sinus

CT= computed tomography 3D= three-dimensional DAP= dose area product ED= effective dose EP= electrophysiology

INR= international normalized ratio IQR= interquartile range

LA= left atrium

LAA= left atrial appendage LAO= left anterior oblique

LCPV= left common pulmonary vein LIPV= left inferior pulmonary vein LSPV= left superior pulmonary vein

LVd= left ventricular end-diastolic diameter


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LVs= left ventricular end-systolic diameter LVEF= left ventricular ejection fraction MESH= high-density mesh ablation catheter MRI= magnetic resonance imaging

PAF= paroxysmal atrial fibrillation PCI= percutaneous coronary intervention PNP= phrenic nerve palsy

PVAC= pulmonary vein ablation catheter PV= pulmonary vein

PVI= pulmonary vein isolation RA= right atrium

RAO= right anterior oblique RF= radio frequency

RIPV= right inferior pulmonary vein RMPV= right middle pulmonary vein RR= relative risk

RSPV= right superior pulmonary vein ATG= rotational angiography

RVA= right ventricular apex RVP= rapid ventricular pacing SD= standard deviation SHD=structural heart disease VHD= valvular heart disease

DAP= radiation dosis as dose area product

Acknowledgements 67


I am truly grateful to Prof. Dr. Fleck for his guidance and strong support of my work in the electrophysiologic laboratory at the Deutsches Herzzentrum Berlin and to Prof. Dr. Gerds-Li for expert direction in both my research and daily clinical work and his expert editorial assistance with my dissertation!

I deeply thank Dr. Kriatselis for his selfless help with my study of electrophysiology and all colleagues in the EP laboratory for their support of my work!

Thanks to Mrs. Gale for her editorial assistance with my dissertation!

Many thanks go also to my family for their support during my more than one year’s work and study in Berlin.

Xiao-Ming Chen in Guangzhou, VR China



„Ich, Xiao-Ming Chen, erkläre, dass ich die vorgelegte Dissertation mit dem Thema:

Techniques of Mapping and Pulmonary Vein Isolation in Patients with Atrial Fibrillation selbst verfasst und keine anderen als die angegebenen Quellen und Hilfsmittel benutzt, ohne die (unzulässige) Hilfe Dritter verfasst und auch in Teilen keine Kopien anderer Arbeiten dargestellt habe.“

Datum 20.05.2012 Unterschrift Xiao-Ming Chen