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2.2 Methods

2.2.12 Mutant and transgenic mouse breeding

Animals were housed at 22 °C on a 12 h light/12 h dark cycle with ad libitum access to food and water in the breeding barriers of the Forschungstierhaltung of the University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf. All experiments were approved by the local authorities of the State of Hamburg (Org 886; Nr.125/17). C57BL6J /UKE mice were used for matings and backcrossings. For the mGolt mouse line 4 founders were tested for sufficient expression of the probe and 1 founder was used for the establishment of the line which was classified as

“unbelasted”. For the Calneuron 1 KO line founders were backcrossed to C57BL6/J/UKE to avoid mosaicism and offspring exhibiting the correct genotype was then used to establish the KO line. This line was also classified as “unbelasted”. Pronucleus injection bromide. The gel was reassembled; the bands on the left and right side of the gel were used to locate the unlabeled bands. The unlabeled central bands were cut and eluted using the Machery and Nagel kit with the modification that 400 µl NT1 were used for 100 mg of gel.

The DNA was eluted in 10 µl of ultrapure water.

To control the purity of the eluate 2, 4, 6 and 8 µl were loaded on a control gel to assess purity and concentration.

32 Figure 1. Pronucleus injection procedure

C57BxCBA (= F1) or B6, 3-4 weeks old were superovulated by hormone injection. The holding pipette (left) holds the embryo. The DNA solution is injected through the injection pipette (right).

Superovulated donor mice were sacrificed, by cervical dislocation, disinfected with Braunoderm before the abdominal cavity was opened. The ovaries were located and gripped at the fatpad with a tweezer. The ovaries were dissected by cutting above the ovary and then below the oviduct. Embryos were released from the ampulla of the oviduct in drops of KSOM/HEPES containing 0.3 mg/ml hyaluronidase to remove the cumulus cells. Using a fine capillary they were pipetted up and down to get rid of the cumulus cells and then thoroughly washed in KSOM/HEPES. Before they were incubated at 5% CO2, 37 °C until both pronuclei were clearly visible. Injection was performed using 2 ng/µl of isolated fragment diluted in 10 mM Tris, pH 7.4, 0.1 mM EDTA with the help of a Femtojet and micromanipulators (Eppendorf) using DIC optics of an Olympus microscope (Figure 1). These steps were performed with support of the transgenic mouse facility of the UKE. Implantation

Implantation in pseudopregnant foster mothers was performed by the staff of the Transgenic Core Unit of the ZMNH. The surgery area was thoroughly disinfected. The foster mother was sedated with 4% isoflurane. After reaching deep sedation the isoflurane concentration was reduced to 2%. As analgesic Burprenorphin (0.05 mg/kg BW) was injected subcutanousely 30 min before start of the surgery and carprofen (5 mg/kg BW) was injected at the end of the surgery. To keep the body temperature stable the foster mother was placed stomach down on a 37 °C heating plate. To keep the eyes hydrated eye drops were applied. The hair was shaved clean of the back and the skin was disinfected. The ovary was gripped at the fat pad with a curved dull tweezer. The bursa was opened above the infundibulum. The embryos were injected into the infundibulum and the wound was closed.

100 µm

33 Single cell embryo electroporation

Figure 2. Map of the CALN1 gene

The CALN1 gene consists of 6 exons (blue boxes) and has two alternative start codons (red dots) on exon1 and 2, resulting in two isoforms. For generation of the Calneuron 1 KO, 2 sgRNAs 5’ and 3’ of the second exon were designed.

For the generation of KO and KI mice the CRISPR-Cas9 system was used. Single guide RNAs (sgRNAs) were designed to specifically bind the genome upstream and downstream of the second exon of the CALN1 gene (Figure 2).

The sgRNA sequences targeting exon 2 of the murine CALN1 gene were designed using the CRISPOR Program (Haeussler et al., 2016). The template for transcription was derived by annealing of two oligonucleotides followed by a fill-in reaction using Q5-Polymerase (Biolabs). Transcription was performed using the HiScribeT7 kit (Biolabs, E20140S) with subsequent purification of the transcript with the MEGAClear kit (Fisher Scientific, AM1908), both according to the manufacturer’s instructions.

The single cell embryos were isolated as described above. The zygotes were taken up in KSOM; zygotes with clearly visible pronuclei were selected. The selected zygotes were washed in OptiMEM at 4 °C. sgRNAs (600 ng/µl) and Cas9 protein (IDT) were diluted in OptiMEM. 5 µl of the solution was pipetted in the electroporation chamber. The electroporation was carried out with an NEPA21-electroporator (Nepagene). The zygotes were aligned between the electrodes (Figure 3). The impedance was controlled to be between 120 and 180 Ω, if the impedance was correct, the electroporation was started. The electroporation was carried out in two steps, the poring pulse and the transfer pulse. The poring pulse opens pores in the cell membrane; the transfer pulse is an alternating current (+/-) that channels sgRNA and the Cas9 protein into the zygotes. Surviving zygotes were implanted into pseudo pregnant foster mothers as described above.

34 Pulse Voltage Duration


Interval (msec)

Decay Current Repetitions

poring 40 3.5 50 10% + 4x

transfer 5 50 50 40% +/- 5x

Figure 3. Embryo electroporation

Pulse settings and electrode setup, zygotes are places in between the two electrodes. The cell membrane is opened by a poring pulse. RNA and protein in the solution are transported into the cell by the transfer pulse (modified from http://www.xceltis.de/equipment?ix=2x3x2). Environmental enrichment

A total of 168 male C57BL/6J mice (Charles River, country), 4 weeks old were used. Upon arrival, the animals were housed in a light-dark cycle of 12 h (lights on at 7:00 am) (4 per cage) with free access to food and water. After one week of adaption period to the experimental room, the animals were randomly assigned to either control or enriched environment (EE) group. In order to cover the most important aspects of EE, each cage (60 cm x 35 cm x 20 cm) had one running wheel, plastic house cups, acrylic tubes, bedding material (Nestlets, Ancare) and other objects with different textures and sizes, made of plastic, wood, rope and glass (Figure 4). The cage also had a rope or wooden bridge attached to the grid, providing a fully three-dimensional exploration space. The control group cage consisted of a regular IVC cage. Animals were assigned either to EE or the control group and kept in these conditions for 6 weeks. Cages and objects were cleaned once a week. At the end of this period the animals were euthanized and the hippocampi were dissected for immediate synaptic junction preparation.

electrode 1mm s

zygote s

35 Figure 4. Enriched environment housing

Representative picture of a typical EE cage is shown. Mice were housed in a large cage containing a running wheel (orange), nesting material (magenta) and housing (green) Genotyping

For genotyping pups were toe- tattooed and ~ 2 mm of the tail tip was cut. The DNA was isolated by heating the tail tips for 1 h at 98 °C in tail lysis buffer. The lysis was stopped by adding 75 µl of neutralization buffer. The genotype was determined by PCR using the following primers.

Calneuron 1 genotyping


mGolt genotyping