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5. Population dynamics of mixed colicin E2 communities 57

5.3. Numerical solution

5. Population dynamics of mixed colicin E2 communities

5.3. Numerical solution


T(x, y, t= 0) =



S, G(x, y)< I IS

C+IS ·ρ C, G(x, y)>1− I IC

C+IS ·ρ F, otherwise


The classification scheme (eq. 5.11) can be easily generalized to include more lattice species. The process is illustrated in Fig. 5.4.

a b c d

Figure 5.4.: Example initialization

Initiation example depicted forρ= 0.01,IC = 2,IS = 100, andN = 100. (a)Shape matrixP is elementwise multiplied with random matrixR(b) resulting in matrix G (c) which is used for classification. (d)After classification according to eq. 5.11 the initial latticeT(x, y, t= 0) is constructed. Here,S lattice sites are colored magenta,C lattice sites green and free lattice sitesF are white.

5.3.2. Stochastic lattice update

At the core of the simulation algorithm is the iterative stochastic lattice update (Fig.

5.5). Here, a fixed time step ∆t is used in a na¨ıve stochastic simulations algorithm (SSA) [158].

At every time-point, the algorithm iterates over all non-empty (T 6= F) and adjacent lattice sites. At every lattice site, the reaction probabilities are calculated according to the lattice site type, reaction rates, time-step size ∆t, and Neighborhood composition (in case of T = F). See Fig. 5.2 c for an overview of lattice sites and corresponding reaction probabilities. Then, a random number is drawn that determines the reaction to happen, and the lattice site is updated. See Fig. 5.5 for an illustrating example of a lattice update. After the algorithm updated all relevant lattice sites, the simulation timeti =ti−1+ ∆t is updated. The iteration is repeated until the final simulation time t=T is reached.

From the explicit calculation of reaction probabilities one sees a difficulty of a fixed-time step algorithm. Care must be taken in choosing ∆t in order to prevent partial reaction

5. Population dynamics of mixed colicin E2 communities

Reaction example

1. Iteration over lattice sites a. Determine lattice site type (Example: free lattice site) b. Calculate reaction probabilities depending on lattice site type (Example: three probabilities) c. Draw random number and determine reaction

(Example: random number = 0.25 -> S growth reaction)

d. Update lattice site according to reaction e. Go to next lattice site

a b

1-(NS*rS +NC*rC )*Δt

= 66.86%

NS*rS*Δt =(1+1/√2)*0.0765*1

= 13.06%

NC*rC*Δt =(1+2*1/√2)*0.0833*1

= 20.11%

0 0.2011 0.3317 1


S growth C growth no change

(stay free)

Total reaction probability focal lattice site free

Reaction probability Reaction

Figure 5.5.: Lattice update iteration with example

(a) Lattice update algorithm is illustrated in detail for the lattice update at a given lattice site in general and refers to example on the right. (b) Example of lattice update for a free lattice site. For the three possible reactions C growth, S growth, and no lattice site change, the reaction probabilities are calculated. Then, a random number is drawn (e.g. 0.25) and compared to the cumulative total reaction probability (bottom line). As the random number 0.25 falls into the red interval representing S growth reactions, the lattice site is updated to be a S site in the following.


5.3.3. Colicin field modelling

During a lysis reaction of a CON cell, colicin is released into the environment. In the model, the toxin distribution is realized via an global colicin field c(x, y, t) which is described as the superposition concentration profiles that originate from lysed CON cells. The colicin profiles are assumed to decay exponentially in space with rate λ and stay constant in time [25, 159, 160]. Mathematically, the colicin profile is then defined as

c(x, y, t) = X



(xj−x)2+(yj−y)2 ·




Π(xj, yj, τ;CON →F) (5.12) Here, the lysis events at a given position and time (x, y, t) are denoted with

Π(x, y, t;CON →F) =

1, if lysis event occured at (x, y, t) 0, otherwise


Figure 5.6 illustrates the numerical construction of a colicin profile that originates from a newly lysed CON cell.

5.3. Numerical solution


250200150100 50 50 100 150 200 250

0 0 0


x y

0 0.2 0.4


0.6 0.8 1

250200150100 50 50 100 150 200 250

0 0 b

Colicin conctration [arb. units]

x y

Lysis event

Figure 5.6.: Construction of colicin profile

(a)The position of a recently lysed CON cell is depicted with a sharp peak. (b) In order to construct the colicin profile from this, an exponentially decaying profile is assumed to originate from this position.

