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After viewing how the brain areas, particularly the fronto-parietal grasping circuit, control hand and finger movements, I would like to discuss how the neurons encode information. Does one neuron contain unique information, for example, corresponding to a specific stimulus or activation of a muscle? Do the neurons code information only at a population level, and looking at discharge patterns of single neurons could be sometimes misleading?

To answer this question, it is worthy to review the history of neuroscience. Following Virchow’s cell theory (Wilson, 1947), Cajal and Sherrington enunciated the neuron doctrine. Based on Golgi’s staining technique, a clearer picture of individual neuronal bodies, axons and dendrites was revealed. Cajal then proposed the individual neurons as the unit structure of the nervous system (Kandel et al., 2013).

Sherrington, who originally described the skin receptive field eliciting a scratch reflex (Sherrington, 1906), hypothesized the functional roles of the individual neurons. The neuron doctrine has been dominating the field of neuroscience until today.

Using microelectrodes to record from single cells actually reinforced the study of individual neuron properties. The most representative microelectrode is the tungsten microelectrode developed by Hubel and this enabled the recording from behaving animals (Hubel, 1957). Together with Wiesel, they mapped the excitatory patterns in the primary visual cortex (V1), which led to the discovery of visual receptive fields (Hubel and Wiesel, 1962). In addition, they found that neuronal responses systematically varied with the orientation of the presented stimulus, which later defined the tuning of neurons. According to these properties of single neurons, the firing rate of each neuron is described as a function of correlation with various parameters. Tuning is defined as a systematic modulation of a neuron in relation to the systematic variation of a perceptual, cognitive or behavioral parameter. The concept of receptive field and neuronal tuning became the cornerstone of the “representational framework” (Buzsáki, 2010). These successes crystallized the idea that in addition to anatomical and functional units, single neurons could be also perceptual units (Barlow, 1972). If this is true, at the top of the

visual hierarchy, there should be single neurons responsible for the perception of individual persons. Indeed, recent studies found individual neurons in the temporal cortex responding to pictures of faces (Freiwald et al., 2009). In addition to the visual system, the representational framework can also describe neuronal activity related to movements. Neurons in M1, PMd and PRR were tuned for the reach directions while monkeys performed a center out reaching task (Fig. 1.4 A) (Georgopoulos et al., 1982; Buneo et al., 2002; Rajalingham and Musallam, 2017).

However, the neuron doctrine and the representational framework do have limitations. For example, the concept of receptive fields could oversimplify what is encoded in a neuron. Responding to a particular stimulus might not be the only function of that neuron (Yuste, 2015). The timing of the response and the ensemble of neurons responding simultaneously can be also important. Indeed, neurons in mouse visual cortex have been found not responding to identical stimuli in the same manner (Ko et al., 2011). On the other hand, regarding face neurons as one of the strongest example supporting neurons as perceptual units, there is a criticism, which is difficult to defend against: If there was only one particular neuron coding for a particular person, how would it be possible that the investigators found this neuron out of an area containing hundreds of thousands of neurons.

In the motor system, modern approaches using multiple parameters (including position, velocity, acceleration etc.) to model the firing patterns of individual neurons only coarsely matched the observed response (Todorov, 2000). Vice versa, it was not possible to classify firing patterns of individual neurons during finger movements into functional groups corresponding to the experimentally designed kinematic parameters (i.e. flexion and extension of the finger, Fig. 1.4 B) (Poliakov and Schieber, 1999), one of the most relevant examples to the topic of this thesis. A common problem of the representational framework is that tuning analysis of single neurons only explain a fraction of recorded neuron (often described in percentages as in cited studies), and leaves a large proportion of neuronal variance unexplained.

Thus, the concept of the neuron doctrine and the representational frame work focusing on single neurons should be reconsidered, and more attention should be moved to groups of neurons working as a circuit (Buzsáki, 2010).








the! visual! system! (adapted! from! Georgopoulos! et! al.,! 1982).! B)! Functional! grouping! of! EMG! and!

neuronal! signals! during! individuated! finger! movements.! Left:! Similarity! matrix! of! clustering! EMG!


are! the! same! as! in! Fig.! 1.1.! The! clustering! process! reordered! the! recordings! based! on! similarity! of!








about! the! idea! of! recurrent! connectivity! in! the! nervous! system! and! observed! that!

neuronal activity could be prolonged after stimulus offset (functional reverberations).

Based on this, Hebb coined the idea of “cell assembly”, describing neurons working as a network and the sequence of activations plays a crucial role for the functional aspect of the assembly (Hebb, 1949). Unlike other organs in the body, such as kidney or lung, that the function of a single cell can well represent the function of the organ, the function of the brain is based on interactions between the neurons. To understand the function of a cortical area, one may need to at least record from a population of neurons and look at properties of this circuit (Yuste, 2015).

How the neural circuits generate emergent function is fascinating, but without the technique to record multiple neurons in parallel, this can not be proven experimentally. The optical recording by calcium imaging (Grynkiewicz et al., 1985) with two-photon microscopy (Denk et al., 1990) and the electrical recording by multi-electrode arrays (Nicolelis et al., 2003; Buzsáki, 2004) are major technical developments for multineuronal recordings. The most widely used implantable multi-electrode array is the 100-channel Utah array (Nordhausen et al., 1996;

Rousche and Normann, 1998). The later developed floating arrays avoided the relative movements between the electrodes and the brain, thus increased the longevity of chronic implants (Musallam et al., 2007).