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Number of Instances

Im Dokument Formal Semantics for SDL (Seite 96-99)

Part 4: RSDL Formal Definition

4.3 Static Semantics

4.3.4 Agents Number of Instances

Abstract Syntax

Number-of-instances :: Initial-number [ Maximum-number ]

Initial-number = INT

Maximum-number = INT

Conditions on Abstract Syntax

∀n ∈ Number-of-instances: n.s-Maximum-number ≠ undefined ⇒ n.s-Initial-number ≤ n.s-Maximum-number ∧ n.s-Maximum-number > 0

The <initial number> of instances must be less than or equal to <maximum number> and <maximum number>

must be greater than zero.

Concrete Syntax

<number of instances> :: [<initial number>] [<maximum number>]

<initial number> = <Integer<name>

<maximum number> = <Integer<name>

Conditions on Concrete Syntax

∀ n ∈ <number of instances>: n.s-<initial number> ≠ undefined ⇒ n.s-<initial number>.s-TOKEN.isIntToken

The initial number must be of type Integer.

∀ n ∈ <number of instances>: n.s-<maximum number> ≠ undefined ⇒ n.s-<maximum number>.s-TOKEN.isIntToken

The maximum number must be of type Integer.


<number of instances>(undefined, max) =3=> <number of instances>(<name>(“1”), max) If <initial number> is omitted, then <initial number> is 1.

n=<number of instances>(ini, undefined)

provided n.parentAS0.parentAS0.parentAS0 ∈ <rsdl specification>

=3=> <number of instances>(ini, <name>(“1”))

In the outermost Agent the Maximum-number of instances is 1.

Mapping to Abstract Syntax

| <number of instances>(i, m) =>


if m= undefined then undefined else m.s-TOKEN.getIntValue endif )

4.3.5 Variables

Abstract Syntax

Variable-definition :: Variable-name Sort-name

[ Constant-expression ]

Conditions on Abstract Syntax

∀d ∈ Variable-definition: s-Constant-expression(d) ≠ undefined ⇒ sortCompatible(exprSort(s-Constant-expression(d)), s-Sort-name(d))

If the Constant-expression is present, it must be of the same sort as the one denoted by Sort-name.

Concrete Syntax

<variable definition> :: [exported] {<variables of sort>}+

<variables of sort> :: <variable<name>+ <sort> [<constant expression>]

Auxiliary Functions

myImplicitVariableName(v: <variable definition>): <name> =def

<name>(“imc” v.s-<variables of sort>-seq.head.s-<name>-seq.head.s-TOKEN ) We introduce a function for the implicit variable name of exported variables.

controlled statesInserted: <variable definition> → BOOLEAN

We introduce a controlled function for remembering if the remote variable handling was already inserted into the states.


< <variables of sort>(< n > r, s, e) > provided r ≠ empty

=3=> < <variables of sort>(< n >, s, e), <variables of sort>(r, s, e) >

Multiple variable definitions are separated.

< <variable definition>(e, < v > r) > provided r ≠ empty

=3=> < <variable definition>(e, < v >), <variable definition>(e, r) >

Multiple variable definitions are separated.

v=<variable definition>(exported, < <variables of sort>(< n >, s, e) > ) provided myImplicitVariableName(v).refersto0 = undefined

=5=> < v, <variable definition>(undefined,

< <variables of sort>(< myImplicitVariableName(v) >, s, e) > ) >

For every exported variable, an implicit variable is defined.

v=<variable definition>(exported, *) provided statesInserted(v) = False =5=> v

and statesInserted(v) := True

and do forall s: s ∈ v.parentAS0.s-<agent type body>.s-implicit ∧ s ∈ <basic state>

let newInput = <input part>(< <stimulus>(v.myQuerySignalIdentifier, empty) >,

< <action statement>(<output>(<output body>(

< <output body gen identifier>(v.refersto0.myReplySignalIdentifier,

<actual parameters>(< <identifier>(v.fullPath, v.myImplicitVariableName) > ) ) >, <operand5>(undefined, sender) ) ) ) >,

<terminator statement>(undefined, <nextstate>(s.s-<state list>.head)) ) in

=> <basic state>(s.s-<state list>, s.s-implicit newInput, s.s-<name>)

To all <state>s of the exporter, excluding implicit states derived from import, the following <input part> is added:

input xQUERY;

output xREPLY(imcx) to sender;

nextstate the state containing this input;

imcx denotes the implicit copy of the exported variable.

The above rule actually states three parallel transformations: First, the variable definition v is replaced by itself.

Additionally, the value of statesInserted(v) is set to True. Moreover, all states within the enclosing agent structure are modified.

Mapping to Abstract Syntax

| <variable definition>(*, < var >) => Mapping(var)

| <variables of sort>(< name >, sort, const)

=> mk-Variable-definition(Mapping(name), Mapping(sort), Mapping(const))

4.3.6 Communication Signal

Abstract Syntax

Signal-definition :: Signal-name Sort-name*

Concrete Syntax

<signal definition>:: <signal definition item>+

<signal definition item> :: <signal<name> [<sort list>]

<sort list> :: {<sort>}+


< <signal definition>(< i > r) > provided r ≠ empty

=3=> < <signal definition>(< i >), <signal definition>(r) >

Multiple signal definitions are separated.

Mapping to Abstract Syntax

| <signal definition>(<<signal definition item>(name, sorts) >) => mk-Signal-definition(Mapping(name),

if sorts=undefined then empty else Mapping(sorts) endif)

| <sort list>(sorts) => Mapping(sorts) Gate

Abstract Syntax

Gate-definition :: Gate-name



In-signal-identifier = Signal-identifier Out-signal-identifier = Signal-identifier Concrete Syntax

<gate in definition> = <textual gate definition>

<textual gate definition> :: <gate> <gate constraint> [<gate constraint>]

<gate> = <gate<name>

<gate constraint> :: { out | in } <signal list>

<signal list> = {<signal list item>}+

<signal list item> = <identifier>

Auxiliary Functions

findSignalset(c: <gate constraint>, t: TOKEN): DefinitionAS0* =def

if c=undefined then empty

elseif c.s-implicit = t then c.s-<signal list>

else empty endif

We introduce an auxiliary function to extract the signal list per direction.

Conditions on Concrete Syntax

∀ g ∈ <textual gate definition>: g.s2-<gate constraint> ≠ undefined ⇒ g.s-<gate constraint>.s-implicit ≠ g.s2-<gate constraint>.s-implicit

Where two <gate constraint>s are specified one must be in the reverse direction to the other.

Mapping to Abstract Syntax

| <textual gate definition>(g, c1, c2) =>


Mapping(findSignalset(c1, in)).toSet ∪ Mapping(findSignalset(c2, in)).toSet, Mapping(findSignalset(c1, out)).toSet ∪ Mapping(findSignalset(c2, out)).toSet)

In the mapping to the AS1 the gate constraints must be extracted per direction. See the definition of findSignalset above.

Im Dokument Formal Semantics for SDL (Seite 96-99)