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Milky Way Mass Galaxies

Im Dokument The outer halos of elliptical galaxies (Seite 128-134)

5.2 Fitting a Power-Law to the Outer Stellar Halo

5.2.1 Milky Way Mass Galaxies

In a first approach we want to understand how well the outer stellar halo of Milky Way mass galaxies can be described by a power lawρ∝ rγ, and which range of slopes those power laws cover. For this purpose, we bin particles in logarithmically evenly spaced radial shells from 3 to 1000 kpc, excluding the innermost part of the galaxies and reaching out far beyond the virial radii of galaxies in the Milky Way mass range (≈200 kpc).

Since our mass resolution in Box3 hr is still low, the number of particles in the outer stellar halos is also low; however, if we stack the density profiles of our 458 halos, the resulting profiles are smooth and well resolved, as shown in Fig. 5.2. The stacked dark matter profile is much flatter than the stacked density profile for the stellar halo, and never reaches slopes as steep as the stellar profile, while the


stellar density profile becomes even steeper with larger radii, in agreement with other simulations (e.g., Bullock & Johnston (2005) and Pillepich et al. (2014)). Comparing the stacked stellar density profiles with and without satellites (blue and red curves in Fig. 5.2, respectively), we clearly see that the substructures become important only in the far outskirts of the halo, while both profiles are identical for smaller radii. For radii around the virial radius the substructures dominate the stellar density profile and the density of the stellar halo of the central galaxy becomes negligible.

Following Deason et al. (2014), we fit a power law to the stellar density profile within the ra-dius range of 40 kpc to 100 kpc. We find that in this range the stacked stellar density profile can be described very well by a power law with a slope ofγout = −6, as shown by the dashed line in Fig. 5.2, while the stellar profile gets steeper for larger radii. This is in very good agreement with the measurement from Deason et al. (2014) for the Milky Way halo; however, it is in contradiction to the observations for the Andromeda galaxy, where−2 & γout & −3. The fact that the substructures do not strongly dominate the stellar profile in the radius range of 40 kpc to 100 kpc is also in good agreement with the results from (Deason et al., 2014), who find that their observed density slope is the same whether they include the substructures or not.

Since the mass resolution of Box3 hr is too low to study the outer stellar density profiles of the individual galaxies, we cannot use this simulation for a detailed study of the scatter of stellar density slopes around the mean value ofγout = −6. Therefore, albeit reducing the number of halos significantly, we use Box4 uhr to address this question. In the Milky Way mass range of Mtot ≈ 1×1012Mwe find 24 halos atz = 0. As shown in the left panel of Fig. 5.3, the stacked profiles for these halos provide similar results as the stacked profiles from the larger box despite the smaller number of galaxies. However, the curves are less smooth and more strongly influenced by the residuals of the substructures, as can be seen in the small excess around 100 kpc in the stacked stellar density profile without satellites, which corresponds to a large density peak in the stacked stellar plus satellite density profile with a strong drop at 100 kpc visible in both profiles.

The right panel of Fig. 5.3 shows the individual stellar density profiles of the 24 galaxies, including the substructures (blue lines). As can clearly be seen from this figure, the stacked stellar density profile excluding the substructures (red solid line) is a very good overall approximation of the general behaviour of these individual stellar density profiles, since each galaxy only has very few (or even no) substructures which show up as a very localised peak in the density profile, without changing the global behaviour of the stellar density profile. Thus, excluding the substructures, the individual stellar density profiles of all our 24 galaxies in the Milky Way mass range are similar to each other.

A histogram of the outer stellar density slopeγout atz = 0 of our galaxies is shown in the upper left panel of Fig. 5.4, where we also see the similarity of the individual stellar density profiles if the substructures are excluded from the fit (red line). We clearly see a maximum for values of the slope of −5 > γout > −6, with only very few halos scattering towards flatter slopes of−2 > γout > −3.

However, this scatter covers the slope observed for Andromeda, indicating that, while the Milky Way behaves more like the average galaxy in this mass range, the values for Andromeda are still within the expected range of slopes.

This figure also shows that the slopes become strongly disturbed towards both steeper and flatter slopes when the substructures are not subtracted, depending on the radial position of the substructure and the radial range of the fit. If the power-law fit catches the tail of the peak of the substructure, the resulting slope is much steeper than the actual slope of the outer stellar halo of the central galaxy. If the power-law fit catches the rising part of the substructure peak, the resulting slope can even become positive if the substructure is very massive.

Figure 5.3: Left panel: Same as Fig. 5.2 but for all 24 halos with Mtot 1×1012M from Box4 uhr.

Right panel: Stellar density profiles for the 24 individual galaxies with Mtot 1×1012M from Box4 uhr including substructures (blue lines). The red curve shows the same stacked density profile of the stars without substructures as in the left panel. The cut-offon the lower part of the blue curves shows the one particle per bin limit of the individual halos (resolution limit). We see that, even if the stacked profile with satellites does not follow the red curve, the individual curves scatter around the red curve, since the satellites only cause peak-like features in the individual profiles which otherwise follow approximately the red stacked curve.

As shown in the other three panels of Fig. 5.4, this is true for halos with total masses ofMtot ≈ 1 ×1012M at all redshifts. At z = 0.5 (upper right panel), z = 1 (lower left panel) and z = 2 (lower right panel), the distribution of stellar density slopes at radii of 40 kpc to 100 kpc always peaks around −5 > γout > −6, with a broadening of the distribution for the slopes when the substructures are not subtracted. The halos at those redshifts are, as for z = 0, solely selected according to their total mass, independent of their morphology or their present-day properties. This indicates that the outer stellar halos of galaxies of Milky Way mass are very similar, independent of the redshift, and thus there must be a universal mechanism assembling those stellar halos which is independent of the redshift and thus also of the star formation (which is enhanced at higher redshifts in both simulations and observations, see for example Steinborn et al. 2015 and references therein for a compilation of simulated and observed data) and only dependent on the mass. This is also visible in the stacked density profiles at different redshifts, shown in Fig. 5.5.

