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11-3.1.7 Object Passivation

Im Dokument . ·ERVI"C 5', (Seite 106-111)

An object's passive version is modified only when a program or type manager explicitly passivates or updates the object. Passivating an object copies a particular active version to the passive version.

These Passive_Store_Mgt calls create or update an object's passive version:

Request_update Update



Update updates a single object, for which the caller has rep rights. Update_tree updates a tree of objects; the caller must have rep rights for the root object. Request_update is used to update type-managed objects from outside their type managers; it requests that the object's type manager update an object. A type manager can refuse an update request by raising Syste~Exceptions. operation_not_supported.

When an object is passivated from a particular active version, then all other active versions are marked as being obsolete. Any attempt to update an object from an obsolete version is

rejected, with the Passi ve_Store_Mgt. outdate_object_ version exception.

An object's passive version can have a different size than its active version. For example, passive versions that contain ADs are larger than the corresponding active versions.


11-3.1.8 Passivation Dependencies

A passive object should nonnally only refer to other passive objects. This rule includes im-plicit references, such as the AD that every object has for its TOO. Thus:

• If an object is passivated, its TOO should be passivated.

• If an object is passivated, then its attribute list should be passivated.

• If a TOO or an attribute list is passivated, then all attribute IDs and attribute value objects that it references should be passivated.

• If an object is passivated, then any authority list protecting the object should be passivated.

• If an object is passivated, then objects for which it contains ADs are nonnally passivated.

As a general rule, if A depends on (references) B, then B should live as long or longer than A.

Note that this rule should also influence when destroying a passive version is allowed.

If your application attempts to access an object that has no active or passive version, then System_Exceptions.object_has_no_representationisrrused.

11-3.1.9 Active-Only Objects

Some types of object cannot be passivated; such objects are called active-only. For example, objects that exist only during program execution are active-only: sessions, jobs, processes, stacks, and transactions.

Paradoxically, an active-only object type must have the passive store attribute! This is because the default behavior of objects is to be passivatable. The

Passive_Store_Mgt. Set_refuse_filters call assigns fields within a type's pas-sive store attribute record so that the type's objects are active-only.

11-3.1.10 Passive Store Behavior of OS Object Types

This section summarizes the passive store behavior of some common types of objects. The lists in this section are selective; see the "OS Object Types" appendix in the BiiNTM/OS Refer-ence Manual for a list of object types.

The following OS object types are kept in passive store by their type managers:

nonnal directories flIes.

The following


object types can be passivated, but the application must handle creating and updating passive versions:

attribute ID

The following OS object types are active-only and camiot be passivated:


The following OS object type cannot be passivated but is permanently stored in the Oearing-house instead of in passive store:


11-3.1.11 Passive ADs

Like any other object, a stored object can be referenced by many ADs, located in active ver-sions or in other stored objects. Before creating an object's passive version, you must store at least one AD to the object. The first passive AD for an object is the object's master AD. All other passive ADs for an object are alias ADs. In certain circumstances, described in Section 11-, an AD is converted from an alias AD to a master AD, but there is never more than one master AD.

11- Referencing Between Active Memory and Passive Store

ADs can freely cross the boundary between active memory and passive store. A passive version can contain an AD for an active-only object. An active-only object can contain an AD for a passivated object.

11- Master ADs

The master AD determines the stored object's:

• volume set

• owner

• authority list (if any).


Master ADs can be stored in directories or any other passive objects.

A stored object is always on the same volume set as the object containing its master AD.

Because master ADs cannot reference across volume sets, any passive object can be reached by a chain of master ADs from its volume set's root directory. The volume set containing an object's passive version cannot be changed; however the volume set may be moved to another node or even another BiiNTM system. Also the backup service provides techniques to archive volume sets or collections of objects within volume sets and then restore them on other volume sets (but with new object identities).

A stored object's initial owner is the user ID for the process that stores the master AD.

