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In this section we would like to detail the model used in sec. 2.5.2 to discuss the basic properties and structure of the solutions of the Eliashberg equations in our approach.

If the Eliashberg spectral function is taken as a δ-peak α2F(ω) = N δ(ω−ωph) normalized to the λph= 1 (eq. 2.2.21), the normalization constant N is then derived in the following way:

λph = 2 ˆ

dωα2F(ω) ω = 2


dωN δ(ω−ωph)

ω = 2N


→ N = λωph 2

Taking the DOS to be a flat function of energy we write its product with the phonon kernel (eq.

2.2.18) as:

NFKnnph0 = ˆ

dωα2F(ω)Dnn0(ω) = λωph

2 ˆ

dωδ(ω−ωph) −2ω (ωn−ωn0)22

=λ −ωph2 νnn2 02ph

The total Coulomb kernel of sec. 2.5.2 is modeled as a ξξ0-independent object but with proper frequency behavior, namely:

NFKnnc 0 =µ(1 +Knnpl0) =µ(1 +α νnn2 0

ωp2nn2 0


where the frequency structure of the Knnpl0 is precisely the one of the plasmon pole approximation (sec. 1.4.4). Plugging it all together in the Eliashberg gap equations (eq. 2.4.13-2.4.14and ignoring all mass renormalization effects, i.e.,Z = 1) we obtain the following form:

φphn =T λ









φn00) Θn00), Kˇnnph+++0 = ωph2

ω2phnn2 0

+ ωph2 ωph2n,−(n2 0+1)


φcn=−2T µ








(1 + α 2

nnp+++0n00) Θn00)

 ,

nnp+++0 = νnn2 0

ω2pnn2 0

+ νn,−(n2 0+1)

ωp2n,−(n2 0+1)

, φ =φphc, Θn00) = ω2n0022n00),

where the notations ˇKnnph+++0 and ˇKnnp+++0 for the frequency dependence of the kernels are introduced, and φcstat (eq. 2.4.13) is combined with φc,dyn (2.4.14) into the Coulomb gap φcn(ξ) for simplicity.

In this form the overall size of the Coulomb interaction is expressed byµin the static case and by the product µα in the dynamic one.


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It is not the places that grace the men, but men the places. When I think about my five-years stay at MPI Halle, I completely agree with this expression. I would like to thank all of the MPI family for the support, for the fruitful working atmosphere and for the bright events which we had at MPI.

In particular, I am proud to be the first official PhD-student of Dr. Antonio Sanna, from whom I learned everything I know now. His advises always helped me to solve the difficulties I faced during my PhD. I am grateful for his patience with the way I formulate things. I would like to thank Dr. John Kay Dewhurst and Dr. Sangeeta Sharma who gave me opportunity to contribute into the ELK code, from which I gained all of my current programming skills. And of course nothing would be possible without having such a brilliant head of our department, Prof.

Dr. E.K.U. Gross. I really hope to see and to work with these people again in the future.

I would also like to mention my colleges and first officemates C. Bersier and H. Glawe, I will never forget their jokes and funny stories started immediately after I arrived in Halle. At the same time I met N. Sardana and A. Senichev, we were recognized as ”Russian mafia” afterwards (in fact, not completely Russian and not completely mafia). I would like to thank M. Santo for a great help at the very beginning of my stay in Halle, for the beautiful apartment which she helped me to find.

I appreciate our mini-office-coffee seminars with my new officemates T. M¨uller and E. Kraisler.

I am grateful for the reliable work of our secretary I. Goffin, who could solve any adminsitrative problem. And finally, I would like to thank my family and my wife for their support, for their patience and for being with me all this time.

The work presented in the thesis was sponsored within the International Max Planck Research School (IMPRS) program.