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6.2 Muscle synergies as a multidisciplinary tool

6.2.2 Muscle synergies for exoskeletons

Unsteady locomotion is a challenge that particularly constraints the daily-life of the elderly and pathological population, especially due to fall risk and possible related injuries.

Moreover, physical and cognitive degeneration often result in a deterioration of quality of life due to loss of independence. A relatively new branch of robotics has brought, in the last decade, to the perfection of active exoskeletons thought to aid human movement318. The torques needed to generate a certain movement can be computed, but the complexity of motion’s equations increases dramatically with the number of degrees of freedom57. Thus, synergies might be a clever way to store approximate yet sufficient information to build motor commands57. Also, given that independent locomotion is the main focus, the challenge of controlling these devices grows exponentially when dealing with uneven grounds319. The possibility to implement the muscle synergies concept in the control of a powered exoskeleton has been explored by a few groups in the recent past319–322. The potential aim of a synergy-based exoskeleton would be to simplify the control of the device to such an extent that dealing with random external perturbation would become faster. The concept of muscle synergies is a relatively new idea and it has been applied for less than 20 years57. However, a broad integration with the world of exoskeletons has to date not yet been achieved. Stefano Rossi and colleagues conceived a compliant lower limb multi-joint exoskeleton for the rehabilitation of ankle knee mobility and locomotion of paediatric patients with neurological diseases323,324. The major advantage of using exoskeletons instead of other neuro-robotic techniques (e.g. robotic-assisted gait training) in rehabilitation and habilitation is the great flexibility318. Patients wearing an exoskeleton can walk and move autonomously for long periods of time and can thus perform daily-life activities, possibly on a wide range of surfaces. However, there are no studies evaluating the effectiveness of exoskeletons on the field, and hence there is no evidence of their effectiveness in everyday living environments (e.g. for walking on uneven surfaces). We started a collaboration with Prof. Rossi’s group aiming to: a) identifying, through muscle synergies, typical movement patterns over uneven surfaces (fundamental set of information for the design of a control system able to adaptively adjust joint impedance and selectively provide force/torque assistance); b) simplify the control of the exoskeleton for adapting the mechatronic system to daily-life requirements of human locomotion.




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