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Nonlinear instability and formation of phase-space vortices

A PIC code that works as sketched in the past section2can be used to prove that nonlinear instability exists far below the linear threshold. To do so, we can initialize the code with a very large number of particles with an initial thermal distribution and without any macroscopic excitation (what Berman and coworkers called random start). As physical parameters we will use the same as we did in section 2.6.2 which, in turn, are the same used by Berman and coworkers: the mass ratio is set to δ = me/mi = 1/4, the temperature ratio is set to unity (Te =Ti) and the drift between electrons and ions is set tovD = 1.75 (remember that the linear threshold for stability for this parameters is located at vD? = 1.96). We will simulate 1024000 particles whithin 1024 cells (i.e. ten times more particles and double as many cells as in Ref. 40).

The outcome of the simulations is summarized in Figs. A.2 - A.5. The first conclussion we can extract from looking at such pictures is that the system is actually far from stable, thus contradicting the linear stability theory. We conclude also that the onset of instability is clearly related with the development of vortices in phase space that usually appear as electron and ion holes (depressions in the particle densities). Figure A.5 shows also that after the interaction and coalescence of structures, some of them seem to survive for long times.

We can also study the influence of negative energy modes on the nonlinear destabi-lization of the system. On this purpose we plotted in our figures the boundaryv? = 0.75 between positive and negative energy ion holes for the used temperature ratio and drift velocity andβ= 0 (see (2.77) and also Fig. 2.28). The selection ofβ = 0 seems not to be

2The PIC code which was used to generate the results presented here can be down-loaded from the same internet address as all the codes with which we deal in this thesis:


-20 -10 0 10 20 x

-1 0 1 2 3


-20 -10 0 10 20

x -0.5

0 0.5 1 1.5


Figure A.3: Phase space densities of electrons (left) and ions (right) at t = 255. This is approximately the instant when nonlinear instability is first macroscopically visible. Note how small vortices, seen as depressions in phase space density, start to develop.

-20 -10 0 10 20

x -1

0 1 2 3


-20 -10 0 10 20

x -0.5

0 0.5 1 1.5


Figure A.4: Phase space densities of electrons (left) and ions (right) at t = 350. Note how instability has led to the formation of clusters of trapping structures, mostly visible in the electron phase space.


-20 -10 0 10 20

x -1

0 1 2 3


-20 -10 0 10 20

x -0.5

0 0.5 1 1.5


Figure A.5: Phase space densities of electrons (left) and ions (right) att= 400.

unphysical, as one would expect that when structures arise out of thermal fluctuations, they start with distribution functions more or less flat at the trapped range. Figure A.3 suggests that initially electrostatic structures start to develop in the negative energy range while later (perhaps due to the interaction between them) the are decelerated. If we go to much larger times (Fig. A.5) and we look at the ion phase space densities we see that the distribution function has suffered a large amount of filamentation mostly above the negative energy threshold. Some solitary surviving holes are found however in the postive energy range.

From our simulations we conclude that the results of Berman and coworkers remain unchanged when the number of particles in the simulation is highly increased, thereby proving to be robust and reliable evidences of the importance of trapping and holes in the nonlinear stability of current-carrying plasmas. The results support also the claim of Refs. 19, 18 according to which ion holes arise spontaneously in the negative energy range, which is one of the arguments on which the conjecture of a destabilization through negative energy holes is based.


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First of all, I would like to express my gratitude to myDoktorvater Prof. Dr. H. Schamel.

Although obvious, it is necessary to say that without him, this thesis would have never been possible. His patient and kind guidance over the last years as well as his scientific enthusiasm and encouragement provided me the greatest help that one could expect from a supervisor.

Of course, I could also not forget to thank my parents for the support and advice that I have always found in them and for teaching me, among all other essential things, the importance of pursuing my studies. ¡Gracias!

I want also to mention Aberto de L´ozar and Carmen P´erez Le´on, with whom I came to Bayreuth, for their standing friendship and continuous support. To Pavel Akimov I am grateful for the assistance he provided me in my first days here and for being always there whenever I needed something. Martin Riedel was also a big help thanks to his patience with my German and, not to forget, his lessons on cooking. But I could also not leave out the members of the spanish community in Bayreuth, which gave me their friendship and were always ready for juicy debates, sometimes as sharp as Martin’s cooking, in the Cafeteria: Mar Garc´ıa, Luis Miguel Fern´andez, Alberto Rivera, Laura Torre and many others.

And, last but not least, I would like to thank all my friends and partners in Sevilla, in the Faculty of Physics and in any other place, because they were so nice to believe in me and because they have the virtue of, just due to their being there, make the world a little bit warmer.