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5. Discussion

5.3. Down regulation of glucokinase gene expression by the transcription

5.3.4. Modulation of glucokinase enzyme activity by resveratrol and FoxO1 91

The present study showed that treatment of hepatocytes with insulin induced the glucokinase enzyme activity. Increasing concentrations of resveratrol markedly inhibited the glucokinase enzyme activity. When hepatocytes stimulated with insulin were challenged with resveratrol, resveratrol blocked the insulin-mediated induction of glucokinase enzyme activity. The treatments with insulin or resveratrol did not alter the sigmoidal kinetics of the glucokinase enzyme and followed Michaelis-Menten curves. Linearization of the Michaelis-Menten curves gave Lineweaver-Burk plots which predicted a Km of glucokinase of 10-15 mM (Fig 28 A, B &

C). Similarly, FoxO1 transfected hepatocytes showed also a reduction in the maximal velocity of enzyme activity and did not alter the Michaelis-Menten sigmoidal curves Fig 28 D, E & F). This shows that the enzyme by itself appears not to be activated by resveratrol or FoxO1. The reduced Vmax of the enzyme is rather due to the low amount of enzyme which was synthesized due to inhibition of GK expression by resveratrol and FoxO1. Thus, these enzymatic assays strongly support the down regulation of GK mRNA and protein by resveratrol and FoxO1.

In conclusion, for the first time we have shown that the liver-specific glucokinase gene expression is down regulated by FoxO1. During fasting stages the NAD+ / NADH ration will be high which will activate the NAD+ -dependent SIRT1 which in turn binds and deacetylates FoxO1 transcription factors. This leads to the activation of FoxO1 proteins which will be translocated into the nucleus and act on its target genes like GK and PEPCK. Thus, in addition to several effects of FoxO1 on cell proliferation and apoptosis they are also important for appropriate regulation of glucose metabolism.

Figure 30. Regulation of glucokinase and PEPCK gene expression by FoxO1 FoxO1 transcription factors are predominantly nuclear and are presumed to be active. Besides acetylation of FoxO1 by a transcriptional coactivator p300, insulin via PKB mediates phosphorylation of FoxOs on three conserved residues in the nucleus, which initiates their export to the cytoplasm. This would lead to the derepression of GK gene expression. Treatment with resveratrol increases NAD+-dependent SIRT1 deacetylases, which are known to interact and deacetylate cytoplasmic inactive acetylated FoxO1 into active. Activation of FoxO1 by glucagon via cAMP leads to nuclear import and activates the PEPCK gene expression and represses the GK gene expression.

Insulin receptor substrates (IRS); phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PI3K); protein kinase B (PKB);

phosphatidylinositol 3,4,5-triphosphate (PI[3,4,5]P3); pyrophosphatase (PPase); cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP); Silent information regulator 1 (SIRT1); Glucokinase (GK); Phosphoenolpyruvate carboxy kinase (PEPCK).

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I would like to take this opportunity to express my deepest sense of gratitude and admiration to my supervisor, Prof. Dr. Thomas Kietzmann. I have been fortunate to have been able to work with him and have learnt a lot from him. Above all, I value his thinking; his sharp sense of observation and sound judgment, in scientific as well as non-scientific matters. I am also thankful to him for giving me the respect and freedom to shape the work that I have done.

I would like to thank my co-supervisor PD.Dr. J.-G. Scharf for his constant encouragement and all his support during these years.

Heartfelt thanks to Prof. Dr. G. Burckhardt, the speaker of GRK 335 for invaluable support and maintaining an open and scientifically alive environment. It has been a pleasure to be a part of this PhD program.

I would like to thank Frau Fischer the secretary of the GRK 335 and all the instructors of the Postgraduate program (GRK 335), for all the knowledge they have imparted during the first two years of my stay here. I have learnt much about many diverse fields during this course.

The people I work with know me, just as I know them, as few others do, for all our virtues and importantly, our faults. I am therefore extremely glad to thank all my lab members, past and present, for making the lab a pleasant and friendly place to be in. Among the erstwhile members, I would like to especially thank Dr.Tolja who taught me how to isolate the rat primary hepatocytes which is bread and butter for all my work and special regards to my Poland friend Dr.Jacek. I may not forget the priceless time with Dr.Elitsa who is like suitable buffer to the lab and helped me in several aspects of my science. I am grateful to know Dr. Dani who is specialist in several aspects of science and for providing me gaseous vitamins when I don’t have. It was interesting to have Doreen in our lab and arranged all the consumables for my work in time.

Among the recent set of people, I would like to thank Mirza for his cool attitude and helping me for arranging the N2 bottles. I would like to give my best wishes to Zukaa and enthusiastic diploma students Tina, Jenny, Jule, and Julja, they are like Charles angels.

I feel most lucky to have many of my old and new friends from Germany who made my life most memorable and colorful in Germany.

I wish to thank the professors R. Hardeland and D. Doenecke for being my thesis referee and co-referee.

I am grateful to the office staff for their efficient and timely help whenever required.

I would like to dedicate this work to my mother Sri. Janaki Devi and my sister Seshu kumari, without them I may not reach to this stage today. None of this would have been possible without their unconditional love and support.

1. Kietzmann,T. and Ganjam,G.K. (2005). Glucokinase: old enzyme, new target. Expert Opinion on Therapeutic Patents 15, 705-713.

2. Bahadur,U., Ganjam,G.K., Vasudevan,N., and Kondaiah,P. (2005). Estrogen regulation of chicken riboflavin carrier protein gene is mediated by ERE half sites without direct binding of estrogen receptor. Mol. Cell Endocrinol. 231, 1-11.


Conference Organization Location Date Contribution

Cell Signalling world

Receherches Scientifiques Luxembourg


Luxembourg January

25-28, 2006 -


German Association for the Study of the


Goettingen January 26-27, 2007

Poster presentation

Name: Goutham Kumar Ganjam Date of birth: 12.02.1979

Place of birth: Uppugundur, Andhra Pradesh (A.P), India Nationality: Indian

1993 – 1994: Board of Secondary Education, Z. P. High School, Uppugundur, A.P, India 1994 – 1996: Board of Intermediate Education (Science stream), Ongole, A.P, India 1997 – 2000: Bachelor of Science (Botany, Genetics, Chemistry), Nagarjuna University,

Guntur, A.P, India

2000 – 2002: Master of Science (Life Science), Devi Ahilya Vishwavidyalaya, Indore, Madhya Pradesh, India

M.Sc Dissertation: ‘’Isolation of TGF-β3 isoform cDNA from Xenopous leavis by RT-PCR strategy’’. Molecular Reproduction, Development and Genetics department, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India.

2002 – 2004: Junior Research Fellow, Molecular Reproduction, Development and Genetics department, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India.

Research work: ‘’Role of Estrogen Response Element Half Sites in Estrogen mediated Gene Regulation; Insights from Chicken Riboflavin Carrier Protein Promoter Characterization’’

April 2004-Sep 2007: PhD at the DFG-funded Graduate College 335, ‘’Clinical, Cellular and Molecular biology of the internal organs’’ Georg-August-University, Goettingen, Germany. Postgraduate student Thesis title: ‘’Regulation of rat liver glucokinase gene expression by sterol regulatory element binding protein-1a and forkhead box class O1 transcription factors’’.