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NBits function

Im Dokument Reference Guide (Seite 40-45)

WORD NBits(int colors);

Returns the bit count corresponding to the given color count.

See also: NColors, rColor class

NBits function


NColors function color.h

Returns the color count corresponding to the given bit count, or -1 if the bit count is not supported by Windows. Bit counts currently supported are 1, 4,8, and 24.

int NColors(WORD bitCount);

See also: NBits, TColor class

of xxx x document open enum docview.h

This enum defines the document and open sharing modes used for constructing streams and storing data. Any constants that have the same functionality as those used by OLE 2.0 docfiles are indicated in the following table; for example, STGM_TRANSACTED, STGM_CONVERT, STGM_PRIORITY, and STGM_DELETEONRELEASE.

Although files are typically used for data storage, databases or

spreadsheets can also be used. I/O streams rather than DOS use these bit values. Documents open the object used for storage in one of the following modes:

Constant of Parent of Read of Write of Read Write ofAtEnd of Append ofTruncate of No Create of No Replace

·ofBinary of los Mask


A storage object is opened using the parent's mode.

A storage object is opened for reading.

A storage object is opened for writing.

A storage object is opened for reading and writing.

Seek to end-of-file when opened originally.

Data is appended to the end of the storage object.

An already existing file is truncated.

Open fails if file doesn't exist.

Open fails if file already exists.

Data is stored in a binary, not text, format. Carriage returns are not stripped.

All of the above bits are used by the ios class.

of xxx x document open enum


ofTransacted of Preserve of Priority ofTemporary


Changes to the storage object are preserved until the data is either committed to permanent storage or discarded. (STGM_ TRANSACTED) Backs up previous storage data using before creating ,a new storage object with the same name. (STGM_CONVERT)

Supports temporary, efficient reading before opening the storage.


The storage or stream is automatically destroyed when it is destructed.

(STGM_DELETEONRELEASE) See also: TStream, InStream, OutStream

pfxxxx property attribute constants docview.h

These constants define document and view property attributes. Documents, views, and applications use these attributes to determine how to process a . document or view.

Constant pfGetText pfGetBinary pfConstant pfSettable pfUnknown pfHidden pfUserDef


Property is accessible in a text format.

Property is accessible as a native nontext format.

Property can't be changed for the object instance.

Property can be set as a native format.

Property is defined but unavailable for the object.

Property should be hidden from the user during normal browsing.

Property has been user-defined at run time.

See also: TDocument, TView

_BUILDOWLDLL macro owldefs.h


_BUILDOWLDLL, which must be defined to build the ObjectWindows DLL, is used internally to control values for the _ OWLCLASS,

_ OWLDATA, and _ OWLFUNC macros. It is included in ObjectWindows makefiles to build the ObjectWindows DLL.


See also: _ OWLDLL

ObjectWindows 2.0 Reference Guide

_ OWLCLASS macro

_OWLCLASS macro owldefs.h

Used internally by ObjectWindows, _OWLCLASS is the ObjectWindows version of _RTLCLASS adjusted to export and import WIN32 DLLs.

Possible definitions for this macro are _export, _far, _near, _tiny, _large, or _huge model.


_OWLDATA macro owldefs.h

The macro _OWLDATA is the ObjectWindows version of _RTLDATA adjusted to export and import WIN32 DLLs for ObjectWindows. Possible definitions for this macro are _export,_import, or nothing.


_OWLDLL macro owldefs.h

_ OWLDLL, which is automatically defined if _RTLDLL is turned on, controls values for the _OWLCLASS,_OWLDATA, and _OWLFUNC macros. It must be defined if you are writing ObjectWindows applications or DLLs that use DLLs. This macro can also be turned on by a makefile.


_OWLFAR macro owldefs.h

The macro _ OWLF AR is the ObjectWindows version of _RTLF AR adapted to promote far data pointers in DLLs for ObjectWindows. Possible

definitions for this macro are _export or _import.