While the total mass of the selected halos is always Mtot ≈ 1× 1012M, the properties of the central galaxies can be very different. It is therefore interesting to investigate whether the outer stellar slopesγoutare correlated with the properties of the individual galaxies in the center or not. We tested several properties, with the four most interesting results shown in Fig. 5.6. For all galaxies, we use the classification based on the circularity of the stars with an additional cut in the cold gas fraction, as described in Sec. 2.4.1. Disk galaxies are shown in blue, spheroidals in red, and galaxies which cannot be classified with this crude criterion are colored in green. The upper left panel of Fig. 5.6 shows the average agehziof the stellar content of the central galaxy. While we see no real correlation between the outer stellar slope γout andhzifor the spheroidals and the unclassified galaxies, the disks have


Figure 5.4: Histograms of the power-law slopes γout fitted to the stellar density at 40 kpc to100 kpcof the individual halos with Mtot 1×1012Mfrom Box4 uhr both including satellites (blue dashed lines) and excluding the satellite structures (red solid lines). Upper left panel: for 24 halos at z=0.Upper right panel:

for 18 halos at z=0.5.Lower left panel: for 28 halos at z=1.Lower right panel: for 12 halos at z=2.

Figure 5.5: Same as the left panel of Fig. 5.3 but for z=0.5(left panel, 18 halos), z=1(middle panel, 28 halos) and z=2(right panel, 12 halos).

a generally younger average stellar population, indicating ongoing star formation in good agreement with observations. However, the flatter slopes of−2 > γout > −3 all belong to halos surrounding a disk galaxy, although the reverse is not true since there are also disk galaxies that exhibit steep slopes of−5> γout>−6.

This is in agreement with the results shown in the lower left panel of Fig. 5.6, where the fraction of cold gas compared to the stellar mass is shown: All galaxies with large cold gas fractions are also disk galaxies, which proves that the cold gas properties are simulated well within the Magneticum Pathfinder simulation set due to better sub-grid models for the gas physics (e.g., Beck et al., 2015, see also Appendix A.8) and feedback models. The unclassified galaxies and the spheroidals show much lower fractions of cold gas, in agreement with the mean age of the stellar population as discussed in the previous paragraph. This is an improvement in comparison to previous simulations with GAD-GET and one of the reasons why the Magneticum Simulations produce both disk-like and spheroidal galaxies.

While the total mass of the halos is the same, the galaxies in their centers cover a much broader stellar mass range from about M ≈ 1×1010M to nearly M ≈ 1×1011M. However, there is no clear correlation between stellar mass and the stellar outer slopeγout, as shown in the lower right panel of Fig. 5.6, with the exception of the three galaxies with the flattest slopes. These galaxies are all in the low mass range and have a disk-like morphology, while the disk galaxies with steeper slopes are more massive. This is due to the fact that those halos which host central galaxies of nearly two magnitudes lower stellar mass are highly disturbed by several gas-rich substructures inside the dark matter halo which are currently in the process of merging, causing stripping of the stars into the stellar halo of the central galaxy, and especially actively forming stars. One of these three galaxies is shown in the left panel of Fig. 5.1 as an example halo that contains multiple substructures. Here, in addition to the stripping, the star formation in the outer areas of the galaxy increases the stellar density in the outskirts and therefore flattens the slope. This is a very interesting result considering that the Andromeda galaxy also exhibits a flatter slope, and its outer halo similarly overlaps with the outer halo of M33, with numerous other substructures visible in the observed density distribution (see,


Figure 5.6: Properties of the 24 individual galaxies with Mtot 1×1012Mfrom Box4 uhr at z=0versus the slope γout of the power-law fit to their stellar density at40 kpc to100 kpc. Filled circles show disks (blue), spheroidals (red) and unclassified galaxies (green) according to the morphological classification from Sec. 2.4.1.Upper left panel: Mean agehziof the stellar content of the central galaxy versusγout.Upper right panel: Spin parameterλtotfor the total halo within the virial radius versusγout. Lower left panel: Fraction of cold gas with respect to the stellar mass of the central galaxy within the halfmass radius versusγout. Lower right panel: Stellar mass within10%Rvirof the central galaxy versusγout.

e.g., Ibata et al. 2014). We note that the mean stellar density profile including the substructures shows a much flatter slope out to large radii, in contrast to the profile without substructures (left panel of Fig. 5.3, blue versus red curve), supporting the idea that the flat slope of the Andromeda stellar halo is related to its richness in substructures.

We conclude that the outer stellar slopeγoutis basically independent of the properties of the central galaxy. Nevertheless, we know that the spin parameter of the total halo is an important quantity (see Appendix A.4 for more details on the spin parameter and the angular momentum in Magneticum galaxies). However, as shown in the upper right panel of Fig. 5.6, there is no correlation between the total spinλtotand the outer stellar slopeγout. This is in agreement with our previous conclusion that there is a universality to the properties of the outer stellar halo of all galaxies of Milky Way mass, similar to what is known about the density profiles of dark matter halos, independent of central galaxy properties or the global spin parameter as well as the redshift.

Im Dokument The outer halos of elliptical galaxies (Seite 128-134)