A stored object's initial authority list is determined as described in Chapter 111-3.

Authority list evaluation uses whatever rights are on the master AD, even when evaluating rights for an alias AD. Normally a master AD should have all type rights and no rep rights, as rep rights should only be granted within the type manager. For a passivated generic object, the master AD should nonnally have rep rights as well.

11- Alias ADs

All passive ADs besides the master AD are aliases or alias ADs. Aliases can be freely created and deleted without restriction. Aliases can reference objects on other volume sets or other nodes. An alias may even reference an object on a volume set that is not mounted in the system.

Alias ADs can be used for any object operations. While some operations require that an object have a master AD, no operation distinguishes between a master AD and alias when specifying an object to operate on

11- Restrictions on Storing Master ADs

There are these restrictions on storing master ADs:

1. If the object will use authority list protection, then its authority list must be set before the master AD is stored.

2. A master AD cannot be stored after an AD for the object is stored in an active-only direc-tory.

3. A master AD cannot be stored after an AD for the object is transmitted to another job via any of these techniques:

• Job invocation parameter buffer

• Event cluster signal

• Remote procedure call

• Datagram

• Virtual circuit.

4. A master AD cannot be stored after an application tries to store a master AD within a transaction, and then aborts the transaction.

These restrictions will cause no problem if you create a passive object as follows:


1. Allocate the object's initial active version.

2. If needed, explicitly set the object's authority list.

3. Store the master AD.

4. Passivate the object.

S. If done within a transaction and the transaction aborts, recover all the way to the first step, allocating a new object if the code retries. This avoids the problem of being unable to store a master AD for the previously allocated object.

II-3.1.II.S Master ADs and Passive Object Lifetimes

In active memory there is no concept of a "master" AD, so why is one AD for each object singled out in passive store? There are several reasons, and one of the best reasons is that this solves the problem of knowing when to delete passive versions. Active objects are reclaimed either by job tennination (for local objects) or by garbage collection. Garbage collection can reclaim objects with indefinite lifetimes by detecting when those objects can never again be accessed by any chain of ADs. However garbage collection is impractical in passive store, because ADs can reference between nodes in a network and even reference between mounted and dismounted volume sets! An exhaustive scan of all filing volume sets at all nodes would consume too much network and disk bandwidth, but a scan that includes dismounted volume sets is completely impractical. Instead the master AD is singled out, and constrained to be on the same volume set as the object it references. If the master AD is deleted, then the object is deleted and reclaimed. The object can also be explicitly destroyed while the master AD still exists, but no further passive version of the object can be created.

A passive object exists until its master AD is deleted, or until the object's passive version is explicitly destroyed.

II- Transferring Mastership

In two cases, deleting a master AD does not destroy a passive object 0, but instead converts an alias AD to become the new master AD:

• If the master AD is stored in a directory entry and other directory entries on the same volume set reference 0, then "mastership" is transferred to one of the other entries.

• If the master AD is stored in a non-directory object and other ADs in that object reference 0, then mastership is transferred to one of those other ADs.

Note that the master AD always remains on the same volume set as the object it references.

Note also that mastership is never transferred from a directory entry to a non-directory object.

II- Object Trees

An object tree is defined by a stored root object and all objects reached from it via a chain of master ADs. For example, if A contains a master AD for B which contains a master AD for C, then the object tree rooted in A contains C.

All objects in an object tree have the same volume set.

Several passive store calls operate on object trees: Copy, Destroy, Request_update (in its default version), and Update_tree.


II- Passive ADs as Universal Identifiers

A passive AD contains enough infonnation to uniquely identify a passive object among all the passive objects ever created on any BiiNTM system anywhere at any time. Passive objects created on different volume sets, nodes, or systems can never be confused. A passive AD references one object in a universal address space, an address space that spans all objects ever created on any BiiNTM system.anywhere.

Im Dokument . ·ERVI"C 5', (Seite 106-111)