_OWLFUNC macro owldefs.h

The macro _ OWLFUNC is ObjectWindows function version of _RTLFUNC adapted to export and import functions if building WIN32 DLLs for

_ OWLFUNC macro

ObjectWindows. Possible definitions for this macro are _export,_import, _far, or _near.


OWLGetVersion function owldefs.h

Returns the version number of the ObjectWindows library. The version number is represented as an unsigned short.

unsigned short far _OWLFUNC OWLGetVersion()i

shxxxx document sharing enum docview.h

Table 1.25 shxxxx constants

The following file-sharing modes are available when opening document streams.

Constant shCompat shNone shRead shWrite shReadWrite shDefault shMask


Used for noncompliant applications, but should be avoided if possible.

DENY_ALL functionality., DENY_WRITE functionality.

DENY_READ functionality.

DENY_NONE functionality.

Use stream implementation default value.


TActionFunc typedef window.h

typedef void(*TActionFunc) (TWindow* win, void* pararn)i Passes a function pointer to TWindow::ForEach.

See also: TWindow::ForEach

T ActionMemFunc typedef window.h


typedef void(TWindow::*TActionMernFunc) (TWindow* win, void* pararn) i

Passes a member function pointer to TWindow::ForEach.

See also: TWindow::ForEach

ObjecfWindows 2.0 Reference Guide

TAnyPMF typedef

TAnyPMF typedef dispatch.h

typedef void(GENERIC::*TAnyPMF) ();

TAnyPMF is a generic pointer to a member function.

TAnyDispatcher typedef dispatch.h

typedef LRESULT(*TAnyDispatcher) (GENERIC&, TAnyPMF, WPARAM, LPARAM);

T Any Dispatch is a message dispatcher type. All message dispatcher functions conform to this type and take four parameters:

.·A reference to an object

• A pointer to the member function in which the signature varies according to the cracking that the function performs



T Application class applicat.h


Derived from TModule, T Application acts as an object-oriented stand-in for a Windows application module. T Application and TModule supply the basic behavior required of a Windows application. T Application member functions create instances of a class, create main windows, and process messages. See Chapter 3 in the Object Windows Programmer's Guide for information about using application objects.

Public data members

const char far* cmdLine;

A null-terminated string, cmdLine points to a copy of the command-line arguments passed when the TApplication object is constructed. cmdLine is different from the WIN32 cmdLine in which the full path name of the module is appended to the command-line arguments. Whether running under WIN16 or WIN32, ObjectWindows' T Application::cmdLine data member includes only the command-line arguments. Note that the run-time library global variables _argv[] and _argc contain identical

information for both WIN16 and WIN32 APls, and that _argv[O] points to the full path name of the module.

TApplication class

See also: T Application::T Application int cmdShowi

nCmdShow indicates how the main window is to be displayed (either maximized or as an icon). These correspond to the WinMain parameter CmdShow. See T Application::nCmdShow for a description of these constants.

See also: T Application::nCmdShow HACCEL HAccTablei

Included to provide backward compatibility, HAccTable holds a handle to the current Windows accelerator table being used by the application. New applications should instead use the accelerator table handle TWindow.

See also: TWindow: :LoadAcceleratorTable, TWindowAttr HINSTANCE hPrevInstancei

Contains the handle of the previously executing instance of the Windows application. If hPrevlnstance is 0, there was no previously executing instance when this instance began execution. Under Win32, this value is always O.

int nCmdShowi

Indicates how the main window is to be displayed (either maximized or as an icon). These correspond to the WinMain parameter CmdShow. nCmdShow can contain one of the following Windows API constants:


Shows the default SW _xxxx command.

Hides the window.

Minimizes the specified window.

Activates a window using current size and position.

Displays a maximized window.

Displays a minimized window.

Displays window in its current state.

Displays the window as an icon.

Displays a window in its original size and position.

Shows a window by updating it in a bitmap and then copying the bits to the screen.

Im Dokument Reference Guide (Seite 40-45)