The static construction of colicin profiles presented here is computationally much simpler compared to the explicit consideration of colicin diffusion. It is justified because colicin diffusion happens on much faster time scales compared to the other reactions considered [25, 161].

5.3.4. Coarse graining

Figure 5.7.: Coarse-graining illustration

As soon as the expanding colony reaches the lattice edge, the simulated community is rescaled by a constant factor z and the resulting N/z ×N/z lattice is placed at the center of a new N×N lattice. (here: N = 250, z= 5)

The detailed spatial resolution and the fixed time-step are computationally expen-sive and necessitate the use of small lattices to make the simulation computationally tractable. At the same time, the simulated community is expanding occupying ever

5. Population dynamics of mixed colicin E2 communities

increasing lattice space, which calls for large lattice sizes. In order to resolve this con-flict, coarse-graining was used motivated by the experimental zooming functionality (see section 3.2.3).

As illustrated in Fig. 5.7, the simulated lattice is rescaled by a factor z as soon as the expanding colony reaches the lattice edge. The resultingN/z×N/z lattice is placed at the center of a new N×N lattice. Rescaling is performed by inheriting only every z-th element and discarding the rest. After the rescaling step, the simulation is continued with rescaled reaction rates r0 =r/z.

5.3.5. Growth rate determination

The strain growth rates were determined by fitting of the simulations of pure commu-nities (IC = 0 or IS = 0) to average experimental growth data obtained in control experiments using MATLAB’s built-in function fminsearch. Because fitting was com-putationally costly, the explicit fitting was only performed for the theS strain. Growth rates for the other strains were then obtained by comparison of linear area growth rates after 20 hours assuming a simple linear relationship between area growth and micro-scopic growth rates [162].

Figure 5.8 compares an experimental observation and a stohastic realization of opti-mized simulated growth. Additionally, linear area growth is shown by fitting a line to the experimental data.

0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 0

2 4 6 8 10 12 x 106

Time [min]

Colony area [µm²]

Single realization of simulation for optimal growth rate Linear fit

Experimental data

Figure 5.8.:Growth rate determination

Colony area time-lapse data is shown for experimental (black), simulated (blue), and linear regime fit (red). (Image is reused from [141] published under creative commons license 4.0.)

5.3. Numerical solution

5.3.6. Parameter overview

During the general discussion of the various simulation aspects, several relevant simula-tion parameters were mensimula-tioned. For the sake of clarity, table 5.1 presents an overview of simulation parameters, their scaling behavior under coarse-graining operation, typical values, and references for typical values.

Unless otherwise stated, simulations referenced in the remainder of this thesis used the parameters from the list.

Symbol Explanation Scaling Typical



N Lattice size N0 =N 250

-∆x Lattice spacing ∆x0 = ∆x·z 2µm

-z Rescaling factor - 5

-∆t Time-step size - 1.5 min

-T Total simulation time

- 2910 min Similar to experiments Dpolygon Initial colony


- 225 pixel Similar to experiments IC :IS Initial C:S-ratio - 2:100 Similar to experiments

ρ Initial density - 0.002 Similar to experiments

λ Colicin profile decay rate

λ0 =λ/z 125µm−1 taken from [25]

rC C growth rate rC0 =rC/z 0.0729 fit to exp. data from [141]

rS S growth rate r0S =rS/z 0.0607 fit to exp. data from [141]

rR R growth rate r0R=rR/z 0.0876 fit to exp. data from [141]

sC C switching rate s0C =sC/z e.g. 0.02 Externally tuned according to eq. 4.13

sS S switching rate s0S =sS/z 1500 see chapter 6 dCON CON death rate d0C

ON =dCON/z 0.02 From single cell studies (see sec. 4.1.1)

dSStop SStop death rate d0SStop =dSStop/z 0.001 negligibly small in [141] and set to zero in [163]

Table 5.1.:Simulation parameters

Overview of simulation parameters, scaling behavior under coarse-graining operation, typical values, and references for typical values.

5. Population dynamics of mixed colicin E2 communities